Show DEVOTION OF A HIGH ORDER aurely conine canine sagacity could hardly go further than the instance that Is here recorded they were gathered round the stove in the country grocery store swapping dog stories abner morgan had all the best ot of it with his yarns of the tha extraordinary intelligence exhibited by a collio collie belonging to his bla uncle the others grew restive finally job perkins deemed the appropriate wherein to io spring a tale that would cap all the others that was a clever dawg ab drawled he be an I 1 make no doubt lie he was jest as knowin as aa you let on but bayl day lie he a marker to a dawl dawg my old roan man owned I 1 boys the devotion of that dawg to the old man was waa shore bhore amalin he heard the old man inan say he was prest sed tor lor money so he went an died the day before the dog tax was duet duel |