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Show President Urged to Mobilize Science for Nation's Aid Asked $3,500,000 Fund for Next Two Years WASHINGTON. A mobilization mobil-ization of the best scientific minds of the nation to aid government gov-ernment scientific work. and an appropriation of $3,500,000 for scientific research by non-governmental institutions during the next two years are proposed by the report of the science advisory board to President Roosevelt The appointment by the President of a permanent science advisory board of fifteen members, upon nomination of the Council of the National Academy of Sciences, is recommended. Authority of the present science advisory board lapsed on December 1. Our national health, prosperity and pleasure largely depend upon science for their maintenance and their future development," the report re-port declares. National welfare Is dependent upon adequate scientific Information, the report states, Independent Inde-pendent of' political theories. Science Is "basic to attempts at national na-tional planning or Improvement of any kind or degree." Financial Aid to Science. The National Research council, an outgrowth of the National' Academy Acad-emy of Sciences during the World war, would be charged wttin administering admin-istering the two-year program of temporary financial aids to scientific scien-tific research throughout the country. coun-try. Colncidentally, the National Research council would conduct "a comprehensive Investigation of those problems of wide concern, toward to-ward whose solution science may offer hope of valuable contributions" contribu-tions" and submit a budget for further fur-ther appropriations. . The new science advisory boara would nominate, on request, for appointment ap-pointment by members of the cabinet cab-inet advisory committees for scientific scien-tific bureaus In their departments. This follows a plan that has worked successfully In connection with the national bureau of standards and the United States public health service. What Government Can Do. No need for the government to embark upon comprehensive programs pro-grams in pure science, Invention or Industrial development Is seen by the science advisory board, although al-though there are numerous scientific scien-tific services of such wide scope and universal utility that no agency except the government Is competent adequately to handle them. The SAB considers In this category public pub-lic health, weather forecasting, topographic topo-graphic mapping, development of scientific and technical standards, mineral surveys and statistics, safety safe-ty codes, patents, soil science. Improvement Im-provement of crops and live stock, national scientific museums, and engineering work relating to flood control, water supply and aids to navigation. |