Show tk the elk KS Kei ilea uns hans P i an fn iphon an dother emah ustia to talk of elk for garfield boutty county al that elk are doing geffin wall in the north is hown shown by bV the he following from the Sevier Sun the elkan elk in selina canyon have been been increasing wonderfully since they were imported from the jackson hole country the herd now numbers something like sixty head since anat spring the elk have had bad the freedom of the canyon and they have been an annoyance to the few rosi residents dents up there the are as wild as d deer ter and the big brutes can conceal themselves moat most effectually they make frequent visits to the mesas and a number of them were seen about a month ago on seven mile however like domestic cattle the the elk regularly return to where they have been cared for it is likely that during the coming winter the entire herd will be making headquarters in salina canyon above rattlesnake point |