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Show GRAND COULEE DAm) I NEARLY COMPLETED ; s; I RICH soil, dirt CHEAP; 40 Yours, ; nr 7 without interest, to pay Water ltifiht. j i Crop Kotntion Plan; Govt, soil Maps; ! i a' i Soil Samples; FKKE colored MOVING ' I l'ICTIJKES at 65 Exchange Flnco ',' I Salt Lake City. u : S3 I GRAND COULEE SETTLERS sll I LAND CO. V. F. PAVEY, Mgr. of Here's a Design for Rag Rug Enthusiasts By RUTH WYETII SPEARS XTAKE one rag rug and you will find yourself a member of an enthusiastic clan that gloats over any soft piece of old woolen goods and who count the days until they fall heir to a dress of a particular color that they want. These enthusiasts en-thusiasts bleach materials to tone them down; they brighten others 4!f1 c, light r, fjlgk CENTER g.. ry.jS X dark fi'f..$ . i I I, 1 ..LIGHTfc i 4;ir Y ffv Vc) 3 8GREEN f 1' 1 J ?Z LEAVES" "J rf 1 BORDER FOR 30"RUG init """""""a, 'Rows TArf 'V'!1 6REEM with dye; they antique some with tea and they have a wonderful time. The sketch gives all the directions direc-tions you will need to copy this fascinating braided rag rug with a flower medallion in the center. Or you may make two of the medallions, me-dallions, sew them together and acid a braided handle for a knitting knit-ting bag. Braid the fabric strips tightly and keep the work flat while you sew the circles for the roses and the loops for leaves; then sew them together. NOTE: Thera ara two other fascinating fascinat-ing braided rug designs In Mrs. Spears' Book 3 and the new Book 6 contains directions direc-tions for a hooked, braided and a crocheted cro-cheted rag rug. "The Rug That Grew Up With the Family" la In Book 3. Each book has 32 pages of pictures and directions. direc-tions. Send order to: MS? HOTELS sa( . of When In RENO, NEVADA stop it the pal HOTEL GOLDEN Reno's largest and (er most popular hotel. NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT NON-SUKGICAL INJECTION TREATMENT reg Piles - Hernia PAINLESS PERMANENT j of Special reduced fees for out-of-town patients, res THE LAWRENCE CLINIC E 144 East South Temple Salt Lain Sit) WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET S MRS. RUTII WYETH SPEARS Drawer 10 Bedrord mils New York Enclose 20 cents for Books 3 and 6. Nama . Address Don7t be a Remember that your nose Is not made of rubber. If you keep on blowing and blowing, it's bound to become red, sore, and swollen. So stop blowing. The easy, modern way to clear itopped-up nostrils due to a cold Is to use Mentholatum. All you need io is insert this gentle ointment in-llde in-llde your nostrils spread some out-lide, out-lide, too. See how quickly it clears up the stuffiness ana relieves irritation irrita-tion how it checks sniffling and ineezing. Once you use Mentholatum you'll lay it's wonderful. It helps in so many different ways that you should always remember this: For Discomforts Discom-forts of Colds Mentholatum. Link Jhern together In your mind. ; mu VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 600,000 MEN WANTED Mem Shipyards, Airlines, Aircraft Factories ! WE TRAIN YOU FOR THEM : . RADIO OPERATING and SERVICING, m SHEET METAL. K BOILER MAKING LAYOUT. ..PATTERN MAKING and WOOD WORK. fwe ING. , eye ACME VOCATIONAL CENTER like 49 West 3rd So. Salt Lake City, Utah incf EYE GLASSES REPAIRED f g . i Send Your Broken Spectacles Direct to Optical Laboratories, 252 So. Main, Salt Lakft mdl Exact duplications. Save the difference. thre real WALL PAPER both Felt Wall Paper Company has iust received its first carload of New 1941 Wallpapers Wint direct from the mills. All patterns priced extremely low. Extra special 200 or more 1940 Patterns from which to selects-No V reasonable price refused. Come early, shop He and save at FET'S, chai 245 South State Salt Lake City the RAW FURS WANTED stub ' with FALL MARKET Prlca Paid for domestlt and wild Rabbit Hydes and all other Iur uuel Bring or ship them to Whe R. C. ELLIOTT & COMPANY forr tO North 3rd West Salt Lake City savg BABY CHICKS 'rBy fBLOODTESTED ClAfQ 2"d 1 U. S. APPROVED nllij ni2ec Sixteen breeds. Leghorns, Common ,calrp Heavies. A $7.50. AA $8.50, AAA e S9.50, H Mix $6.35. Prepaid liv -Crul delivery. Sexed chicks also. Tea' COLORADO HATCHERY, Denver, Colorado V' OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, files, last ( typewriters, adding mch's, safes, bk-cases. S. L. DESK EX.. 35 W. Broadway, Salt Lake WHEN IN SALT LAKE te The best food in Salt Lake is served by and ; The MAYFLOWER CAFE g C at 154 South Main POPULAR PRICEE Jrum Luncheons, Dinners and Sandwiches But SEED CATALOGUE Soc met,. Ss' ''Si Yours without a cent of cost for i -izi limply idling 40 packs' Ameri t'tf i,""-' con Vttgetobl ond Flower. I 21 TJV Seeds at 10c per largo pack. 1 5 I I 3 tj'" Write now for FREE Lariat, seeds, A S i Iff iV'. ond BIO GIFT BOOK showing over yJ APT If 70 olher prizes to choose from. 7(';'ViAai 6END NO MONFf-WE TRUST TOU. !Ai;VSINCINO UJIlAT AMERICAN SEED CO., INC DeptS.244Lancoter, Pa. HOTEL. BOISE. IDAHO Largest sad finest hotel io Idaho. Two hundred beautifully beauti-fully appointed rooms. Only fireproof hotel in Boise. Located Lo-cated in heart of ciric, gor-emmental gor-emmental and business district. dis-trict. EXCELLENT FOOD MODERATE RATES HAHAouiuir or vterau. a. mc mm LiM, pack WNU Week No, 4107 SjVLTLAKE HOTEL BEN LOMONdI d Ue j OGDEN, UTAH , .jte.. "Y cont 1 4 v ' .1; tetrt( 3 " -4 'pat i . j , , . ' iipvt That 1 ' S I' . ' '" ! s, V-tL w !she I -Hya1 -- i.t 150 Room-350 Bathe - $2.00 to $4 00 j1' Famllr Rooma for peron - H-00 ull U Air Cooled Lonnjte and Lobby i I (irlll Room ColTee Ship Tap Room High Home of 'e3llv Rotary Klwanis Executive! Exchange Optimiata "2t)-30" ( Chamber of Commerce and Ad Club e Hotel Ben Lomond OGDEN, UTAH til Come aa joa are sSs n. T. K. Fltiirerald. Mir. ' 4 S' |