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Show LOTS & ACREAGE Citizen. Press. Review. Wed.. Oct. 9, 1985 - Page 21 CHOICE, EXCLUSIVE LOTS. Park, minimum 1500 sq. ft. house. GS 1030 1983 MOBILE HOME, 14x45', 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, levelor blinds, living room furniture, fridge, swamp cooler. $7900. or 4t 1016 FOR SALE BY OWNER LEHI, QUALITY, HOME. Appraised at $90,000.-Askin- $85,900. GS' 12386 ATTRACTIVE BRICK, three bedrooms, levelors, fenced, air cooler, auto sprinklers, 8! interest. $57,900. 417 W. 600 North, Am. Fork, 4t 1016 HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. $53,500. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, lull basement wlarge family room, separate dining room, on large lot in nice No. Orem location. Excellent starter home. ".THIS IS A MUST SEE! Absolutely no agents. Call or after 6 p.m. 613tfn DISTRESS SALE- - 2 bdrm older Provo home. $34,900, need $1,900 down to stop foreclosure, assume 10 contract only 12 years left. Will trade remaining equity for car. R.V., etc. tfn. FOR SALE BY OWNER SALE OR TRADE INTO UTAH or Salt Lake County. Small Fountain Green farm 16.7 acres on edge of town. Attractive Cedarwood home. Well insulated, 2x6 walls, all electric. Flues for wood and coal stoves in kitchen and living room. 3 bedrooms 1M baths, walk-i- closets, main floor utilities. Dry, full basement with ; ! outside entrance. Nice land-scaping, pine and quakie trees. Farm ground mostly in meadow grass, fenced and cross fenced. 5 shares irrigation water and V4 interest in irrigation well. Hay barn and other outbuildings. $135,000. Call 918 tfn wmiM I OWNERAGENT. Will work with low down on four bedroom brick in nice P.G. location. $54,000. Vi acre starter home lot. $11,000. Convenient P.G. location. Larry, Bill Harper Realty. Up 109 TWO BEDROOM CON DO at Green Valley (St. George). Beautifully decorated, close to pool, one year old. 4t 1016 EQUITY SHARING, $1000 down, $385mo. Two bedroom s.tarter home in Lehi. Outside main-tenance free, acre with well. $45,900. 4t 1030 FOUR BEDROOM HOME, central air, near Am. Fork High School. Below appraisal. or 4t 1023 REDUCED $20,000. Eight bedroom Nob Hill home, many extras. 918 tin NEW LISTING, lovely Am. Fork, three bedroom brick home, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, deep fenced lot, auto, sprinklers, storage building, close to town, 125 W. 100 S. $58,000. GS 12386 NEW, PRESTIGIOUS HOME under construction. 4000-plu- s sq. ft. 9 78 interest, assumable. GS 12386 JtlllllC Classified Ad DEADLINE Mon., 2:00 p.m. wood burning stove, full size box springs, mattress and bed frame. 2t 1016 COMMUNICATION has I.T.T. tone and rotary dial phones in great shape. $20 tone $15 rotary. (Steve) 3t 1023 DELUXE FLASHING ARROW SIGNS, 50 off. Complete. Lighted, $279 Unlighted, $209. Free letters! tubes. Quality workmanship'. Factory warranty. Extremely limited quantity. anytime. Up 109 DOLLS & STUFFE - a new porcelain doll shop open. Supplies, greenware, classes, 442 S. 260 East, American Fork. Open Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4t 1016 MARATHON WHEAT GRINDER, hp, $100; solid maple bed, standard, chest of drawers, $300; sofa and loveseat, tan, $300; salon-typ- hairdryer, $10; e Samsonite luggage, $15; ladies cape, like new, $15; metal shelving, 30"x71"xl2", $8; Coleco Vision games 4$20. Call It 1025 HOSPITAL BEDS, WHEELCHAIRS, commodes, oxygen, other hospital supplies. Call or 113tfn OFFSET PRINTING PRESS- - 14x20" Harris LUH $1,900, will APARTMENTS FOR RENT aVfORK ONE BEDROOM, couple only. No smokingdrinkerspets. It 109 PL GROVE THREE BEDROOM FOURPLEX, 255 E. Center. $325mo. plus utilities. $25 discount if paid by 1st. $150 deposit. No smokerspets. or 2t 109 AM. FORK TWO BEDROOM APT. $200mo. plus utilities. No petssmoking. Deposit required. Call 4t 1023 LEfy FOURPLEX TOWNHOUSE, two bedroomL 1 baths, AC, large utility room. $270mo. Call or 4t 1023 EXCELLENT RENTALS, nice neighborhood, good location on large corner lot. Two beroom duplex wgafage. $60,000. VA, FHA or convention. B.O. 785- 2771. GS 1986 ROOMToff RENT, SHARE HOUSE. $100mo. including utilities, first and last month plus $50 damage deposit. No smokingdrinking. 