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Show PRICE AND NEAM Mr Mid Mr. 0 n Horner time token the r V T Huffman reM dence In the southeast part of the clt Hhnrc of the Cnstle Valley Coal compnn), operating nt Muhrland are quoted for wile lj Salt Lake City bro. kcr At $3 Or. The. telephone line being hullt along the Midland trail ocmim the dowrt by J N Corhln In completed and In e between Cisco nnd Mack Wllllnm It Pace who recently sold out his furniture nnd undertaking business nt Price, hna taken the I'ord tigenc) for Millard count Oeorge II llenrh In able to be out on hla milk route nfter an Itinera of several dn). Mra Ileneh who aim him been 111, la much Improved Mra. John K Hansen waa hiwtemi Mundn) nrtemoon nt n plenmnt wi-clal wi-clal In honor of Mis Anna Prost of I'rlce. anva Kphralm a Knterprtw of laat thuradn) John Kktrl hna npplled to the Iwrnrd of count) ccimmlrwlonera for n wholo Mle nnd retail llijuor Jtcenno nt Spring (Hell He will o-up the Mllktrlrh ft Hhneffer building KggUaton St Mnthew nre working thlitfour tenma nnd thlrtrlx men nt thl'a time In thn lclnlt of Helper About the name number nre employed on rond Work out Nine Mile wn follow lug the Inltlatrlon of several cntidldntea nt Mamnlc Hall lart eum-Ing eum-Ing the ladlea of the Order of the Knatern Htar rcnril lee iream and i-nko to member nnd hdtnr. the latter lat-ter montl) from Helper Pour hundred telephone illrintorlea were wnt out thla week to aulnwrlbera of the Kantcrn t'tah Telephone company com-pany b) Manager J. Hex Mill, r The) came from Tho Hun prera with the cor done In two color. At Halt Ijtke I'll) lnt AVHlneda n mnrrlnge llFenmt wna Itwttied to Jenao N Ktlertaon of Monn nnd Mn Monro of Iognii The groom tnuglit nt Car-lion Car-lion Count) High pchnol taut yenr nnd la cngagid again for thla )enr, HrVernl of the cowbo)a with the liwlti I Iron xhow whlth ixhlblted nt l'rlce Inut Momltt). cleaned John K Drown of Monti of nbout n thourand dollar on horre ttmleMa nt (Irnnd Junction Colo while the how wna pin) Ing there lnt week 'Dfx' Tariona la nguln In hind thn dekk nt night at the 8io nftr u abort lrli to Halt Lake Cit). wlure be Malted with hi brother l)r I It I'nr-cona, I'nr-cona, nnd fnmll) l)r IMraon, who formrrl) relded nt I'rlre. la doing well profeiuJonnll) nt Ion A U Hutton, who riteutl) lulled the exposition nt Han Krnnilnco. otntra thnt thn woodwork turned out by the Curbon County High mhool tudent and which la on nxhlhlllon at the Utah building la nttructlng unununl Inter-eat, Inter-eat, nnd la one of the renll) excellent cxlill.lt ut the fnlr Klewlnrii In thla Ikkud of The fluri wilt be found announcement of the fall opening of the Unticrlty of IHnh nud the Agricultural College of Utah It la setting nbout time to decide what Institution ou wilt rend )oiir ho) or girl to nud thcMe ittlverluu inent ahould not be oerlooked Mlw, (Had) .Nelma of Price, who reientl) took the exnmlnittbin nt ' Price, ha licrn granted n tertlflcnte 1 b) Htnte Huiierlntendiint flow una ; which entitle her to teurh In the . count) achool until nxt June llir ' man) friend nre coiiknttiilatlng the I oung lad) on her aucce. Word come of thn death In Halt ; IjiVe Clt of Pomiieltcll, the Indian , who hot a trn cling miliamnu mar ' Colton ii enr or hko Pomptltih, I who wna aentenced to the penltentlar) had Imen rccinll) pardnmd He wa ' n brother of toka' unw The body ! wna Inken to M)ton for tmrlul II Ii lwl of Price ima licn p ', pointed genrrnl auperlnteniltnt at StatulardWIle, cffectl Auguat ISth 'He wna formerly with Ihn Pnlted I Htnlea l'uel company lit llluck Hawk in thn anmn poaltlon. but alnie lenlng ; there eernl munttw lnre Ima Iwen ! locuted In thla clt). Hherlff ienr) ha eened notice on '. ecr) aaloon man In Carbon count) calling intention to tha opening anil ' cloalnK of tlivlr plana of uulnc nnd '. thn regulation In connection there- with. Thn notice capeclall) npiille ' to entering a naloon on 8unda) Tile . aherlff cite that Ihn tate