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Show Pleasant Grove Locals j ' Mis Gerlrude G our ley of Nephi I is home lor a holiday visit with Su-j Su-j perinlendcnt and Mrs. Gourley. Mar!; Gamett, who Ls working at Las Vegas, Nevada, spent the holidays holi-days with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. C- A. Gamett. Other visitors at the Gamett home were Mr. and Mrs. LaVell Gamett of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and children of Salt Lake City. Bobby Hayes of Salt Lake is visiting visit-ing at the home of S. A. Kirk. Mrs. William Hone spent tire week end with Payson relatives. The Personal Finance Company of Provo, lends up to $300.00 for a monthly payment of $0.72 for each $100.00. 12-6-tf. O. Hanson. Eaton of Vernal has been spending the past month with the Marion Hatch family. Miss Ruth Lee Master spent Sunday Sun-day and New Years day at her home in Provo. Mrs. Fred Young, with her parents of Provo, is spending the holidays Mr. Hebcr Clark, one of our oldest citizens, is ill at his home-Mrs. home-Mrs. Jens P. Fugal was a business visitor at Provo Tuesday. Richard Shoell spent the past week at Garland, visiting with Mr. i and Mrs. William Cullimore and with relatives in California. Miss Betty Carlson spent the week with her brother, Keith and family at Farmington. I Mr. and Mrs. Elroy West entertained enter-tained at dinner Sunday lor Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel West, Mr. and Mrs-Vivian Mrs-Vivian West, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. i Warnick and Mrs. Nellie Halliday I and Mr- and Mrs. J. Wallace West j of Salt Lake City. ; I Church News President Rowan of the Texas . mission was the speaker at the Third j ward Sunday evening. Mrs. Rowan sang "Not Understood" and Roy Fage sang a solo, "In the Garden of Tomorrow." Conjoint meetings are scheduled for Sunday night in the various wards. It has been announced that quarterly quar-terly conference for Timpanogos stake will be held Saturday evening and Sunday, January 11 and 12. Elder Ford West and Ervine Smith were speakers at the Second ward Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. G- Y. Anderson spent New Year's day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B- Hales at Provo- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Allen and daughter, daugh-ter, Joan, of Provo, were dinner guests at the home of S. W. Hilton Sunday. The Third ward entertained the children of the ward at a dancing party on New Year's day. Reece Wadley of Baker, Nevada, is visiting with his relatives here- Clara Nell Hilton and Donna Kimball Kim-ball spent Friday with Mrs. Emily I W. Tyler at Provo. LeGrande Richins and bride of California, have been in Pleasant Grove visiting among relatives and friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Huntsman and babe, are spending the holidays with Mr. Huntsman's family at Las Vegas, Chris Williamson has been busy the past week moving his family to their new home at Vernon, Utah- Bobby Hayes of Salf Lake City, has been visiting with Warren Kirk, the past week. Nevada. Miss Erna Neves has been visiting with her family here, she is attending attend-ing the L. D. S. Business College at Salt Lake. Mrs. Minnie Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pederson and children chil-dren spent Sunday visiting with relatives at Sandy. Mi-. Leo Oler of Shelley, Idaho, and Glen and June Oler of Salt Lake, are visiting with their grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Adeline Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Arnel Green and children Carol -and Arnel spent the week with their daughter and son-in-law, Air. and Mrs. Kenneth Er- Bishop and Mrs. Stanley B- Harris Har-ris entertained for the Harris family at a New Year's dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl A- Beck attended at-tended a party Monday night at Spanish Fork, given by,' Miss Anna Stark in honor of her brother, Henry- Mrs. Wesley Beck entertained at dinner Monday evening for Elvin and Mabel Thome, David and Flor-Walker Flor-Walker and Mrs. Peter Jensen A New Year's eve social event was a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walker at their home in American Fork canyon. Mr. and Mrs- Alvin Carlson and two daughters of Salt Lake City, visited vis-ited with relatives hers Tuesday and Wednesday. The Misses Hazel West and Hazel Carlson entertained at a New Year's Watch party at the home of Hazel j West. canbrack of Eureka. Mrs. Gerald Watkins and children were holiday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Shoell. Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen spent Thursday as a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. LaVell Johnson of Wallsburg. Pauline Loveless, Nell Schoerrer and Keturah Francom of Payson, are I holiday visitors of Delilah Fugal and Jennie Hone. Stanford H- Steele, who is attending' attend-ing' school at the B. Y. U., has spent the past two weeks with his grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Amelia Thompson. Mr- and Mrs. Harry Steele of Lago, Idaho, spent the past week with Mrs. Steele's mother, Mrs. Amelia Thompson- Margaret Olsen returned Sunday to resume her school duties at Delta, Utah, she has been visiting her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Olsen during the holidays. Honoring the birthday anniversary of Miss Delilah Fugal a group of 15 mends -au-eiiueu a. Thursday night, after which they enjoyed refreshments at her home. President and Mrs. W. W. Warnick and President and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen Chris-tiansen went to Salt Lake Sunday to hear the redation of the Messiah at the tabernacle. Mr Eugene West entertained Sat- irrday night for the Misses Leona Burch and Bernardine Richins of, Provo Edna Fugal, Gwen West, Lowell Richins, Rhodin Christiansen Christian-sen and Myron Jense. A pleasant event of the week was a social at the home of M. C. Christiansen Chris-tiansen Wednesday evening in hon-i or of Mr. and Mrs- Hans Williamson, who leaves in the near future to ' make their home at Vernon, Utah. Marlin Christiansen, who has spent the fall and winter with his uncle at Preston, Idaho, arrived home 'Friday for a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Christiansen. Hugh Wadley, who has occupied the Niels Swensen home on Center street has moved into his new home on the Ed Ball property. Nello Nielsen Niel-sen has moved into the Swensen home. A progressive Watch party by the same crowd of Pleasant Grove's Socialites So-cialites was hilariously enjoyed Tuesday Tues-day evening. The group met at the Millen R. Radmall home and ended with a dance at the C. L. Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olsen entertained enter-tained at a Watch party New Year's eve Wesley Beck, Duanne Harper, Elvin Thorne and their wives, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith of American Amer-ican Fork were guests. The same Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stott 01 Palm Springs, California, spent Friday Fri-day with Mr. Stott's sister, Mrs. Loren Lor-en Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stott, her parents and nieces, Marjory and Audry Smith, and her brother Carrol Car-rol Stott of Duchesne, were also Friday visitors. The following relatives from Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove attended a birthday party at Spanish Fork Saturday night in1 group met Saturday night and stir-. stir-. prised Mr. Wesley Beck on his birthday birth-day anniversary. The adult members of the Anderson Ander-son family enjoyed a .Swedish dinner at the home of Mr. Wilford Anderson Ander-son Monday evening. Members of the family present were Mr. and Mrs. Alma Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs Albert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Richins, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Walker, Mr. and Mrs- Lorm iwc-st Mr. and Mrs- Howard War-! War-! nick ' Mr- and Mrs. Wilford Ander-1 Ander-1 -on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilton, honor of Walter Darling: Mr. auu Mrs. Alma Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs M S. Christiansen, Mr. . and Mrs. Alma Radmall, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christiansen, Mrs. Ole Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Williamson, William-son, Air. and Mrs. Owen Christiansen' Christian-sen' Mrs. Josephine Bezzant, Mrs. Thora Bezzant and Mr. William Ellis. j Tire O. M. S. held their annual formal party Friday evening at the heme of William Preston in Amen- can Fork, the evening's entertain-: ment consisted of a dinner, exchange of gifts and social chat, the colors were in keeping with the Christmas se-ison Those attending from Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove were: Airs. Edna C. Gourley Gour-ley Edna Fugal. Gcan Biennis Phyllis Hilton, Margaret Lee and Norma Terry and the Misses Jennie Burch and Edith Preston of American Ameri-can Fork. Ordl and Wairen Anderson. Friends sunised Mr- and Mr.-J j-ick Conwav at their home Monaay evening when a jolly social time was enjoyed. Card games and refresh-'. merits were the order of the evening. , These enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Llovcl Gray, Mr. and Mrs- Oa.ni Clark. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robertson. Robert-son. Byron and Dewey Adamson ana their wives- |