Show y fl a rowan rolv dimes 0 S published every wednesday carowan parowan Pa rowan or publishing Pub lishin J f P t y company y alex H rollo hollo editor and manager subscription RATES out one year I 1 1 50 six months 75 four month 50 always payable on in advance En Entre red as second class mail matter at the post office at parowan carowan utah october 27 1915 advertising rates made known on application prices reasonable parowan carowan Pa rowan utah aug 16 1916 A are re you in need of ch chiropractic ad adjustment ment 7 if sick investigate chiropractic removes the cause of d disease chiropractic is not na medicine cherne argery or for infer information write frank P pyott chiro butle marti manti ulah adv tf if commercial printing at this office pr 6 satisfied customers means that those who come bk back b k to us again and again 10 0 buy after they ve made their first purchase at our store always receive satisfactory service they th ey know that whatever we sell them is thoroughly ou ehly reliable they know we do not ask more than fair profit on our c ear sales they know they can rely on our is our stand by they know that carefulness honesty courtesy cleanliness r and promptness characterize ua parowan carowan drug company children shoud save teach conr children chi biren eaily eady in ill life the lalue of tins labit habit if eaily lillne mill nel el ei he be out iown patents should gle gie them a toll stait wi open an arewine esith ith ais w in tile youngsters els name give litin him tile the hank bank book and tell into him what it iq and what it means then encourage him to sae a e ill inq Ireci pennies nies ahe ahe leulf ju empria you yon N one dollar opens etc an account 31 bank of iron iran county PAROWAN UTAH capital and surplus OF OFFICERS L N 1 P pret L N wardden W win ad adami wo wm ad adams V vice arca E L wilford dy day a 3 chy claylon h ka 41 tift W wm H N L lyman jhc john C robin john jhn R RN robinson 16 f 1 adu YOU MUST HAVE I 1 1 the faba airi t thing said about a car in ordinate ordin ordinal aty y comei fil 1 tl J datum is almost always a diket auf eleele to its k quality you find the highest in alfh F 0 B W iron co MOTOR CAR 13 L 13 13 tt concentration on one car the problems of production and J A places the dodge brothers free to devote themselves to a contina JJ M ous one pros pro s of improvement M L fil S A halterman Haltem nan local agent carowan parowan city utah national forest timber for sale sealed bids will be received by the supervise panguitch utah up to and including september 5 6 1916 for all the merchantable dead timber standing andins st or down and all the live timber limber marked or designated des ignited for cutting in the he a scat at timbered areas found in sections 30 and 31 T 36 S R 8 W V 1 S L M mammoth creek water shed sevier national forest utah estimated to be ft B al more or less of Em emalena alema spruce and alpine fir saw timber cumber no bid of les the than sa 2 25 per at ft will be considered dept deposit dep t with bid 1 ahe he right to reject a any and all ail bids reserved before bids bi d s 1 aie ace submitted full fell information con berning the timber the condition of sale and the asu submission of bids should be obtained from fro in the forest for eat panguitch riis at tAug g 2 last aug ab 23 M J macfarlane M 0 ion surgeon CEDAR CITY LOT UTAH an offices in knell block over cedar city drug store 11 PAROWAN AUTO FRANK LYMAN LYMAM mm MANAGER fare reasonable each way between parowan carowan and cedar city special S pecia trips to any art of the C county bounty CO comici f it table bl C car kp dd driver ph fhone for R two P latown I 1 uenh DR F J BURTON physician surgeon pitt uth utah DRIB new N t urr or had g cul R 9 to 12 a m office isi houra to 5 p in I EON LEON L ECKLES Ilmo in voice vice and violin studio at re residence tel I 1 |