law niiwt : bv trlctly olmened Ml Mat. I Hoffmann itinrmlngl) entertained the hpworth lengtie member mem-ber on the lawn or the home of tier parent. Mr nnd Mr. U f lloffmnnn en North Ktxth rtreet Inat Tueadn) pcnlng The )-8nt wna taatefull) II-lumltmted II-lumltmted with lantern and presented R mt Inciting apieranre Dalnt) refrehmenb were rved Jodge William It Prye lm old hi rertdence In the nuthtxit wrt of tho nt to Mr. nnn Wnrd the tn-rtdemllon tn-rtdemllon being tw-nty-four hundrmt cjntkirii. Mr Warff la tne mother of Mra. ttobert MeKune The place con-tain con-tain a quarter block of ground with a fte-rmm hnuae At the figure given Mr Wnrd aerured n tmrgaln Price volunteer nre dartment cleareel txty dollar nt the dance given on Mnnda) evening lnt. nfter meeting expeneea of nlHttll flft) dollar. dol-lar. The money l to gn Into n fund for buying uniform. One of thn er) large! crowd ever nttendlng n danec In thla city tn preixnt A mot en-Joynlile en-Joynlile lltne 1 th erdlet of nil pre-ent The rtebtmt nnd the ttlo Verde CnptHT Mining comimnle nre ntrnng-Ing ntrnng-Ing to trt operntlon nt their mine In the vlclnltr of Copper llutte near Ouray nt once Colonel Tim ma I manager of the company nnd the ore It I raid will lie freighted out to Wnt-win Wnt-win nnd ahlppcd to the amelter la the Plntnh railroad A eonRldernble fone of mm will lie empli)crf 1 W IVtirtujii who ha been with the WflMtch More nt Homeret, Colo , for n numlier of enr hit bought out the Modern Mercantile compnn) nt Perron nnd I to take charge of the hulnc the flrt of September He I n brother-in-law of Oeorgi McDer-maid McDer-maid or Komeraet. Colo thn latter being be-ing manager of the Wnanteh Htoro TOmHin nt the Colorndo conl enmp The Honurael (Colo ) flrat nld tenm which will be In the content nt Caitle (Jnte tomorrow. recvntly took flrt ptlie In till work nt (Urn wood Spring. Colo , being awarded n pure of flft) dollar In gold and n Iolng cup Miltabl) cngrned thnt In1md nt two humlred nnd flft) dollar. Dr J It Itarll formerly of Price nnd 8nnn)lde I Instructor for the tenm II H ItutMge clerk of the dlMrlct ciiurt nt Moali ha receltid notice from Jiidgi A II Chrltcnon In pot-ponn pot-ponn the Augurt trm of dlxtrlrt court one week, from Augut I Gtli to ugimt 23d Juilge Chrlntenaon will not pre-aide pre-aide nt till con of i-ourt. hnlng exehnliged et with Judge Julln I) Call of the Pint Judicial dbitrlrt Judge Cull home I nt llrlghnm Clt) The Copper tllohe Mining nnd Hmel-ting Hmel-ting comimti) capital 140 ooi) In ahare or ten cent eiirli tin been 111-coriMirnleel 111-coriMirnleel nt I'rlre with A J Ithoad n prmlili nt J M (trnhnm lcc prM-dent. prM-dent. Tube Whltinore trenurr nnd U A Mctlee recrrtnr) with Chnrli MiDtmrd n general manngrr All five of Ihn nlnn nre director. The office of thn t-ompan) nrn to be nt Price C T llowen fornurl) county ilerk of Hmer) count). Ima wild hi Midland Mid-land garage nt Catln Dale to AUrr llro., Ilitlph, Kiimuel X nnd Carlo The gentlemen forme rl) llxrel In (Mix eland but fur aeveml jwrn liaxe been einpbord In and nlHiut the ) ernl conl enmpa of Carbon nnd Hmi ry coiintle. Samuel N Alger aened three )nr ua an expert mochanb nt Sunn)lde. while Carlo wn nn electrician elec-trician at Klorra. Itnlph hn nltto latel) been tmphocel nt Storm. Ilarr) IC Tlmw nud three friend nccompuiDlng him from the Hunt pumird through ltooieelt on the for-mcr for-mcr I'lntah re-aenatlon lnt Wedne. diiy en route to Ihn txpoltlon at Ban Prune lco The) hitn riaima reccnesl nt Hotel Ptah In Hull Uikn Clt) nnd were nxpeeted there lnt night or to-da) to-da) The) urn reported to liuw pa-ed pa-ed through Colton eterdny It wna thought the) might come oer the Midland trull through Price but It npjiear the) piuned up till clt) Homo fifteen to twent) biieball en-thualaata en-thualaata ncroinpnnled the Cimtln flntn tinm to Prlc-n 1nt fiunda) The mln-era mln-era are nn cxreptlonnll) Mrong team nnd wiped up tho local U) u aeon if thlrt)-fln to nothing Thn