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Show LOCAL NEWS A son was born on Wednesday, October 18, to V. Keith and Louise Armitstead Adamson of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Newman returned re-turned for a ten day vacation trip through the Pacific Northwest. Going by way of Idaho, into Oregon, Ore-gon, they visited Portland and other oth-er places of interest. Then on through the Redwoods to Vallejo, California, where they visited their daughter Leora Bingham and family. fam-ily. At VVatsonville ,they visited another daughter Lucile Benich and family and was introduced to a new granddaughter, the three months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benich. They returned home by way of Dormer's Pass, and Reno, Nevada, and report a very pleasant vacation vacat-ion with many new and delightful experiences. |