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Show Pleasant Grove Locals Dorotha, Yancey is at the And hospital at Provo, recovering from an appendix operation. Mrs. Alda Fugal Gardner of Af-ton, Af-ton, Wyoming, spent Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jens P. Fugal. Alda came to attend June conference. Mi-, and Mrs. Lloyd Olpin are visiting with Mrs. Alvira Olpin. Their home is at Thatcher, Arizona, where Lloyd is Instructor in the Gila college. Miss Ellen Sundquist entertained Saturday at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bowen and Mr. and MB Elroy H. Nelson, both couples being be-ing recently married. Mr. and Mrs. i Bowen left Wednesday to make their home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Racker of Lehi and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc-Kenzie Mc-Kenzie of Salt Lake City are visiting visit-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M. Cragun. Superintendent David Gourley and Principal A. P. Warnick of the local high school, attended the conference con-ference of the Utah Educational Administration Ad-ministration at Salt Lake City this week. Thursday Mr. Warnick and the principal from Weber lead out in the discussion on "The Value of Guidance in the Study Room." Miss Verna Bastian arrived home Thursday, June 10th from Los Angeles. An-geles. California, where she has been employed during the winter and spring months. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Gootch of Nampa, Idaho, with their two little girls, Carol Joyce and Geraldine, have been visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Niels Fugal. Mr. Gootch left Sunday for home and Mrs. Gootch will spend two weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thorne and son, Cyril, were Pleasant Grove visitors. Strawberry d a y. Mrs. Thorne spent part of the week here getting out the Strawberry day booklet. book-let. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tobler and children of Arizona, are visiting here with the Shoell family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Erving Block and daughter, Diana, of Los Angeles are spending two weeks with their relatives rel-atives here. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Block were formerly the Misses Mabel Ma-bel and Devona Bezzant, daughters of Mrs. Josephine Bezzant. Leslie Smith, who has spent the past year in California, arrived home Friday. He came to attend June conference and to visit his mother, who is reported improving slowly from a serious illness at the L. D. S. hospital. Mrs. Amelia Barker of Los Angeles An-geles is visistlng her brothers, Pete and Ole Christiansen. Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Ole Christiansen and Mrs. At-wood At-wood visited Mrs. Annie Smith at the L. D. S. hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williamson of Vernon, Utah, announce the marriage mar-riage of their daughter, Ethel Fillmore, Fill-more, to Mr. Glen Davis of Vernon. They were married at Tooele, June 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will entertain at a wedding reception at their home, Saturday evening, June 19. Mrs. Mary Jeppson reached the 82nd milestone in her life journey on Monday, June 14, A group of friends and relatives called to give their good wishes. Mrs. Jeppson has a number of children, grandchildren grand-children and several great grandchildren grand-children and is respected by many friends. Mrs. Laura J. Kirk of California Cal-ifornia is visit with her mother at present. Mrs. Delilah Fugal spent the week-end with relatives and friends at Payson. Mrs. Packham of Ogden is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Cragun. Mrs. Edna Paulson Church and son from Burley, Idaho, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Niels Paulson, and other relatives. Jesse Weeks of Oakland, California, Cali-fornia, is visiting with relatives here. He is the son of Mrs. Mary Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fugal attended at-tended the Ferguson family reunion, reun-ion, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Walker, Thelma and Wesley Walker, Mrs. Nettie Walker, Mrs. Alex Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Winfield Clark and children, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Larsen and family were among those who attended the Shipley family fam-ily reunion at Jordan Park in Salt Lake City, Sunday, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarice Hilton and family Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hilton Hil-ton and family and Mrs. Ethel W. Carlson were family members who attended the Hilton family reunion at Liberty Park, Saturday. Twenty-eight members of the stake and ward Primaries were in Salt Lake City Saturday morning attending Primary conference. Many members of the stake and ward M. I. A. boards also attended to receive help and inspiration for the coming season's work. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hilton and children,- Francis, Eugene, Robert and Floyd, left Thursday morning for a vacation trip through the Yellowstone Yel-lowstone National Park. I The Misses Anna and Lucille Fugal Fu-gal will start training at the Salt Lake Business schools Monday. Anna An-na expects to go to the Henegar 1 Business college and Lucille will attend at-tend the L. D. S. Business college. i Mrs. Margaret Atwood and Miss j Helen Smith spent parts of ' several j days this week with their mother, I Annie Smith, and brother, Leslie, at the L. D. S. hospital. Miss Shirley West accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vance West and children chil-dren to Hurricane Sunday morning for a visit. Mrs. Genevieve Jarvis, Miss Ellen Jarvis, Stanford Jarvis and Mr. Jack Pickering of Salt Lake City visited relatives in Pleasant Grove, Tuesday. Charles Thorne Jr., who has attended at-tended school at Ames, Iowa, the past winter, has returned to spend the summer with his family. He drove a car back for Mr. E. A. Beck. Miss Marjorie Holdaway entertained enter-tained a few friends of her brother, Oren, and wife of Afton, Wyoming, Tuesday evening at the Holdaway home. Mr. and Mrs. Holdaway and three little boys have spent the past two weeks here and at Fillmore. They returned home Wednesday morning. A lively group met at Cave Camp Saturday evening and enjoyed a bon fire party. The group included the Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas Walker, Delbert Fugal, George Paul. Arza Adams, Merrill Warnick, Basil Walker, Nyle Wadley, A. P. Warnick, Lyean Johnson, Golden Peay, Vilace Radmall, Vance West, Howard Warnick War-nick and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson Robin-son of Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. Junius A. West attended at-tended the wedding breakfast at Salt Lake City Wednesday, given in honor hon-or of their niece. Miss Naomi Halli-day Halli-day and Frank Shaw of Ogden, who were married in the Salt Lake temple tem-ple that day. Many relatives attended at-tended the trousseau tea given by Miss Halliday Monday. Some of those attending were Mrs. Eleanor West, Mrs. Josephine West, Mrs. A. P. Warnick, Mrs. Reva Fugal, Mrs. Owen Halliday and daughters, Rhea and Ella, Mrs. Junius A. West and the Misses Viola and Josephine West. Monday night Mrs. LaPriel B. Williams, Mrs. Margaret W. Nelson, Mrs. Fern W. Radmall and Miss Reva Jense entertained at the home of Mrs. Nelson in Lehi in honor of Miss Mildred Frampton, a bride of the week. Others attending from here were Mrs. Ray Frampton. Mrs. Josiah Kemp, Mrs. Clark Nelson, Mrs. Jesse Frampton, Mrs. Marian Adamson, Mrs. Eva Williams and the Misses Mary Jense. Gene Richins and Loraine Swenson. Mrs. Vera Matthews was prize winner in Progressive Pro-gressive games. |