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Show O GRANDSON OF LOCAL COUPLES WINS ORATORICAL HONORS I Richard Wootton, son of Tracy I and Luna Chipman Wootton of Salt' Lake City, and a grandson of Mr. j and Mrs. William Chipman, Mr. and I Mrs. John H. Wootton of American Fork, was one of the two winners of the annual D. A. R. patriotic oratorical ora-torical contest held at the Er..st High School in Salt Lake. Mr. Wootton spoke on "The Spirit of the R. O. T. I C." and received his award from H. 1 R. Waldo in behalf of the National S Society of Colonial Daughters. Both boys and girls competitive medals were prc.er.tcd. Mr. Wootton is a senior at the East IKijh. from which institution he I graduates this spring. This is the . .-econd distinct honor along this line that has come to him, he having wen the Stephens oratorical medal in 'Salt Lake a year ago. |