925 tfn TWO BEDROOM, 1 bath Am. 'Fork condo. $280mo., $150 deposit. Ready now No smokers or pets. 814 tfn LEHI ONE BEDROOM and studio apartments. All utilities paid, cable and laundry. $260 and $290 per month plus $160 deposit. Phone At 109 PL GROVE THREE BEDROOM FOURPLEX, 255 E. Center. $325mo. and $350mo. ($25 discount if paid on 1st) plus utilities. $150 deposit. No smokerspets. or 814 tfn 1 1 REAL ESTATE I I y' nr1 i COMMERCIAL BUILDING for sale. 60 East Main, Am. Fork. or GS 32686 l'4 ACRE VIEW LOT - Build on the Lindon foothills with animal rights and unblockable view of entire Utah Valley. No frontage fee for water or sewer. By owner. Call Brett at during office hours or at home 109 tfn HURRY! FREE DISHWASHER, disposal or microwave with each house we build for you. BJ&E Construction, or At 1030 TWO BUILDING LOTS in excellent Am. Fork location. Near park, school, church. Call Doris at 821 tfn BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM HOME now on best street in Am. Fork, or we can build it for you. Drive by 86 N. 900 East (south of Barratt Elementary). Kayl W. Smith, GS 31286 SOLO MOUNTAIN LAND REALTY, INC. t ! SI AN I IJOVI K 785 3447 MOVE RIGHT IN: Owner has moved leaving 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2 car garage, fenced yard, full walk-ou- t basement. FHA assumable loan. $66,000. OWNER SAYS SELL NOW: .4 acre lot with mature fruit orchard with irrigation rights. $14,000. HOME AND EXTRA LOT for $46,900. 785 3447 Robinson & Wilson Realty 405 East State -- Am. Fork - 756-359- 1 Drive by these available properties: Address Bdrms. Baths Lot Sue Sq. Ft Price American Fork 120 N. 200 E. 2 Vh 925 $39,900 756 5953 Carolyn Brady LOW DOWN: Assume low interest loan, low monthly payments. 3 bedrooms, garage, reduced $3,000 to $55,900. FULLY IMPROVED BUILDING LOTS, beautiful view in Highland. acre. $15,500. LUXURY HOME IN HIDDEN OAKS- - Sauna, jacuzzi, greenhouse, tennis courts, $450,000. GOOD INVESTMENT. Two $110,000 each. accept payments or discount for cash. Call tfn ' SHIRLEY'S TlGURETTES by Cameo. FREE customized fitting, support bras. 58 tfn "NEW AND USED WINDSHIELDS. Check with me before you buy. My prices are low. Example, 1978-8- Chev. or GMC pickup new windshield installed $90. Call Wally in Sandy at at 90th South. 95 tfn WANT LUSCIOUS GREEN PLANTS WITHOUT TLC. can help! Silk plants, trees.. .gorgeous - look real - fantastic prices. Silk Im-pressions, 911 tfn OUR PROFESSIONAL HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS give you complete burglar and fire protection at affordable prices. Call Jeff at or At 109 - -- - " FORGET ABOUT CROWDS and bad weather. Shop for Christmas at home from over 10,000 brand name items; Best prices- and services and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Call Jeff or Lori, 6t 116 BRAND NEW, LARGE, three bedroom apt. Dishwasher, play area. No smokers, no pets. $375mo. or see at 97 N. 300 West, Am. Fork. 26t 1286 PL. GROVE two bedroom apt. wunfinished basement, like new. No more than two children, no pets. $350mo. Alpine two bedroom apt. $275mo. No more than two children, no pets. $275mo. PI. Grove two bedroom, no children, no pets. $325mo. 3t 109 3700 SQ. FT. HOME, 10937 N. 5900 West, Highland. Six