Show DRAW LINE ft AT RUINS american tourist not interested in that line american tourists are notoriously irreverent one ot 0 those ginev tables paid a to chatsworth E england gland the other day and atler afler exploring explore g the marvels of the palace of the peak ila ho said to a who had been also ins inside itle this is zt a nice place who ti to it tho the dure duke of devonshire how lid did lie he get it it was leatto left to hini what d does oes he do did lie he evor ever earn ten cents in his life oh ye i hes very clever but did lie he over ever do a lays days work like you yon or me ine tho Sheff lelder fielder was soon at his wits c nd for replies and by way of changing the subject suggested that the american should visit fountains founta ta abbey fountains abbey replied old yank that its a very flue fine ruin was the answer A ruin is it ir said tile the yankee then I 1 guess I 1 dont see it E ever ver since I 1 married her har jerking jeldi ig his thumb toward his nife w ife I 1 draw the I 1 line inc at i ruins s tranger stranger blics ruin enough for me |