Show th the three phil philosopher ophlia for the first brat time la in ai live it ill three re genuine gemme aimea a pure philos gophers veat meet out riding 1 in a motor at car after they had bad ridden about twenty miles out la in the he country cou the car broke do dotan I 1 std said d the first philosopher 1 s 1 I ha ahne in long hit wanted anted to aati study I 1 d certain arter S as port of if mare ma re had ad this afford on m the p bicum ticum prospect I 1 most ar ad 1 l a bold the he second ad philosopher I 1 obe observe there re is 11 a tarm houie e over i 1 I whore her food C can doubtless d b be ob b i tanned tlc d 1 in sufficient quantities non ea said I 1 I 1 ard the third I 1 have long S wanted anted to be lo in a where without moving sustenance would 1 d b be I 1 I 1 brought broggi 0 to O me by on one friend balle ill the a other r discoursed tal read oa no the beaube ban of nature ufa i |