Show f fark hark i yoe lance kolrs i w TIM foil na land office sit at salt luke city UC all 4 notice is hereby th thit that it the danied settler li ra filed of ills to balc i 1 ignal proof flit in of his claim wid and that sill il jaroh will till be made county clerk of to county utah at 1 illich 1011 IJ ou HI aw eth 1901 via 11 II E for tile the avi ol 01 awand fcc ll 21 11 TI 20 s I 1 r av 9 1 L LIT RL he names the foll omny y it ills is egild re Idell cu upon alad loll 1011 of said laudi alz U booi georgo su lukel cliare s se E ilir hai I 1 IV st atolies olies david W stoll stokes es nil all of rall franka Fran kD J NOTICE juist ni j ce illi ir I 1 ville bluto county J atall ut ih all notice Is Is hereby Alven that ian it a ine ethil p of tire board of directors of the a bovell trill dicolli aai tile dayron dabir of october 1002 10 nn I 1 of orle ono liala is cot cents its per the capital stock othe lost loat crock creek irrigation cowila ny ti a pur 4 tich of sald said in paying thit ali on alto shares ovilee overby by tile lost creek cicek iii tile upper sevier reservoir und tind fish colip tiny ally pa bablo immediately to tile or J dixox II 11 fox at ills his residence resi dellee in Cir circleville cleville any ADY niia re rc ainali imla unpaid ld on the OILY day ot r wa cju be dell ament nM ent mIi dv ertl sed furi itle at public allet loll 1011 unless 1111 less payment is ma de be bc forewell fore will be soldon the day dakof of dot the conr of 10 ienir at the office ortho of alie Cire laville cutali to pay tile bellil co stoof aa and of sale by bf tim board ot directors jai boxi 1 of Forfeit forfeitures forfeiture avih county of patito to 0 L dignowity you ire beneby d me e insl gold coining a corporation or 1 kail under tile laws or of tile state of utah with N 10 its principal office in salt lake city utah olallo in ili P auty Co tinty utah lias 11 13 expended L on in III bahor and upon tile mine mille claim in ili order older to hold un provisions of suction 2334 ilo vise ds tat it utcy ot alic united the amount re jul rail to leold did clanie for alio anding 1901 atao that said sill surprise prist gold lias 1118 expended alio further sinn of one dollars in lamorand lab labor orand find I 1 ii 11 rove upon said derjue iii ining claine ili hi ordet to hold sald said f tier the yf of section 23 2324 bof of llevis Revl sed cd united states being behig alic required to hold 1 for or tho year sear erid end 1000 and if ninety days tys after the service of tills this notice wr n within ninety day davs af sifter tor tivis this 1100 nat we ice by publication you fall fail or acl biti to con your as eo co mauer your interest in said hlll become bold old mining company ald section 22 2321 1 by order of oe tile hoard board of directors the iiii prise company 1 ny hoyka alss haab S 1 k I 1 and 1 alax krotki its y U 22 the safest tor 1 manta flo do 4 who is afraid V 6 cating married rs to fall in several ioni women eji mo most st mari firges would indicate that women are ar natural born bom E even v I 1 cn brudes prudes shave have a pride of pea pencil dillo lati 4 w e adm dh laje tj t J VUn J 0 DICK 23 K M VL raison 4 ins ore vie fc published semimonthly semi monthly 3 mining B si aton de fo mining a Milli milling nj and laport s fr yaa i jsam JS am maion W 14 r A 44 fage publication DICK 1 4 lu CIVIL l th tha b K U MIN g paper published between denvor and the chast IQ F commissioned Vom commissioned utah mah adzona Ati r i j t K ruoc RW oc Z L 1 I at S V s c i on price ericc a year 1 I frooms dooly mck block 3 six S IX months in advance 3 phone 1344 z salt lake city |