excellent pitching of llndger of the lilting club I reeponitnle for the one-rlded gnme Tho attendance) upon the game; wna light At Pain-lew lat Monday that tenm beat Hallna twent) -four to eight. Aerlll cif Price pile lied for thn I'nlr-ew I'nlr-ew tram. Hilniln) ficlifMil nt the Mrthodlut (.hiirch next Hunda) morning at 10 ei'clock with morning worrhlp ut 11 ei' lock The puHtor will preauti at thla erlrc, hi xubject being "A llurnlng Heart, the Secret of Hucc-cmnful Hell-glouN Hell-glouN l.lfc Kpworth league nt 8 o clock In the eenlng K)inlng null. Ject. How lei Make the World Hap-pic Hap-pic ' There will be no regular evening even-ing ncrnuin the puMor going to Helper to apeak nt the V M C A All nro cordlall) In IW d to thee erlce Ha) l)enera Dall) Nnwa of rcient date 1h Denver anil Itlo (Irande for nevernl enm hna been considering plan for electrifying It .nnln line In fact It war ubout read) to electrify Ita Halt l-ake ( dMnlon. where con illlluna ure pecullarl) favorable to mien n ehiingi Hut thew plaiw have been shelved llkn many other plan for development, hnonime of hotlle legUlatlon ugnlnkt rullroada In general mid the count iunt difficulty of getting get-ting capital with which to make contemplated con-templated hangcM I tab state fair J dlrntl) affeutcd by the cancellation of the proposed national live "lck hv In California step which wna taken Penalise of a fresh outbreak of tho foot and mouth disease In Illinois nnd other Kastern 8tutn. A a result the exhibit of mock from other state w be supplemented sup-plemented b) Ptah stock at the local fair next fall Horace 8. Knslgn. sec-retar) sec-retar) of the fair association, M)a that the xhlblt of Vtah atock will be the flnet In tha fair ahlBtor). Numerous exhibit of live stock fruit, eget-able, eget-able, and farm product general!) are to be taken from the Cntb.ui-F.mer) ralr at Prb-e to the rtnle fair The live stoek exhibit nt Price this enr la expected to be the beat ever Two large Pncknrd enra nttrnctcd conaldf table attention nt Price, when thei tKinled In to thla clt) last Tu-da) Tu-da) evening nnd hntted In front of the Bavo) The) wero from Denver, Colo, nnd nre owned b) U II Skinner Skin-ner and Mra Ito) Lnmphcre of the Colorado capital P C Skinner and Mra.' McDnnlel and members of tho Skinner nnd Lnrnphern families wero In tho large part) The) nre en route to the Yellowstone nnd nfter stopping over night at Price left for the west on Weelnestla) morning The road from here to Grand Junction Colo the pnrtv remrted la In fnlr condition Hit)' last Saturdn) a Castle Dnlo Progre end aftermath to the conferenee held here last Snturdn) nnd Hunda) nceurred when Hermann Thlede and Mr. Kd Jorgelisen of Clawnn were thrown to the ground when the conveyance In which the) were tiding wna crowing a culvert nt the John ttnsmusseit corner near the coutt Iioiipc Inst Hunda) afternoon The) were rushed to their homes b) ft Horenson Jr In In car nud met Dr J C (Irahnm mi tile rond The doctor aeeompnnleel them back to Chew mm nnd there attended them Mr Jorgelisen wn found to be suffering suf-fering from painful Injuries to her chest, finding breathing ver) difficult." diffi-cult." Judge PcrdlnnnH-sjtrlckscn nnd U O Hoffmann -TT Calln Dale Wednesda) to hear n ense before the locnl JuMIc there wherein John D Mle wn the plaintiff nnd Preston Nutter defendant Nile I alleged to have Jumped n hundred nnd rlxty nrre of land belonging to Nutter, which the latter haa clnlmeel b) possession pos-session ror several )cnnc Th lend In eiurstlon I cast of Sunn) side on Itange Creek Judgo Urlokren represented repre-sented Nutter while Attorney lloffmnnn lloff-mnnn appeared for Nile Nile I n cow puncher from Colorado who haa worked for Sutter n considerable time Nutter hn taken a much n n hundred hun-dred and rift) ton of ha) from the place nnnuall) for several season, nnd nt the same time ha expended hundred or dollar ror fencing nnd other Improvement. The ease wna dee Idee In Nutter's favor |