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Show IS fi01NnOEUR0PE (.llMinlu- nml IMiili rite I IiiiIh Murkt I IIiiiim. I'lilnl Mali rlitK nmiKH.NK Ante 11 U I' Mini-ID, Mini-ID, pnalilrnt ntiil Kfiitntl muniiKcr of tin- Hum ii Mliilnif i-mpan inim In from fhliiiBo lh flrnt of tin wk III wa nut at I'ort Dm Inane b M I) Xl.irrli'in l.lnilhi iiuui- h wi of I lu Moffat roue! h liu tnK ln uriffil in look owr that line ullh n l of MiutlnK Kllconlte ahlpniinla from I'ort Dm lufiio thut He na nut rlroiml) Impnwatl ullli tht atiKkia lion l.lnill)) wilil thut CO per tent of the lnt rite output m the Hlmw-lnrr Hlmw-lnrr una IX'lliK alllppeil to KnKlanil, then behiK a larBe Inireaw In for-rlKii for-rlKii iltnniuil alme the behlnnlnic of the war Duiniath ileniunil fur thla auperlur h)ilrotnrbon produit hua dnreaaeil. owliilf to the fait tlmt formrrl) tnuih of the rooflnjr na niaile from It At the preatnt time rooHiiK manufuitur. rr are aubrtltutlmr KlUonlte anil a n reault an Inferior product la being turiud out I.lndle) I making- a complete exam. Imitlon of the c.ompunH propi rtle all of which hae now Item patented with the exieptlon of lew thun half it iluin ilalina |