Show 5 t q s ma Maye r ju tj Jale a ae a 14 j M anc of the owners of tile the cascade was heard to drop a few words the othor other alic act that kind of a deal cal il ai a i pending peu diug win d lust tuesday went dato to 0 tile the cop t yida rip belt mine antl and will wiil cw the assessment walk work win warnock canis down from bul flo in the iho week for fop aup plies will is putt ingin lih time prospecting 1 jhc he daisy claim situated between tile the and 11 P returned from deu ver ou on tra trains A car load ap supplies preceded his arrival n at tle ahe mine cabins cabina ore are goin up hr built and the mauv mau V details incident to preparing 0 for t or win tern ind a ji gorius camp illga are murry cume came down from dr last basti sunday and next morning boarded tile northbound train rain for salt bait lake dr frankli Frau klic mr arturr murry Y yaya buys Is packed to return irom from weeke weekend and after nt at to busi fiess in salt anke will cot neon olt to the per jua surprise surp rise minhie company any hay hau purchased seti it 11 group of seven claims of frunk lally tind tid bloh joins ube the wedge lydge extension on tho cast SL the roup group is 19 regarded as having good in intrinsic value and largely adds to the hie per derjue J ne hold lugs in oil nd to furnishing forni shing tile the company with it large r supply of flin ber will king lias been busy luring during several anys gel alog lumber s etc up lip to 11 11 1 Brud burns a cla claiming imig the lumber had to be dragged from froin tit tho 6 dallao mill ap the trall und and over the ihu bouillon cottonwood divide and ans ang it slow aud and tedious job besides being expensive pen sIre that thai road up cottonwood should bo be pushed with all possible s sped peed W R durin ingham durigg dur mg tile the past two weeks hae been prospecting tho country well up towards the head of bul bullion liona towards the enst from ml aft dyke forudi the thoc apex pes of the beaver divide on abe south des descent celiL of the ridge ride and a couple of fm mile ile or so east of barrette mr cunningham lvis located a group of claims named ilie sunny slope from 1 I to 0 11 the principal vein is large and well definod tile the values are all right in gold said mr cum ming manghum hilm but for tile the arps tit he declines to state tho the exact aino amount tile the locality is 18 it good one mud and like other large areas of the ani marysvale Marys vale country ittis has not heretofore received any attention from prospectors pros ernest williams and augustus of salt like lake thos thoa Rt betts and geo morgan Alor gaii eastern i wining mining men arrived from the he north last sunday evening and the went back on tile the P R G W train to Bel belknup linal sw switch iteli ad thence up the 13 IV and II 11 gulch g to the blue eagle group of mining claims equated about two miles west weal of tire sevier I 1 river ver mr williams Is malia gec for the blue eagle mining go the group on oil which tile the company pally is organized sed id 13 over th the ridge adge e to the of the famous famus us 13 W and 11 mine and is one of little ship pers lers in ill tile the elate and lias has all the earmarks ear marki of a comin coming 9 borin bonanza tiza there are reports of a pending deal on oil the property tiie the bait lake mining review Be view ril al ways careful and c conservative in its utterances and observations but which in its growth baa itself a hovver I ower for the ali good of industry in iii this in ill ter mountain scotia se otio has announced that hat it win will deviate from its former fixed policy of every issue an improve denul and v great big apao ial w holiday number with descriptive 1 of tile the geology of the var lotis e camp or of U nanh ta h written by the ablert scap eftis ars in the school tit of tile the sel coce epach apo III ilu to be by ON etchings I 1 iiga illustrating il I 1 the ai da 1 1 berlied adi lied ed its iti that ty ff it 11 w wall 11 lie 10 or more in size nud and iu in number As it vill ill devote of its space to and r properties we would ad 1 I viso those of our o ur friendie fri fi it ada endia w who it gijo booi gooi properties I 1 to 0 correspond wl with ill the 1 V albil il reevie Ri lie evie view and while hoping themselves and lie iho mining 0 th hey T will this thia section ud aind its P 0 1 s i to those who ure tire mal landing jing bluing oue one of the L in dilaj ies tit in the world |