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Show County Officers Take Oath January 7th Utah county's new officers took over their duties Monday. Democrats Demo-crats assumed entire jurisdiction of Utah county affairs Monday noon when six new and four reelected officials of-ficials were sworn into office at the City and County building. Hilton A. Robertson, chairman of the Utah county commission, presided presid-ed at the ceremonies. Frank M. Salisbury, Sal-isbury, retiring county clerk, administered admin-istered the oath of office to the new officers. Those sworn in are: William H. Johnson of Spanish Fork, 'as commissioner; com-missioner; Clarence Grant of American Ameri-can Fork, as clerk; Andrew Jensen, Provo treasurer; E. Booth Sorenson, Lehi, auditor; Mrs. Eloise P. Fillmore, Fill-more, Payson, recorder; A. R. Shel-ton, Shel-ton, Provo, surveyor; E. G. Durnell, Provo, sheriff; W. Stanley Dunford, Provo, attorney; L. M. Atwood, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, assessor, and Mr. Robertson, Robert-son, Springville, commissioner. J. W. Gillman of Orem is the holdover commissioner. Brief talks were given by the retiring re-tiring officials. Following the ceremonies, deputies for the various county offices were approved as follows: Treasurer Frank T. Bennett, Provo, chief deputy; depu-ty; Marcellus Nielson, Mapleton, and Earl S. Greenwood, American Fork, deputies; Floyd Walker, Pleasant Grove, temporary deputy. Auditor Milton Harrison, Springville, Spring-ville, chief deputy; Wesley Jense, Pleasant Grove, temporary deputy. Attorney Leroy Tuckett, Santaquin, Santa-quin, deputy; Zenith Johnson, Provo, secretary. Clerk A. R. Hudson, Santaquin, chief deputy; Orville L. Larsen, Pleasant Grove, and Mary Banks, Spanish Fork, deputies with Miss Priscllla Chrlstensen, Salem, to be retained as a deputy temporarily In place of Miss D inks. Recorder Thelma Vest, Payson; Jean Cox, Provo; Sylvia Shipley, American Fork, and W. H. Jenkin- son, Lehi, deputies. Sheriff Walter Durrant, American Ameri-can Fork; John S. Evans, Lehi; George W. Loveless, Orem; William H. Callahan, Charles W. Mitchell, J. P. Gourley and W. T. Lewis, Provo, Pro-vo, deputies. Assessor Millen D. Radmali, Pleasant Grove, chief deputy. All field deputies previously named by Assessor Atwood were also approved, ap-proved, as were the appointments of Parley L. Cloward, road supervisor in Salem and Frank Hunter as constable con-stable of American Fork to replace Leonard H. Jackson, who resigned. |