Show APINE THE BIG PUCES PLACES the poor make themselves themos siv es poorer as apes of the rich said gen j lew wallace in ben hur her and the small city with limited income will make itself bankrupt in ding the big and powerful powei ful the average small town doean t nee need to go in for the fancy fixtures a of many of the large cities be because r il tai lica already has the end to be at attained chicago and new york for instance have recreation piers the object ob ice t being residents a abiff of f fresh air occasionally the small burg needs no expensive fresh air enterprises t ith the ex caption of parks and be ie sure that it already has this rift gift and boon of nature in abundance the small town abir aff does not need the f and other eapen sive trappings of big cities men wanting a aunt or a joy ride can take rake to the nearest road usually close at hand and get it amid better surrounding than m a the large huge cities the big cities are const constantly antl y spend pen d ing millions to get what the small town already has namely facilities for far c convenience and recreation in the he open and in recent sears i ears ahmoi men the only thing that small towns lacked I 1 in eon conspicuous measure are being provided provided by the moving picture machine As one parowan carowan citizen said the other day salt lake city is a alt right to go to once in a while but be hanged if I 1 care to lne his there |