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Show s&4 . ,JJ Spices From the Tropicc U - pePPer grows in clusters of small ;X 1 ,r0Und berries on a vine that is wide-aj'y wide-aj'y cultivated in the Netherlands East indies as well as in India and other Parts of Asia. The berries are picked ' ih they are fully riPe and laid in sQW 'lne sun to dry. They become dark " black looking, as seen in cans fo$3 oi whole peppers. White pepper, ---.vMiich is popular for salads and oth-ieodU oth-ieodU 'j;'r ''Sht foods where specks might 'fi,nf' obiectionable, is made from the y"c'i:!vame berry after the outside dark ' tbirfl ,n,has been rubbed off. It is much 1 gilder than black pepper, because ,"$'VVhief fiavring oils are more 'ih's'el',Ti, minant in the outer coating Slt m Ule ner berry. |