Show awl lei W lot its I 1 WI woo al 11 5 q 1 5 4 3 recent recen lobaton lo loaa caton eions j i A 1 ye OHIO DISTRICT haly oct 23 by y I 1 J steward bt ewart rj ducay oc be 41 by geo R IL haws 7 t MT BALDY DISTRICT hoof no 5 oct 27 ly by J U ablai F billao after Tl find aali thought no I 1 oct 29 by 0 0 11 1 I ri it diews it B moon snow bird djos N 0 1 4 T oct zo 00 ty by ole jarabin Jara oin sn ow B birakos Bird arif nos Kos 56 blue tuy tay nos 14 1 4 camp bird anos 16 1 6 oct oci 30 i by M F 11 murry aloi 17 1 7 fra franklin and north dij Forli ruction oct 30 r by ole barsoi i s iv i IV gift y sf rr nf ma f t notice to subscribers alinich A hitch in getting the me free lanco into boito the ilie select I 1 IS of papers that enjoy 2nd and class mail forces the publisher or of this paper to wrap and atamo each copy that goes oes through tile mails antl I 1 such time us as tho the matter is adjusted justad ad its n lob of expense aind extra trouble but it cault e helped to reduce tile the expense and arbor the arfe lance will be sent to junction mid and kingston and be distributed from froin some convenient polut until the difficulty is ov oreine marys vule vale subscribers will obtain their papers tit the free lance office tile the difficulty HIOW over bending lu iu to tile the post poat office department along with the application of mailing ledges the first number munib r of tile the free I 1 a n ce coutair containing ag our proposition to bend the paper for a mouth month ov on trial that proved u boomerang the department officials inferred thul that the free lance is evidently e intended for free circulation aud and pe L ly forced the publisher to t the thy mourners bench where lie is cow now sitting siLtIng and ruminating on the re aults adulte ol of ignorance of the postal law the department I 1 is in no wise to blame as aa it is laudably trying to eliminate the abuses blabs mailing brivil ledges tho the only mistake the department made was to iu not directing an official enquiry luto the Ansin of publisher to deter determine arho able to give the people a paper embodying buob bueb size ize 9 tind and excellence ay as the free lance had the inquiry been made the beaufi t would avoult doubtless induced efm i 1 I 1 TO AW advertisers 7 the lie territory ton Hory occupied lv by tho w frei diw unify jamet makes it tim very jest t i in utu mal for teaching reaching the homes oi of residents resident 4 oi of tha saulli ort loi of flit state llatha will ieli lieb cut on aiice i nnie seem as corn emred other coain try newspapers our cis it annl 1 will l 10 no nor bisci nor 1101 will vill tills paler take clini cl iii ae lall v I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 le fo I 1 iw P postmaster gendral la elt either it 1 up a colle ewon for tills this paule piute iu in fact or instructed evory every employed emp loye or tie the to ank 11 prepaid ellb on oil palo pain of fl Ai vother hah bee for ward ded td nud aji no doul doolit I 1 t ampt ind favorable attention alten tiou in ili the ahe bers J K F bibus pul uree creft lance |