Show WAYS OF PREPARING BEEF HEARTS the price of boot hobarta varies la in different districts district ia find and it la in hardly safe to bay that any kind of meat la Is low ION ON in price As thora tiro are no bones and but little in hearts it is quite an economical dish to u 9 0 occasionally it the heart is ie to bo be cooked whole it should bo be well to remove a al the blood TI th ordinary method of serving carving thorn them 1 to to lo lotuff and stow blow or roast them about two hours should bo be allowed for the roasting and they should bo be well busted basted during tho the proc process ces when stuffing out cut through tho the partition so BO that there Is but ono one cavity to fill A stuffing ng of sausage meat to which two or three onions have been added makes a most savory dish to make a sage bags and onion stuffing eluding clop a largo onion and boll boil it tor for ton ten minutes in A little water add a cupful of bread crumbs salt butter sago sage and the beaten white of an egg season well with popper pepper and till fill the heart heart en an Casee casserole wash tho the heart and stuff blutt with any desired coment arrango a halt cupful ol of onions and carrots in a casserole then lay in tho the heart sprinkle with malt bait popper and paprika dredge with flour and n nd bake tor for two hours remove from the dish and make a brown gravy grav yo using four tablespoonfuls of the tat fat with three of floour flo ur adding two cupfuls of boiling water servo serve with the gravy and vegetables around the heart heart a la Is francasso Franc alaa fill tho the heart with veal stuffing made as follows tako take a half cupful of crumbs tw two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped suet a teaspoonful teaspoon tul of parsley chopped boie soie some sweet horba herbs salt and pepper to taste bind with a beaten egg this stuffing is especially nice for veal fasten the heart with string well sowed bowed to keep the stuffing in rub over with fat ot of melted suet and told fold in a buttered paper or put into a paper bag used for cooking roast for three and a half hours serve garnished with spinach and cooked tomatoes and servo with a brown sauce |