Show REPUBLICS republican nephi L morris nominated for governor of a f state S tate strong it IE WAS a arm convention that the republican delegates held at OK og dpn den last week ok in nominating a state t ticket kt the fight entered on an the n nomination initiation for Ga governor vernor and nephi L morris won by a ahmes breath two thirds of a vote following is the ticket as made at thee the convention neen tion U S senator george sutherland supreme court justice D N governor governo nephi L 1 morris secretary of state lincoln G kelley attorney general harold P fa buse bian auditor joseph jenson Tre treasurer aurer david H madson madsen sent of public instruction E G gowans presidential electors david jen son thos smart A R gawle or rm nn seely A strong prohibition plank was inserted in the platform as 68 follows we pledge the inC incoming govern or and legislative assembly if laicans to promptly and nut not less than fifteen days before the close of the next session of the legislature enact a law prohibiting by ill di legislation the manufacture and t the he sale by or other wise of intoxicating liquors of all kinds 1 in the state of utah a law which shall he be thoroughgoing unambiguous a and as i incapable ion as language can c a n make it and that said law go into effect with in six mont months he after passage |