bedrooms, Vh baths, 2 kitchens, on Hi acre. $600 per month. Days evenings It 109 SIX BEDROOM HOME, HIGHLAND. $600 per mojjttij.' Call Beth, Pine Valley Realty, It 109 LEHI ONE BEDROOM HOME, couples or single, furnished. Call Mr. Hoover, or It 109 . LARRY BARTHOLOMEW .756-299- - 756-269- PAYMENTS' LIKE RENT, $380 but you can own this 2 bedroom, Vh bath, air cond. townhome. New carpet, carport. $1300 down or less, WVi int., $42,900. G.E.T. your home sold with Guaranteed Equity Transfer. Trade your home for an existing or new home. For details, call DOWN SO LOW you won't believe it. $1400 or less for 2 bedroom, brick home, family room, fireplace, fenced yard, carpet allowance. $45,900, 420 per mo., 10 interest. WANT TO TRADE YOUR HOME? Call . DUPLEX WITH LOW DOWN. Possible contract, brick, carport, 2 bedrooms. Only $64,900. GENTLEMAN FARMER, Wt acres, barn, fruit trees, greenhouse, chicken coop, 5 bedroom home on private lane. 3800 sq. ft. Unbelieveable low $135,000. 62,900 HOME in great A.F. location. Close to training school, hospital. Priced to sell. All brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport, new roof, fenced private yard, much more. 9 INTEREST ON NEW HOMES. 2 and 3 bedrooms, basement, garage. $3500 down and closing. $550 per month. From $58,900. Private park, close to swimming, tennis, track, golf. 76 S. Center 2 1 41x50 780 42,000 478 N. 300 W. 2 1 110x190 1018 A8.000 532 E. 500 N. A 2 79x100 1900 59.900 359 E. 200 N. 2 1 82x165 1000 37,000 1035 N. 100 E. 5 2V4 104x110 28A0 89,500 A5 N. 500 E. A 2 89x160 2A00 66,900 741 N. 390 E. A Vh 1800 64.900 131 N. 775 E. A 2 2470 79,900 755 N. 350 W. '.' 3 2 3100 80,000 ' 353 N. 825 E. 5 3 3240 113,700 623 E. 600 N. ,4 2 1900 56,900 56 N. 775 E. A 2(4 2700 99,900 522 N. 850 E. 6 3 100x147 2850 83,000 20 e. 920 N. 5 2V4 .39 Acre 2500 89,900 449 N. 500 E. A 2 1 Acre 2218 95,000 133A E. Main 7 2 1.63 Acre 3785 169,900 ' 12A7 N. 100 W. 2 1 60x100 1000 64.360 Highland 11156 N. 5300 W. 4 ,2 93x103 2160 59,900 5892 W. 10620 N. 3 1(4 V, Acre 1815 94,900 11129 N. 5600 W. A 1 95x122 2015 64.900 6372 W. 10830 N. 3 1(4 85x162 2220 76,900 5223 W. 11000 N. 5 3 100x120 4100 181,000 Lehi 357 W. 300 N. 3 1 90x91 1249 46,900 8243 N. 9550 W. A 3 2 Acres 2654 99,900 1708 N. Trinnaman 6 3 82x140 3081 99,900 245 E. 300 N. 2 1 62x175 748 39,900 Cedar Hills 4066 W. Juniper 3 2 99x129 1845 70,000 Pleasant Grove 1573 E. 480 S. 5 3 3298 119,900 216 N. 1400 E. 6 3 1 Acre 4862 139,000 411 E. 790 S. 2 1 Condo 1000 37,000 Lindon 200 N. 1200 W. 7 3(4 3.6 Acres 3767 125,000 Prow 862 N. 2200 W. 2 i 90,115 1643 51.500 Lots 456 N. 200 E American Fork Duplex 20,000 813 N. 350 E., American Fork 90x144 16,500 774 N. 320 W American Fork 114x92 19,500 10880 N. 5920 W., Highland V4 Acre 16.500 11030 N. 5650 W.. Highland (4 Acre 14,500 9200 W. 8800 N., Lehi 4.8 Acre 62.400 For more information call 756-359- 1 -.T- m-JJl&l. - I'-- ' - Ask for Marvin at: Robinson and MflKVIN fr Wilson Realty CARTWRIGHT ' Office 1 Home 2 , BEAUTIFUL CEDAR HILLS TWO STORY, basement finished too. Six bedrooms, office, 2(4 baths, 2 family rooms. Immaculate, great view. Reduced to $84,900. BEAUTIFUL SETTING IN ALPINE. Five bedroom, 2 bath brick rambler. r garage, large lot, laundry on main. Just reduced from $95,000 to only $85,000. GREAT HIGHLAND PROPERTY, 5.4 acres. Approximately 150 fruit trees, irrigation water. Very clean small home with full unfinished basement. Just reduced by $29,900. Now only $100,000. SHARP ATTRACTIVE AM. FORK SPLIT ENTRY. Nicely decorated, newly painted, nice neighborhood. Large fenced backyard. Full sprinklers, storage shed and deck. Great buy at $50,000. CUSTOM AM. FORK BRICK RAMBLER. Must see to believe all extras. Five bedrooms, 3 baths, office, 2298 sq. ft. main floor, huge family room on main, (4 acre lot. Just cut to $113,700. IMMACULATE, ELEGANT BRICK RAMBLER. Am. Fork's Granite Mtn. Estates. 