Show work weakens the kidneys many occupations weaken the kidneys aing a aching g bac bucks ket urinary hid and a dull dro drowsy TZ discouraged reeling feeling work exposing one to chills dampness or sudden changes work lu in clumped pd P 0 st t lonal work rtnald ati the ju fumes of tu turpentine constant riding on jolting vehicles la Is especially hard on the kidneys taken in time kidney trouble hard to stop neglector negle ctol it I 1 la dangerous As a kidney tonic I 1 there here Is 13 no other so o well recommended so BO widely used and 0 so 0 universally successful as doans doana kidney pills A utah case art frt tur W W robinson fleit last edit and second secona north st ht american F fo 0 r rk k utah says for month I 1 hid had a constant pain in the small of 0 in my y back and the leat least that brought any s train on my back m made a do the pain wore A druggist r recommended doans iced kidney ney pills dili and I 1 got a box dy the me I 1 had bad in an fahed she M me the contents content I 1 noticed an improvement and an tho second box cured me I 1 take doans kidney rill pills oft t and on now and they give one fine got get don at t any store soc a dox box DOANS 1 P 11 16 5 FOSTER rOSTER MILBURN bURN CO BUFFALO N V Y prevention TIOW letter than cure pills it taken take in tint time are re not only a remedy for or but wilt will prevent SICK HEADACHE constipation and kindred diseases tuffs ruff S pills pi I 1 13 LOSSES SURELY TEli BLACK by cutters blackleg pills low kricek priced fresh rell abla abl preferred 1 western estern ito stoc clunen kmen bees u they h art r W VI toot where other vacel nei f all I 1 lf write t for booklet ind and testimonials LEG ff 10 doia 0 Bliek tel pills 1180 io 50 d dor blackleg kleg pills pill 4 00 use any injector but cutters Cutt tra bett the superiority 0 of f cutter products product la Is due to over is deara of in and strums erum only on cutters cutter n if order or direct TH THE E s CUTTER LAGON laboratory ATORY ar berkeley kloY A splendid opportune Opp opportunity I 1 it yand to make mon lz perin anent business write health and accident insurance su and be ba independent all or purl t rt tir almo address national casualty company ve detroit ru I 1 t AGENTS 1 1000 A DAY EASY bell our beautiful art pictures in oak mat framo frames no talking or experience required dont don t mtr miss this opportunity to make money sample I 1 co globe art publishers mammoth utah pettits Pet tits eye salve EYE QUICK TROUBLES W N U salt lake city no 38 1914 5 aft A for years cars we have been stating in in the newspapers of tho C country that a great n many women have escaped serious operations erat crat ions b by taking lydia E vegetable compound PO und ant and it is true we are aci permitted bitted to publish in this announcement extracts C from the letters of f five ive women all have been recently received unsolicited could any evidence be ba moru more convincing ME I 1 hall had pains in ili both sides and such ft a sore soreness neso I 1 could scarcely straighten straight ell up nt at times my back ached and I 1 was vas so nervous I 1 could not nob sloop and I 1 thought I 1 never would bo imy aily bettor until I 1 submitted to an operation but I 1 commenced jakini lydia E vegetable Quil compound pound and yoon moon folb felt liko like ft a cow woman mrs Sow ints mo me CITAR Larru N 0 11 I 1 was in bad health for two years with pains a his ata n both sides bides and was nas very nervous I 1 had ft a growth which vl ic pi the doctor said was a tumor and I 1 no nover vor would get I 1 caann had an operation A friend advised mo me to take lydia ua E pink fink hilms hams vegetable compound and I 1 gladly say that I 1 am now enjoying imo hilo health 11 mrs ROSA SIMS 10 winona st charlotte N 0 IIA NOVEn PA il tho the doctor advised a severe operation but rn my 1 3 alla a husband got gob mo me lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound and I 1 i 0 experienced great in ft short time now ileon I 1 feel like ft now person and can do a hard days work and not mind lt it 1 mrs ADA WILT 1 ua stock st Na hanover nover pa DECATUR ILL I 1 was sick in bed and three of tho the best 4 ceans said icsia I 1 would have tobo to bo taken to tho 1108 hospital ital for an operation as aa I 1 had Bom something ething growing in my lofb sido I 1 refused to submit to the operation and took lydia E I 1 pin Pink hams vegetable compound and it worked a in in my case and I 1 toll other women what it has hag dono done for mo 11 mrs A datskow dat Gnia woLD 2300 blk bill fast east william street decatur ill 5 CLEVELAND 1 I was very irregular and for several year my sido pained me so ao that I 1 expected to havo have to undergo an op crati oration OlL doctors said they know of nothing that would help me I 1 took lydia E R Pink hams liams table compound and I 1 became regular and free from pain I 1 am thankful for such a good and will always civo it the highest praise mrs 0 IL madison av cleveland 0 to LYDIA MEDICINE CO SW confidential LYNN MASS for advice your otter letter will bo be opened read annl answered ly by a woman and it held eld in strict confidence SKIN TROUBLE ON LIMBS wash my trouble first started on my arms and soon eoon it extended to my body and legs the first I 1 noticed of it was red spots itching spots some larger than a pin head bead my clothing irritated them and I 1 scratched my aly sleep leap was vae disturbed by the clothes scratching it had bad bothered me for about ten days and I 1 began to use the Cuti cura soap and ointment I 1 only purchased one cake of Cuti curn soap and one box of Cuti cura ointment and they effected a cu cure re signed sid bid strawn may 19 1914 Cuti cura soap and ointment sold throughout tho the world sample of each freewith 32 p skin nook book address post card cuti cura adopt L 13 boston oston adv important to mothers examine carefully every bottle oa 01 CASTORIA a eato and sure buro remedy tat infants and children and see bee that it 1 dears the signature of t in use uee for over 30 0 years ears I 1 children cry for metcher chers fl castori YOUR youn OWN WILL try marine afo yo tor for rod t weak myca loyes and granulated no M WI luat t H kye e comfort write j for D book of cf the h mw py by ra duail all free by mrs 1 remedy bom ody co chloma low aum 12 16 AND 20 GAUGE Haip JSam merless repeating shotguns the model 1912 winchester is the lightest strongest and handsomest repeating shotgun on an the market although light 11 41 weight it has great strengths strength because its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel t is a two part takedown take down without loose parts is simple to operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness unknown in guns of other makes see one at your dealers alera de or seius to repeating arms ami co conaw now haven conn cann for drealan cir dr cotar ealar THIS LIGHT ight MCI NICKED FLUMES METAL mr ditch dl owner CULVERTS PIPE your are making a m mistake is take hess products always give p m if y you OU install a flume or pipe satisfaction send forra for catalog talog without at least allowing us 5 nn on nume flume PW pipe no head gates to show you how inexpensive and how permanent are measuring devices and aliw hess metal flumes blumes other hydraulic supplies 1 the hess flume co 2181 isih STREET DENVER COLORADO METERS 0 branches noe boise idaho salt luke lake city CI it I 1 1 fiorino DITCH GATES grand junction cc colo I 1 ti n y A |