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Show I Yoke-Sleeve Design House Frock That's Very Easy to Make PATTERN 9623 I) 9623 Ml J Ambitious beginners who have never sewn a stitch, hut realize the economy In a home-made frock, will llnd this simple yoke-sleeve design an excellent nay to learn to sew. The collarless neck (so com .'ort able, and easy to Iron), short sleeves and yoke cut in one, and an absolutely plain skirt, sum up its easy to-make features. A few yards of pietty percale per-cale or broadcloth, and a card or two of bright buttons will tlnd yon launched on a career that's to prove of great satisfaction and llnanelal saving to you. Pattern 01)23 may be ordered only in sizes 11, 10, IS, 120, 3'J, 3-1, 30, 3S, 40 and 42. Size 1G requires 3Vi yards 30-inch fabric. Send fifteen cents In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for tills pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name, nddress, style number and size. Complete, diagrammed sew chart included, t Send your order to The Sewing : Circle Pattern Dept., 23'J W. Eighteenth Eight-eenth St., New York, N. Y. ife (Ulyfil' a: F---m XAAjLj T-T.V'-'- ---4hli Y. V, t,'i- -"'r? V - V&faj'Jfi's. " -aA.a ' 1 L - :,.:..'-.-) 300Cand!c- r " V ! power "Live J j Piessurs Li a lit ', TillS two-ir.r-.r.ltc frm.n K'.t.- ,- .. . ; , ,'A ,.tio n::ri.;oi-'t;i.,"' " - 'Ay l, ir;.3 'A'' 'ur fltf- . . . 4i kr'Mto "":. . cl). fna.rfv...rlr.rrp WQDCL p.,-.,rr of live , c-yo- V, w- ' ! mvir V. bn"i''r'-'- K.v' '. I r.rc r.nd hcll'T lirnt t I Irr.sc-sU Amr'.l;vr- , I ,,:1r.K.n to thn fm" ; , , . I Coicman Casolino i'r'-:;- f,-'"' . x ,w junr. Safo...tho f,.lfiintir.mri'i"if 'limns " .-..,i-kl ' on.lr'-l. .mi"-'''.'"' v'.,',' .6llw lr, tnn; notm'.ty thirnn. y. ' f,:,ti,iliiJ. t0DeJr,di.'.n Cranio w.th a. tr..c.iv. |