Show t LOCAL NEWS Y fc OOOO the home clubs cluba halloween Hul loween social last evening waa as a c mple lc buggy race fand otlmor whips at 3 JL IL whit whitlocks locks fl it ir county 0 1 o bleik horace morrill aoi till and chas morrill were lown down from june tion lion and in on the cepul lichti rally baled liny aud and oats for sale pale at per I 1 isen elen 11 black tt Is 1 I LOST by C IT 11 mathews check elbeck no W 0 dated out oct I 1 fot for 2 payable pay sibie to C JI 11 by buler and peacock payment ent hi at bank hub hais ben been stopped burry combs cinches bridle bita bib etc li 11 j j 11 I 1 tf bell graves efte it a sojourn so journ in io theao checo part 4 during eighteen months left leali this morning for his old Ken kentucky hucky lionie hoim the oue friends iu lu 1 luding the fre lance wish 1 mr 1 I 1 r craves it a esafe bufe journey to Ser aavo vo baled liny und and oats oath for riale rale at ber ile r telsen BroL herm blacksmiths tf t lion ion jos jas A Af melville elville nio niber ol of the bbate laud board came comein in ork oa TUCH taws hay evenings evon ings train and ud wed and thursday transected transact fd tul 5 hrire here tomorrow I 1 ug at ju riot lot mr melville w oft r 11 land to purchasers rack pack saddles and bogs bas horse blaak bl tajh ets na buk collars culli ire and pada at 1 11 Whit whitlocks locks tf mrs hurry hirry L alls lins hns gone to awen Wy wyoming owing to visit lier her aar parents ats tile the od clippers blip pera pers of her numerous friends bave been thrown after afir her he us as tokens of good will and the hope mrs mills will have hav a pleasant VIOL ituk safe return john howes juis has laid in a stock of if groce rud shoes nind etc rud and will soil sell them at price beating figures ti guras I 1 if f A letter from logan citi city says that miss clara and alid the myrtle and nellie Nellic barber who are attending t the flie agricultural Col college loge those young ludiea are studying hard haida and enjoying it their only i timit is iu reading every avord iu in the th free ereo lance Rusi nesa and professional profesA onal cards a specialty at the free lance job depar part linen lie I 1 t if 1 conductor johnson several weeks of absence in the east is ia back at his post punching tickets and 1111 firing ring weary willies from tile lie trains rains he be tween irveen thib burg and cianti A mr I 1 r Jo linson looks hale and hearty beany ns as ever and enjoyed his visit among his cas orn arii relatives rela and friende friell de buyers will wil do well to examine john hawes new livie line of merchandise and cut rate prices t tf f dr J J steiner of panguitch is if in the vide vale the doctor has purchased the blanchett Blanchc tt ranch in the north end of III valley the purchaser ip IF to lej bei is as it is for its size one of tie flu estin the state tate dr 1 brother in law scott Koae of woon ackt Ebel fet S D will occupy the ranch FOR S SALE A hrand braind waw n iw 11 bioli dannon cannon stove coal or wood at cost for cych ah or wood apply at free lance of lice tf all summer long brightie tim peak lias has h as attracted little or no attention but will life hie bald head enveloped in hig hid winter night cap ithe result of there the re catt sto rills has become a ous and gentle reminder that witt hi CO 60 days I 1 lie resil dents will to tile the old gug za 1 is s I 1 it E cold enough ellough for you vuu P F J lyon has it i fine assortment of ladies and antt N int r hills hale and they are going like hol hoi cakes the L D S held a ine meeting eting t in the schoolhouse school ho use hist sunday afternoon elders elder isaah ly nah presided elderry ill D jensen jencen parley magelky and thou drohm of Moi iroe and ami elder elde samuel crosby of were ivere present each nf f the tating li ea iders addressed the lie urge large audi audiene enee whick i wa was 4 highly interested interMit ed the tipe speakers ahers being fluent and forceful A branch of tile the M I 1 A for the hie people is in contemplation J II 11 IV has sole role and other I 1 leather tor for repairing harties leacher lea leat lher lier for I 1 j ness neah und and caddle s and is to fco do the work tf geo Hes hessifer siner well known to th eclie p people co pie ts diute piute county re vet 1 t nned le to Marys valc ou on wednesday evenings evening 1 during the 1 ast eight mr hessmer hasi been on the bick lista list and was finally compelled to seek relief ill ft the hands of a surge burgeon oiL and wa was i released from st sr marina hospital only a few days while yet weak mr Hes is ia gaining strength aud will vill soon emerge from the siege of eight months invalidism latest styles 0 of f ladles aud and I 1 misses hats at F J 1 lyons Getti gatt ant ine q quick or t get left or j aenry loney is widely known esthe I 1 longtime long time failen faithful ful watchman at tile the P t h dalton mill mr louey loney li has a q bi bravid aved the fierce mountain storms storm s beti between veen the mill abiud mine currying carrying letters and messages for tile coin company any no one has ever doubted his fils courage in hi any line except ua to matrimony and repol hus has it that lie he is contemplating that hazzard after fighting mt ML auldy blizzards during ten n denra ye tirs mr loney loncy if ia fur greater perils perile LOCATION LOCA rion NOTICES for sale at the free lance office tf |