Show teachers examinations the final Is e mai nation for teachers certificate certificates a will wait be held in the district school house building in cedar city on august 14 and 15 beginning at 9 a in examinations on the reading and study course as well ell as the general county examination evam mation will wiil be held at the same ane time the general examina tion is given for applicants who now hold no certificate and who have hae completed at lest le st one year of approved college work and for teachers from other states who have not had opportunity to take the reading and study courses all teachers who county certificates and are taking the examinations fur for renewal must take examination in the reading and study course the program fur for the examination follows follow general examination aug ang ll 11 q a in reading and pedagogy 1 30 pm p m gy or gium sud stud spelling and grammar aug 15 9 a in arithmetic geography or history 2 ja p an Psycho loge drawing or writing reading and study course aug 11 aa 9 a m reading and Litera reaching and reading 1 I 1 30 p do teaching ot at spoiling spelling tiang TIA hg of oe lang language age AUK aug 15 1 9 A in composition |