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Show Chamber Of Commerce Prepares For Annual Dinner-Dance And Election Of Directors Extensive preparations are being made for the annual dinner-dance of the Pleasant Grove Chamber of Commerce to be held in the high school Saturday evening. Only certified members of the organization will be eligible to attend, it was announced by President F. C. Shoell. As a result of the recent successful drive for membership conducted con-ducted by Frank Heidenreich, chairman, chair-man, it is expected that 125 members mem-bers and their partners will attend the affair. Mrs. Iva Carlson of the High school Foods department has charge of the dinner which will be served at 7:30. The table committee includes in-cludes Harry Richards and Vilace Radmall. Mr. Shoell is arranging for favors for the ladies. William C. Smith will act as master of ceremonies. cere-monies. The theme for the evening is to be "a greater Pleasant Grove through Democratic Cooperation." Election of a board of directors will take place during the dinner, and the results will be announced at the dance which follows. Nominees from whom the selection selec-tion of directors will be made are H. E. Bradley, Owen Ash, Grant Rob-bins, Rob-bins, William Smith, Joseph Day, H. S. Richards, Ertman Christensen, Calvin Swenson, Robert Marrott, Vern Cullimore, Frank Heidenreich and La Veil Boren. o |