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Show WINDSOR WARD HOLDS BANQUET AND PROGRAM The following program was rendered ren-dered at the Windsor ward banquet last Saturday evening: Saxaphone duet, Erva Wright and Alfred Dexter; vocal solo, Sedly Jones; vocal solo, Winnifred Johnson; John-son; vocal duet, Norma and Reed Hales; piano duet, Shirley Harris and Beatrice Kelander; harmonica solo, Floyd Bachus; vocal solo, Beth Anderson; vocal trio, LaRee and Donna Gillman and Thora Hales; reading. Dexter Welbcrg; piano duet, Margaret and Edith Stark; reading, Phyllis Gillman; harmonica harmon-ica solo, Reva Marrott; community singing, led by Mrs. Erma Swenson; tap" dance. Mabel Nelson, Norma Hampshire and Wanda Jones; trumpet trum-pet solo, Ben Burr; playlet entitled "Truth Takes a Holiday"; duct, La-Ree La-Ree and Donna Gillman- About 300 guests were served at the banquet and a fine time was reported- o |