Show roil publication no K yon want the best laud land ortice at salt lake city utah oct is notice is hereby LI the rg hits illeta netlee intention in ii to flinoil proof lii in support of bifi di baim daim aim ani and that said proof will be made before tile hie county comity VIX clerk of pillie county Co Ut aliat function tiute lite county comity utah november HIO viz robert aitt ILI ild no N mw for the S 0 am E i i 8 AV A i sac an 20 N ii 11 U 1 j N E 1 4 ot t sue see 31 lots jots 1 ami 1 ild 4 see 35 tp T ja r S TC 4 IV S as L M that ithac the market affords i ile he names MIMICS the follo following iving witnesses to prove JIN continuous residence lence and cultivation of liquor tant will not kill at 40 rods said viz miles allies markee K H 31 Long longlee lev john nay and janies james IT if stocks all of if marys APTT vale rinty county 01 ItY butali ut DENNIS tat BLACK frank 1 I hobbs register H Al 81 8 1 L gray attorney torney call cail your wants athis at ut his salti oll date dat e of iss I 1 st lub oct 24 1902 2 bep LT irah NOTICE FOR FOK ru hi tile iw district court probate alu division DIVISIO 11 in and alli for county comity state slaty of ulah ili the ii iatter of tile ilic estate of S aulm Bertel bertelson sun lanies jaines the petition of william Will iain 11 II sinith li piti yin BETT E L 8 EILI ilu r B ryno r 0 s font lic admission to probate of a certain docia tobe to be the last will and testa anent of decease le cease bawl for of let sv s V ag yg 0 A tei ti to lias been set sa for hearin cifu iii 9 on n Sa saturday ali alii ath lay day ot of r A 1 D 1 a III at tile county court df aft 0 it i se in ill tile colart of said court in agac 6 it junction plute Co county tinty butali I 1 avidness AVit ness alm clork cleric of sali said C court OF REPAIR WORK abial ai iAL tile seal thereof tills estil aly of A 1 D iyo 1902 S 10 clerk NEATLY WE butali 1 DELI E 1 EN Q QUiT I 1 J ASSESS assessment MEYr NOTICE rile stal llarI Minin gand gIlld INI Colilla lly i principal place ol of bils ill Marys utility county atall notice ata at a iii meeting of uie the boari board of dir directors cetor buld on oil tile 21 liy day of A august assess xo no 2 ot of one olle half a of ono w rent was levied on oil the capital L ap others follow lt stock of lie sigid company and linquest oil the lay day of september ind tit all IKE ait share eliares sli ares s to be sold mold on oil tile the 2 day of T S I 1 CIGARS CIGAR sv october Oc 1002 notice is further given yi cn thatah tha tat at i inee of N tue tile board on oli the lith day of Oc october tuber WINES and I 1 aw the dale of if s sill sala ill waa ext extended exceilda eilda to lo the 3rd ard day of on oil of alio above described assess clit liere hure are nion tile LIQUORS 4 stoer and the several amoun ts set ol 01 opposite the Il ailles of the reste respective etive sli cis as follows CALL AND ND IE BE CONVINCED no shares amount r Aile hael hennessy OOOO S 00 ix 13 tk oooo loo 0 oo 00 o 13 BALER A LER PEACOCK 14 4 t kt NOW W I 1 II 11 DO 00 UTAH 14 1 ta J 50 51 00 17 t louo 50 00 IS tt 14 11 2 v 5 ua 11 la 1 81 31 tt t 1 2 44 t CG 5 13 78 MA MARYSVALE R 4 t 2337 j 1 11 l ga W 77 AV 1 11 1450 7 25 2670 13 40 10 0 valentine ot gl clial C pay aw 5 00 1 T it 11 A aromi in own 1000 5 00 G J jacob abol rowell 17 io 10 0 J 1 l tt JS 1878 73 IN 33 lk ll 11 ag 1771 lax 1000 ro n noo oo flo mutt mutton OT beef on 47 his 1000 m SH 87 hiis P aw 11 10 M X 88 83 POU 10 00 ani a ild pork AT LOW PRICES SO 89 t tk 10 IH A 1 l A 1 l t M 10 UKIO M F LOU 11 SO 20 2 A ALSO it UTTER ea GS 91 2000 10 M W ti f io 10 lx JO alx GRAIN et 03 93 tl 2000 M 11 0 00 94 t tim 5 W 1011 JOHN 1 nl PROP 95 ack ro 5 00 90 1 im 1800 0 OO 00 R 1 53 J 07 97 it G price 5 0 OJ 1 anil and hi ini with law and order of S XAN LAN D I 1 board of directors s mado october lath 1002 1 so inacy shares sli ares ot of ach parcel of lucli sit stoe stock k is I 1 lie collat publio pucho abw auction cioll aw I 1 I 1 lor for ci hattlin lit tina of the treasurer samuel 1 L 0 is ilow at hu 1110 of th llie e 0 page iri in marydale Mary male Ut alon abon Mont monday lay Nove november lub at 2 1 pm to pay imy the delinquent assess H PUBLIC I 1 tr J menti and cost of aale F mi Miti liry ghey secretary R chinery ATe s up lo dat dale and as g X aud as aa good a money can ann buy SPECIAL NOTICE mining mi inri 11 having in reatis te in 9 all orders promptly M MaryB valc or gold mountain ur or others who desire to tin keep it in touch with those care carefully f ully ull y and cheap districts will be interested in the alic col W ly y execl executed ted t ed unis of the free lance and ancl ought to i ibers ibB rs tf |