1550 ft. each level. Double garage, Main level - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining, family room, vaulted ceilings. Was $88,900. Slashed to $80,000. VERY SHARP AM. FORK RAMBLER. Full basement, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport. Full sprinklers. Assumable 8.5 FHA loan. Great location. Only $56,900. DREAM MANSION, Spring Canyon, Levan. 37 acres, 4800 ft. home plus garage. Beautiful view of Nebo Valley. Too many extras to list. Way below appraisal at $185,000. Call me with your new home dreams. We have several large lots in Highland. Very reasonable. Let me bid your new home construction - our lot or yours. Very high quality construction - save money too! Our classifieds are Guaranteed! For as little as $1200, payable in advance, we'll run your classified ad until the item advertised is sold - up to three months! The item must be singular and Ads for homes, IiikJ or other real estate must be paid for nine weeks with a six month limit. Don't gamble with any other publication. ..s, Allother word ads - buy three weeks and get a fourth week Get your message to every home, an. North Utah County ,,,,. Deadline Monday, 2:00 p.m.' PUBLIC NOTICES PERSONALS REAL LOST ( POUND ISTAT1 HELP WANTED WORK WANTED BUSINESS COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY PROPERTY MISC. WANTED CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE BY OWNER t'9virf LEASE T0 0WN L0TS 4 ACREAGE sssr MS CARPET CARE ""LCE.SE CATERING REAL ESTATE WANTED CH!U CARE CHIMNEY CLEANING COMPUTERS pos. SAL FURNACE REPAIR CLEANING HAIR CARE ANTIQUES HAULING APPLIANCES HOUSECLEANING AUCTIONS INSTRUCTION BICYCLES TRAINING COLLECTIBLES IRSURANCE FARM EQUIPMENT ETS, LOCKS FARM, GARDEN lawn care produce disc services gunsammunition MUSIC LESSONS HAY, GRAIN, FEED "'NO TUNING LIVESTOCK PRIMING F STORAGE TREE SERVICE FUEL, COAL, WOOD rOTOTiaiNG GARAGEYARD SALES H0ME FURNISHINGS SATELLITE ANTE N N A S SINGALTERATIONS MISC. FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL REPAIR INSTRUMENTS SHOE REPAIR PETS SUPPLIES SPORTING GOODS Km!RmUR SWAP, TRADE. BARTER S"EPAIR HCL7 "KO RECORDING KMING CAKES AUTO BODYPAINT mm AUTO INSURANCE - AUTO REPAIR KINTALS AUTOTRUCK PARTS 7"" AUTO WRECKING . AUTOS FOR SALE HTMENTS TRUCKS FOR SALE Z !NT BOATS I MOTORS FOR RENT MOTORCYCLES "tNTALS TO SHARE RECREATIONAL MTEDT0RENT VEHICLES ""ERCIAL RENTALS ATC RENTALS "WAGE UNITS SNOWMOBILES "SC. TOR RENT TRAILERSCAMPERS iXewtahRJcws (Qroup CITIZEN PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW LEHI FR.EE PRESS NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER W. Main, American Fork FOR SALE- - Smith & Wesson model 14 shot, clips, shot 50 rounds, $375.00. Call or ALPINE MOUNTAIN" TOPSOIL, delivered. 410 tfn r i RENTALS 1 CLEAN, NICELY FURNISHED APTS., 3 rooms, 1 bedroom, all utilities, except lights. Couples only. Start $265, $100 deposit. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 2t 1016 AM. FORK: NICE, CLEAN un- - furnished duplex wbasement. Carpets, stove, refrigerator, drapes. No pets. Call It 109 LEHI TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX, carpets, drapes, fridge and stove. No. pets. 2t 1016 TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX, WD hookups, good location in Am. Fork No smokers, drinkers, pets. $250mo. Call N. Peck, 2t 106 PL GROVE DUPLEX. Four bedroom apartment, two baths, DW close to schools. References, $400mo. or 2t 1016 HEYyLY briPRATED PARTLY FURNISHED APT. Couples only. No Utilities in-cluded. pets no smoking. Fred Keetch 60 W. Center, PI. Grove.