Show ae ac club practically the entire building of the utah agricultural college at the state fair fabir will be given over to the exhibits of f the boys and girls the slate which are devot bato nghieu agricultural u ral pur pursuits by the boys and homo home economics by the girls J C hogenson of the extension division staff of the agricultural coage has the clubs in utah in charge ile he is assisted by carl anderson and miss wilkinson lkinson Wl the exhibits of the boys will include potatoes sugar beets mangel garden crops poultry v 11 and rid pigs which have been raised and produced by them under the ca club ab work the girls exhibits will be brea ld plan of flower garden sewing and pint jar of each kinds of fruit and vegetables canned during the summer months the exhibits will take up the greater part of the A G building at the fair and will be of unusual interest arises will be given for the best exhibits of individual in the various lines of work and for aingie club exhibits the c club ab work under the auspice of the state agricultural college in utah stands second and leads in the north and western states massachusetts has the largest enrollment roll ment that of utah comes second with an enrollment of while oregon is in third with the club work under the direction of J CH C hogenson has progressed in utah more rapidly than in any other the growth of clubs has been phenomenal here and it is now one of the feature depart ments menta of practical educational work in the state in a few counties and towns ire re employed by the commit ies local men to look after af ter the business of the clubs these county and d town employees emPloyee i work harmona harmon with va iab mr hogenson Hogens cn state leader and his two assistant state leaders the state and the national goverio government ment are behind the organizations and assist financially the clubs are formed in schools and other organizations and assist financially the clubs are formed in all schools and other organizations where children are handed together each town has ft t club organized organised sed all devote time to agricultural P problems and work for the boys boya while alle the girl devote time to home products and domestic science work because of tremendous spurt in the club organization the au authorities thorit les of the utah agricultural college deemed it best to give the citizens of state ati an opportunity to see what was being accomplished and decide to allow the exhibits to fill the college building at the fair these exhibits will be attractive and interesting and will no doubt attract widespread interest in the club work |