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Show AIR-PRESSURE VjiV I Mantle J l LANTERN (jgf'J Use your Coleman af4uftrk to hundreds of places f 11 where an ordinary lan- I J II A tern is useless. Use it for L II M l after-dark chores, hunt- w II 'a ing, fishing, or on any J I night job ... it turns Jy night into day. Wind, ZT7v'kA rain or snow can't put itC M V W Jyj it out. High candle-power 'titiW'. air-pressure light. f,tt'- Kerosene and gasoline , M tX-.l1? models. The finest made. w, Cf , ftr4 Prices as low as $4.45. U j C Your local dealer can E- R S: supply you. Send post- I ,W 6, 4 ' card for FREE Folders, -ii J;; THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Dept. WU172, Wichita, Kans.; Chicago, Ill.t Philadelphia, Pa.; Los Angele, Calif. (6172) (One way fare from Ogden or Salt Lake City, good in air-conditioned coaches or chair cars.) We have the FASTEST TRAINS to San Francisco, all air-conditioned. 25(!-30tf-35tf meals on the Pacific Limited. $31 ROUNDTR1P to San Francisco; Fran-cisco; $32 ROUNDTRIP to Los Angeles via San Francisco both fares good in air-conditioned standard Pullmans (berth extra). Southern Pacific for information write D. R. Owen, Gen. AgU Dept. A. 41 So. Main St., Salt Lake Oty WNU W 2437 IN UTAH AND f V'L j 1 f yj&t 1 ITS THE EOTEL BEN LOMOND Ogden's Finest . . One of Ulah's Best 1 350 Rooms 350 Bathj $2.00 to $4.00 Delightful Rooms Air Cooled Corridors Grill Room Coffee Shop Spacious Lounge and Lobby ; Courteous Service Every Comfort and Convenience ' will be found at 1 THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN, UTAH "COME AS YOU ARE" CHAUNCEY W. WEST, GEN'L M5H, |