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Show !R(GIEIRg BEVERLY HILLS. - Well Xmas has passed. I was just thinking if there was some way to make "the , , . Xmns spirit cnn. m tinue during the other days ot tho year, wh, We would ba the most hapny aml wonderful Nation Na-tion on K;,,.,!, Gosh If an ot uj that was abla would just feed and do things for folks without waiting till Xmas. I think niean well, but we just sorter got I1 in our heads that about ono d:,y a ? year pays our obligation off, uK,u we swell up and hldo our Conscience ' till tho next gift day. With nil of our fact finding departments In our ' Government, and all our statistics gatherers, I believo you could in- i: crease generosity 100 to 1000 fold if ;; there was soma way of finding out 11 Just exactly the peoplo that were in " actual need, You could find thoso nearest to you wdio were in want, and you ;) would know they was in want, nnd you would know there was nothing ':,i they could do that would help themselves. them-selves. I will bet you that every "' Community would be ahlo to look after its own. Now your system a would have to work two ways. If 1,1 you are going to pry Into the busl- " ness of the poor, to find that they actually needed help, you must pry into the affairs of the others anil 11 see what they were doing to relieve their neighbors. ' You wouldent got much complaint 1f if you knew that every dollar you gave reached a real case, and If you ' knew that your neighbors rich, well to do, and just ordinary salaried ones, 1111 were all contributing exactly In a graded amount, say like Income tax. W A certain percent that must go to ,fl1 your unfortunate neighbors, and tho quicker you can get them to working and off your list the better it is for " you, then lack of employment would become everybodys business, Instead of like it is now just the business of the man who has lost his Job. in' Well there is a Government man, 'rt he is called C.A. (Conscience As- " sistor). Mahy your Conscience says you should help your neighbors !" $1000 worth, but you cant hoar It. U Well this C.A. (Conscience Assistor) he hears what you should hear, but I J wont. He is also in communication P with your finances, so In that way he is able to have the two act in :l1 harmony. In fact without the aid of )'a yau whatever, it shouldent ho such -sh :m a job to find who Is in ueod, and f the degree that they are In need, e and it shouldent be hard to find out ,r, what the exact proportionate ) amount of help that each of us Jt should give to relieve that distress. , c Its paid exactly like taxes. That j,ic stops us from just being a Santa ,e Clause on Xmas. You wear whiskers j, and bring presents every day in the ,,V year, instead of just one day. People ,e wouldent mind giving if they ahso- JV lutely knew that every person in j the U. S. was giving exactly In pro- ;e( portion to them, and that every dol- lar given was to go to some one , who needed it, and was not able to help themselves. Its an unemploy- ,t) ment tax in a way, then If every- , 0 body can hustlo around and cut down unemployment before next, years contributions start, why the i tax would be cut down In proportion. propor-tion. Now we are getting down toward i J the end and I got to start doing t something about I.N.B.A.W.W. Now statistics have proven t h a t we always h a v e a class of people that are looking for political or Government Jobs. Now we could let them go, just tell em that they are not needed as political politi-cal and Government Govern-ment job hunters any longer. They At i must take up something else. Then t we put these (in need but Absolute- f ly Wont Workers) in the P.L.F.G.J. (Perpetually Looking For Govern- H ment Jobs) places, as they wont J work. Why they are the very fellows : -to apply for these jobs for they are J not going to get em anyhow, (none of these others ever got any), so In that way they fill in a vacancy in our Bcheme of life that seems to always exist, the (Perpetually Looking For v Government Jobs). But I w-mld like to see the whole is system tried. You might call the scheme "Conscience Ey Law," or "If i you wont be a Santa Claus, we will :,,v make one out of you." I dont believe any of us really know what our obll- It gation is to our fellow man. That , ( should be established, as I say you cant go by Consciences for they vary -(J too much. So find the needy, and tax us exactly our proportionate share to keep them, and you wont run up this tremendous national debt. We pay as we go, and If Its done fair and equal like this you wont hear many kicks, and those y wont be legitimate. , 1935. McSaufhl Synduatl, Inc. |