Show TEN HINTS TO DRY FARMERS among other things necessary to success are arc modern machinery and plenty of power the experience of dry farmers and investigators over a period ot of many years indicate 1 A deep clay loam soil is best besl 2 plow deep 3 8 follow the plow with disk and harrow barrow except fall plowing in re gions of little snow enow and high temperature disk in early spring to prevent evaporation 4 destroy weeds weeda they use moisture 6 5 rotate crops and return manure in fertile soil eoll plants require less mot mo sture leture 6 sow saw only by the drill methods 7 plant deeply and use less seed 8 feed the tha crops on the place 9 modern machinery and plenty of power la Is essential to success in dry farming g JO 10 study the be principles of dry farm in aig g and your own success lud fallar failure 9 vow |