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Show Attractive Wedding Wed-ding Party Given Elza Watkins An attractive mid-winter social event of charm and beauty was the wedding reception tendered by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Watkins of Alpine, in honor of their daughter, El,a, and Mr. Elliott Lee, son of Mrs. Samuel Grant of this city. The young couple were married Thursday Thurs-day in the Salt Lake temple. The Bridal party, which stood beneath be-neath a pink -and white canopy, consisted con-sisted of the bride and groom, Miss Berniece Watkins, maid of honor, and Miss Geraldene Beck and Miss Georgia Lee, brides maids. The groom was attended by Mr. Howard Bush. The bride was beautifully attired in a floor length dress of turquoise blue satin and carried a bouquet of Talisman and Briercliff roses. Miss Watkins wore a ti;-te length dress iof light green taffeta and wore a cour.sage of sweet peas. Miss B'-ek wore pink crepe and Miss Lee pink satin. Jl-jlh the bride; maids wore cour.-ages of sweet peas. The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. Of rax Watkins and Mr and Mrs. Samuel Grant. Mrs. M.n-nie M.n-nie Hea'.cy was in charge of the re-'freshments re-'freshments and Mrs. Muir directed the displaying of the many u:eful and attractive gifts. During the 've-'ning 've-'ning a wedding waltz was played whf.e the bridal party danced, Mr. Bush danced with Miss Watkins. Mr. George Bpur8?rd of Provo. and Miss Beck and Mr. Grant Pe'.T.son 'of Provo, and Miss Lee were partners. part-ners. I Congratulations and best wish'-s 'were expressed by the wide circle of friends enjoyed by this jK.pular 'young couple. Th'-y will make their home in American Fork for the present. |