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Show I SPERRY'S SURELAY j I WILL INSURE MORE PROFIT FROM j YOUR FLOCK A Quality, Uniform Feed Get the Best, It Costs Less I Am. Fork 0. pJ Skaggs System 1 I Store I FRI. & SAT. 1 Extra large Oranges, $ Dozen 20c H I Matches, 6 boxes 25c a Bananas 5c lb. 9 I 10 pounds Utah Sugar 54c l k. No. 2 can Tomatoes 7c 3 Shaver's Grapefruit, 2 j i - cans 25c I Palmolive Soap, 5 bars 23c I Quart Jar Good Coffee ? i Star Flour $1.67 bag Gallon can Vernal I Honey 79c Hewlett's Green Tea, H I package 15c I y 25 oz. can K. C. Baking I Powder 20c K I 1 lb. Jar Peanut Butter 17c ? O. R fS ICyQ C?j i-b 1 IPlf EvTR.lcsW ifnn I j ii I I i Li mm iflil S 1111 ; I Buy Your Suit at a Saving Now I Plenty of Sizes-Plenty of Styles ' JS $ j PRICED rM ' ! '$1 4085 and KlJlJ' s 1(SEE OUR WINDOWS) i The greatest value giving groups of ' , the Season. Save from $5.00 to $10.00 on a SUIT 4- I - : : . : : EXTRA SPECIAL-4 group of Boys' Long CO QO 1 1 Pant Suits. Ages 5, 6, and 7 - - - H- S j :ost ' ' to . Chipman ' Merc. Co. ! BnBi3-7araaffl ; Dance with the Largest Crowd t of Married Folks in Utah I County at the Big Married Folks. DANCE j AT ? Apollo Hall j AMERICAN FORK Monday, Jan. 14 ; I Call 224-J 1 I FOR p PEERLESS 11 COAL Direct from Mine to Your Bin Hoggard Grain I and Coal 1 W. E. HOOGARD, Manager 55 East 1st South : CARTERS j ;. ORCHESTRA : E. M. Drage, Floor Manager I JOIN THE HAPPY CROWD! ......--..........................- Mrs. Jarvis Aydelotte, Mrs. W. R. Halliday, -. Mrs. Ernest J. Seastrand and Mrs. Mable Nelson were visitors in Salt Lake on Monday. WANT ADS Meadow Hay for Sale 60 tons in stack, $10.00 per ton. G. C. Schettler, 42 East Main, American Fork. l-l-14tp. Wish to buy Steamer or Wardrobe trunk. Call 176-J Pleasant Grove. 1-11-lt. Will party who took dark overcoat at Married Folks Dance, December 27th at the Pleasant Grove High school kindly return to rightful owner own-er in American Fork. Return to Citizen office or manager of said dance hall. 1-11-ltp. For Rent 4 roomed apartment, modem, 1 block South of Main street. Inquire Annie Greene. 12-14-tf. For Rent Modern 3 roomed apartment apart-ment with bath. George Bingham, 3rd East and 2nd South, American Fork. 12-28 2t. 34 acres of orchard and farming land, adobe house, farm buildings and water right. $1750. 1 miles from American Fork. Johnson and Aydelotte. 12-28-tf. --"-- -e--- i i i i Ray T. Elsmore j i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I GENERAL PRACTICE Office moved to City Attorneys ? office in City HalL ? t PHONE 191 j - ' WEEKLY PROGRAM The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. """" "fRIDAY'ANDSATUR CAROLE LOMBARD AND MAY ROBSON In "LADY BY CHOICE" With Roger Pryor and Walter Connolly-Four Connolly-Four stars together bringing laughter and romance in the brilliant successor to "Lady for a Day." Also Good Shorts Matinee Sat. 3:30 p.m. Adm.l0c Evenings Only 10c and 15c SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 14 & 15 .Jk I Don't over miss ...... v Pi tk: se:.::'3 nssi y litmy immau W J " i mi Jr 1 "The best picture Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler have r ever appeared in. ALSO GOOD SHORTS. r Matinee Sunday 4 P. M. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 AND 17 BARGAIN NIGHTS FRANCIS LEDERER In "The Pursuit to Happiness" With Joan Bennett and. Charlie Ruggles. The gay comedy drama of a handsome continental . who pursued happiness across the Atlantic. also "TAILSPIN TOMMY" Admission Only 10c Coming "Ann of Green Gables" Quality Fruits and Green Groceries We pride ourselves on securing secur-ing only Quality Fruits and Green Groceries. You can always al-ways secure the best on the market here. Tuna Makes He 2 pounds Macaroni 15c 3 cans Deviled Ham 10c 2 pounds Prunes 15c Large package Noodles 10c Large package Corn Flakes 9c 1 pound Bananas 5c 10 pounds Utah Sugar 55c 1 pound M. J. B. Coffee 31c 1 pound Hills Coffee 32c 1 large package Granulated Soap Powder, 1 med. Soap Powder, both 32c Large Oranges, dozen 25c Boley's Inc. YOUR HOME STORE TELEPHONE 4 WE DELIVER NEVER AGAIN j Can you buy LIFE IN- SURANCE as cheaply as j you can today. j We are always willing :,J I and glad to serve your 1 Insurance needs. Chadwick's i Insurance j j Service j ! American Fork, Utah j j PHONE 130-J j ...-T-g.- When the Weather j 'i Is Bad 5 It Pays to Have Your Own 5 TELEPHONE |