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Show Nuptial Vows Exchanged at Home Wedding In a simple but nicely arranged arrang-ed candlelight ceremony, Darlene Sheppard became the wife of Richard Rich-ard Stagg on Friday evening, Oct. 20, at 7 p. m. at the home of the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. biagg. Late summer flowers and autumn aut-umn colors were used throughout the rooms, formed beautiful setting set-ting for the affair. The young couple exchanged vows, before a bank of featherly chysanthmums and lighted candles cand-les in silver holders, Bishop E. M. Williams of the Second ward officiated. of-ficiated. Only close family members were present. The bride was attended by Mrs. Merrill Smith of Salt Lake City, matron of honor, while Robert Rob-ert Stagg assumed the duties of best man for his brother. Others standing in line were the bride's mother, Mrs. Jeanette Bowers and the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stagg. For her wedding the bride chose a smart maron suit with gray accessories, ac-cessories, and on her shoulder was pinned an orchid. Mrs. Smith wore tan enchanted by a corsage of pink and white carnations. Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Stagg wore afternoon af-ternoon dresses, with gardenias. A buffet luncheon followed. The serving table was centered by a gorgeous wedding cake flanked by white candles in crystal holders. The newlyweds left the same e-vening e-vening for California where they are currently enjoying a honeymoon, honey-moon, before establishing their new home. Witnessing the ceremony besides besid-es the bridal couple and their parents, par-ents, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stagg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hanson of American Fork; Mrs. Thos. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mer-rill Smith, Mrs. Gilbert Stagg, Miss Patsy Sitiith, of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Harry Williams of Lark. |