Show oldest admiral deam rear admiral thomas taomas 0 selfridge sr U y S INT retired died at the mclean asylum at baverly Ya verl verly y yass tabb wed lie ile was probably the oldest idest living officer of rank in boy V navy in the world and there is no other navy which had two admirals father ind and son both ret retired tred I 1 the elder admiral was born bom in massachusetts isetts in 1801 1804 and was appointed to the navy nav y from that state on jan 1 1818 1 tho the I 1 son rear A admiral d in iral ill onias 0 self rid ge jr was lorn born pei IF 15 1 1830 1836 and joined the navy at the ago age ot of IF 15 the second oldest aldest son is commander com mander james russell missell selfridge e bom july 11 1919 1940 and in the navy since li 19 rj during the senior earlier days clays he made some soine voyages in in merchant vessels as ahe navy was considerably sider ably reduced in ships for fon many years after the war var of 1812 and there was but scant employment of the olli cers lie ile took an active part in tile the mexican war and nadwa wa severely wounded e d when the civil war viv broke out commander selfridge was too far advanced in years to accept active duty at sea and lie he was assign assigned ed ea ao an commandant of the mare island navy yard 1882 1802 gt 64 and again lit in 1873 in the latter year all retired redl officers were withdrawn from active service ervice Fi resided at georgetown S 0 but for many years yeara lie he paid annual visits to I 1 residing san Franc francioco lisco where lie he had two SODS |