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Show CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS In the State in the performance of official duty. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors elec-tors of the State at the next general election in the manner provided for in Article XXI11, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Utah. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of the State, this amendment amend-ment shall take effect the first day of January, 1951. S. J. R. No. 3. o CONSTITUTIONAL fj O AMENDMENT ViQ, O (Passed February 28, 1949.) A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO- POSING TO AMEND SECTION 9, ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION CON-STITUTION OF UTAH, RELATING RELAT-ING TO COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE, LEGISLA-TURE, NOT EXCEEDING ?500.00 A YEAR FOR THE LEGISLATIVE LEGISLA-TIVE TERM AND $5.00 A DAY EXPENSES WHILE ACTUALLY IN SESSION. Be it resolved by the Legislature Legis-lature of the State of Utah, two-thirds two-thirds of all members elected to each of the two houses voting vot-ing in favor thereof: Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VI, Section 9, of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read: Section 9. The members of the Legislature shall receive such compensation, not exceeding $500.00 a year for the legislative term and $5.00 a day expenses while actually in session, and mileage as provided by law. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors elec-tors of the State of Utah at the next general election in the manner as provided for by Article XXIII, Section 1, Constitution Con-stitution of the State of Utah. Section 3. If adopted by the electors of the state, this amendment amend-ment shall take effect the first day of January, 1951. I. HEBER BENNION, JR., Secretary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY CER-TIFY that the foregoing is a fulL true and correct copy of the three constitutional amendments amend-ments proposed by the regular session of the Twenty-eighth Legislature, 1949, as appears of record in mv office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 1st day of September,1950. HEBER BENNION, JR. (SEAL) Secretary of State By Deputy CONSTITUTIONAL ,KT 1 AMENDMENT llO. 1 (Passed March 8, 1949.) A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING PRO-POSING AN AMENTMENT TO ARTICLE X, SECTION 8, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING TO THE CONTROL AND SUPERVISION SUPER-VISION OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE APPOINTMENT BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDU- CATION OF THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT SU-PERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. H. J. R. No. 5 Be it resolved by the Legislature Legis-lature of the State of Utah, two-thirds of all the members elected to each house concurring therein : Section 1. It is proposed to amended Article X, Sec 8, of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read: Sec. 8. The general control and supervision of the public school system shall be vested in a State Board of Education the members of which shall be elected as provided by law. The Board shall appoint the State Superintendent of Public Instruction who shall be the executive officer of the Board. Section 2. The Secretary of State is directsd to submit this proposed amendment to the electors elec-tors of the State at the next general election in the manner provided for in Article XXIII, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Utah. H J. R. No. 6 o CONSTITUTIONAL TVT- O AMENDMENT llO. It (Passed March 8, 1949.) A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING PROPOS-ING AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE AR-TICLE VII, SECTION 1, 10, AND 20 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RELATING RELAT-ING TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE EXECU-TIVE DEPARTMENT. TERMS, RESIDENCE, AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS; THE GOVERNOR'S APPOINTIVE POWER IN FILLING FILL-ING OF VACANCIES IN CERTAIN CER-TAIN OFFICES; AND THE COMPENSATION OF STATE OFFICERS. Be it resolved by the Legislature Legis-lature of the State of Utah, two-thirds two-thirds of all members elected to ach house concurring therein: Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article VII, Sec. 1, 10, and 20 of the Constitution of the State of Utah to read: Section 1. The E. xecutive Department shall consist of Governor, Gov-ernor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, and Attorney General, each of whom shall hold his office for four years, beginning on the first Monday of January next after his election, except that the terms of office of those elected at the first election shall begin when the State shall be admitted into the Union, and shall end on the first Monday in January A. D., 1901. The officers of the Executive Department, during their term of office shall reside at the seat of government, where they shall keep the public records, rec-ords, books and - papers. They shall perform the duties as are prescribed by this Constitution and as may be prescribed by law. Section 10. The Governor 3hall nominate, and by and with consent of the senate, appoint all State and district officers whose offices are established by this Constitution, or which may be created by law, and whose appointment or election is not otherwise provided for. If, during dur-ing the recess of the Senate, a vacancy occur in any State or district office, the Governor shall appoint some ' qualified person to discharge the duties thereof until the next meeting of the Senate, when he shall nominate some person to fill such office. If the office of Secretary of State, State Auditor, Audi-tor, State Treasurer or Attorney-General be vacated by death, resignation or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the Governor to fill the same by appointment, and the appointee shall hold his office until his successor shall be elected and qualified, as may be by law provided. Section 20. The Governor, Secretary of State Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney-General and such other State and district officers as may be provided for by law, shall receive for their services monthly, a compensation as fixed by law. The compensation for said officers as provided in all laws enacted pursuant to this Constitution, Consti-tution, shall be in full for all services rendered by said officers, offi-cers, respectively, in any official capacity or employment during their respective terms of office. No such officer shall receive for the performance of any official duty any fee for his own use, but all fees fixed by law for the performance by either of them of any official duty, shall be collected in advance and deposited with the State Treasurer monthly to the credit of the State. The Legislature may provide for the payment of actual and necessary expenses of said officers while traveling |