-lt- 109 ONE BEDROOM APT., new carpets, close to town in Lehi. Only $190mo. No smoking or Call or pets please. It 109 jJhTIedroom duplex 548 N 400 East. WD hookups, no pets. $265mo. plus $175 cleaning deposit. It 109 THREE BEDROOM MOBILE HOME on its own lot in Pleasant Grove. Owner carry contract. It 109 . HIGHLAND HOME FOR RENT with option to buy. Two large bedrooms, two bathrooms, utility room, family room and living room on main floor, Double garage with full unfinished basement. It 109 NO DOWN (LEASE OPTION). $900 closing cost, 3 bedrooms, $450mo., Vi ownership. Call or 4tp 109 LEASE TO OWN two bedroom home in north Utah .County. Pay $395mo. for six months and will pay your down payment, points and closing costs. $47,900. GS 121185 t SAFE AND SECURE STORAGE, a perfect place to keep your sporting equipment, boats, trailers, campers, cars, ap-pliances, business records and excess inventory. American Self Storage is here to serve your needs. Call us today, 4t 1030 AMERICAN FORK STORAGE, 6'xl2', $25; 9'xl5', $39; welectricity, $44; 12 x30', $54. 32 West 100 North, 911 tfn A.F. COMMERCIAL SHOPWAREHOUSE with some office space for lease or sale. 45,000 sq. ft. Call Dale, or evenings. 6t 1113 FOR RENT: '86 DODGE CUSTOM VAN. Call between 6 and 8 p.m. at 109.tfn PRIME OFFICE or retail space. Great Am. Fork Mam St. location. Large or small spaces available. 410 tfn EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE tor rent on Main Street. Share office building with Harding and Harding, attorneys at law. Perfect for accounting firm, insurance business, etc. Available im-mediately. Call or evenings. 26 tfn OFFICES SPACES at 20 South Center Street, Am. Fork. 600 sq. ft. with bathroom, lighted parking $150mo. Call jack. or 756 6459. 828 tfn You Can Rent All This For $400 A Month S"lmnli g PikiI- - Prll ClubhouM- - 3 BSi.i--j Ji.nml A farllllin tondo - on laaBdrr room urri) An.. Rral FlrTUrr In 1 .ni'll nrrr rnkr Jour own homr rHihbot; Wall Tex Throughout Furniture Available Swimming Pool Laundry Rooms Jacuzzi Covered Parking Club House RV Parking Rock Fireplaces Cable Hook-up- s Central Air Condition!' ig 3 Bedrooms Built-in- s 12 OO sq. ft. on one level Marketed ihrouxri TnKK"rt-- iller Co. Entrance ah 1360 North State - Oren Modelat314-- Call Rulon or Danny 224-128- 0 Office - 756-91- 14 Home - 756-91-27 Office "Your Lehi Connection" Cherry Eastmond 768-884- 8 768-820- 5 BEAUTIFUL TWO STORY ENGLISH TUDOR, HIGHLAND, 1.25 ac animal rts. This lovely home has 5 bedrooms and family room, laundry & den m'ain floor. Beautiful large kitchen din area, oversize 2 car garage. Lg. game room, more bedrooms possible framed in bsmt. 4500 sq. ft. of living space. A great value ol $129 900! Call Cherry Eastmond. 768 8205. LOVELY SPACIOUS CEDAR RANCH STYLE, HIGHLAND, 1.9 ac animal rts. Shake roof, 160 deg. view. 6 bedrooms, cathedral ceiling living room - family room combo, stone fireplace, extra large open kilchendinmg. Master bath has steam roomsauna, 3 car garage. Ig. workshop under gar. Game foom lower level with w b. stove. Secluded street & beautiful landscaping. Almost 4.000 sq. ft. home. $143,900 (good assumption). Call Cherry. ATTRACTIVE BRICK RAMBLER, N.E. AMERICAN FORK with 5 6 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces (one with Alpine insert), new carpeting in lovely finished lower level lamily room and bedrooms. 2 car gar., spacious back yard completely fenced, full sprinkling system. Refrigerator included. Only S77.900. will go state money CUTE LOOKING OLDER TWO STORY HOME, Lehi. partially remodeled very nicely with new sheet rock, paint, carpeting, and is completely rewired. 3 bedrooms, lot 87.5 x 175. State money is available $46,900 Call Cherry. |