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Show Or. Pierces Pellets are W , bowels and stomach. One lit fo' i laxative-three for a Cath"e Do this for j TWO WEEKS How to rid any boy or girl of sl r or constipation and build a big n The trouble with children J, not eat is usual stasis. The - : y toms are a tongue that's i:-' p coated, bad breath, poor cdo-' ' . eyes that are often a bilious t' j N appetite, no ambition-ev,-' play. Hard to get to sleep, h wake in the morning. There's an absolute remei-t remei-t this condition. It giTes . youngsters the appetite and', , gies of a young animal! Thet : , They gain! They keep wellf' ; 1 It's not the stomach, but ; bowel condition that keeps elf from eating. Eut the trouble1 -the lower bowel the colon. ' ' fornia syrup of figs is tie i;' "medicine" that is needed to s; late the colon muscles. The ;; next day, your child is eatin ' ter and feeling better. Keep ol -:; the syrup of figs a few day; ' you will see amazing impm -': in appetite, color, weight andsi Any drug store has the real :: fornia syrup of figs, all bottled directions. Kature never e -' nicer acting or nicer tastins : -tira (It Is purely vegetable") ' member California syrup e: when sickness, a cold or any: has clogged a child's bowels, ; WARNING: Even when ifu ':Z thing to give children, soma :. will try to substitute. So le s-.s ' bottle says CALIFORNIA 1 . - of Figs. "w . -p. Don't Trifle WithOn; Don't let them get a strande . - - right germs quickly. Creomuik .." bines the 7 best helps knoraton: '.'J. science. Powerful but harmWPi 'Ti "w. iunarcoiics. lonrdn-il refund your money if anycrjz r matter how long standiogis- ir: beved by Creomulsion. " :s dltlon of your stomach i; -your complexion. SparkL:; " -i fresh, unblemished skin ft- ' v rally with a clean, "rcvluli. i C'Icanse internally withGf ' ; 'V: SST 'T 8 Pleasant, prompt, - atures'owabeautyaJiiM- : t 3 SAMPLE FREE: Garfield Tea Co., P.O1 ' UARFIEIDM; a natural laxative drb ; Fisheries Stocked i'i-. The government ilistrilic: OOO.tXH) fish and eegs In lft E ;i Bronchial Coij & If ASSSsfTsfe r4 made miser , ;SrM bronchial ? i would m- --Sr.-. if-Jr cus and - ',..,.' tifgirL chills an; -C.. "WK-H sweats ano tired MiK W ; said Jtrs. I,. VTyntt of 226 : .v,!fi. tnin St. "Xfv mother inst"' '-7 " '"' take Dr. Picroe's Golden 11; . ' covery and I rortainly am !: did. It scorned to work on t. ..; .. so that I picked right of . ., : etrotiBer, the conch dis.'ippfJ" 1 ( no loneer had dulls or ui.rf1' ' ; J; : - . M rli to Pi-. Virmft OM Bo''1 : '. . for frto mcillrnl n,lTtr. ' v I Heed promptly blaiMfr B ularitics, petting ups' I may warn of some ,. I kidney or bladder con- . ; I Users everywhere tt ' I Donn's Pilh. TraiscJ fl,r h,; 1 . iDDANSii;-: |