Show T tl t l y baker lumber co 0 marysvale Marys vale utah all kinds of building material cement plaster paints hardware rubber roofing roof paint shingles Shin clea lati sash tind doore all kinds kind of adl work aa door FrAI framon 66 window porch tind stair burk a and L interior decorations F furnished at lowest prices Estlin afes on aay kind of furnished urnis hed let LA us help you to build your home quality price and are here i VV ft ila agis mgr marr laver cross croat tn TIT ur dr wen laxative Table tm nothing fur for consoli ps oun at AA A child fr dr MUCH laxative ti lots li biti xit ut of try cry abeal and apa ii lany people with wilh tur ara r lut n tr ir mites M RV try them va korr ra 10 ortin ment 1 11 na only way ta vt 16 genuine new home a e is to w y the with ta rame NEW HOME on the wn WA is ta its to wrid for all no other skelt eat no other a as good d th now home homa sewing ma i diflo company CRAM NS BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN THIS TOWN local lal are surprised at tho the QUICK results received from simple buckthorn bark glycerine etc as mixed in adler 1 ka the gernian german remedy which became famous by curing appendicitis this simple remedy draws ott on such a su amount ot of old foul matter from the body that A SINGLES SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach meb paa gas on the stomach and constipation INSTANTLY it la Is tho the beat remedy we ve have ever sold C carhart druggist advertisement have you a title abstracts of duffile prepared deeds mortgages and all kinds of notary work done at rei reasonable prices hans P ipson licensed abstractor I 1 coples lung trouble cured many blany re recoveries verles from lung trouble are due to dr bells pine tar ta rhone honey it strengthens the lungs lugg I 1 a checks eh ecks tho the cough and gives relief at once mr W 8 allkins Wl lkins gates N C writes 1 I used dr bells pine pin 2 tar honey honeying in case given up as hopeless ho and it effect ed cd a complete cure get a bottle bott leof of dr bells bella pine tar honey if your cough Is ia dry and hacking let it trickle down the throat you will surley get only ut itt your druggist advertisement keep your stomach and liver healthy A vigorous stomach perfect working liver and regular acting bowels is ia guaranteed if you will use dr kings now new life pills they insure good dr kings now new life pills they insure good digestion correct constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system purify fur afy your blood an rid you of all body poi pois lons through the bowels only at your druggist notice to witter water users stats state office hull bait lake city utah august itt Is iau 1914 give luat rau ana at A t ll allu lu eluo VILO VIL O isusi XH adult aldu 1140 1 wit allu too laiu ul lavt laut uth dull ivul a ua ausura U uy b ald kuo IUD lw bavia cj bi ulu abbi j ULI aa ill tu tw lu wl 1 V nc 1 lullu arlu L wo ut L aull 13 ulu oia o ia ii ku u 11 1 bilu abbl ku i alj hat ilu dAuk uku kue ut AL ui uj iyub cak A xiu ua ull duil V SU ul 01 IL bliku UIL u lui jut A uta buluk abuso lUk ul ll 11 ol abill 1 tw J W UL U U auau 4 W ut lain illi ZU Z a LILU a A auti yual i U 1 1 rac U au u G uj V A AU ul MU dicu 4 amui lu ua w I 1 ahll duj dab 1 wk LUU lu savu nuu wl I 1 kuff U ul V 0 staw udie ot of tug abt al UA ul oa 01 kl toi the Brig brigham hain young university provo will begin its academic year thursday october 8 thursday will be devoted to of class work will corn mence friday mer ning october 9 catalogues cataloguer Catal will be furnished on application yours truly E H holt sec i n ff A i 1 v L eg al notice of goad boad election state of utah county of garfield Gard eld panguitch high school district no 1 legal notice Is ia hereby given as aa ns 03 required by law and requisite of the board of education of panguitch high school district no 1 garfield county state of utah that at the bond elect ion to bo be held in co court urt house in pang aitch garfield county san state to of utah on tuesday cowit the 3rd ard day of november A D 1914 between tho the hours of 7 A M to 7 P M there will be submitted to the resident taxpayers of the said aid high school district the following question queaa ion for their vote and de determination thereat cowit shall the board of education of panguitch high school district no lof 1 of garfield county state of f utah issue negotiate and sell 0 nineteen thousand five anve hun dred dollars high school building 6 six per cent bonds bonda of panguitch high high school district no I 1 of garfield county state of utah dated november 1914 duo due and payable november icah 1914 without prior of redemption demp tion interest payable semi annually november may icah of each year both principal and interest payable at the national bank of commerce in the city and state of now new york U S A having interest cou pon no I 1 due and payable may blay ibah 1915 I 1 and all subs subsequent t maturing coupons pons attach attached cd the pi buirse ire of building a high school building at panguitch in the said high school district and supplying the same with furniture and necessary apparatus the poll for the reception of the ballots cast upon said question will on flie sold said day of the date and place aforesaid fore eaid be open at the hours of 7 A M V and will remain open until the hour of 7 P M of same day when the shall be closed all the ballots deposited in favor of the issuing of bonds shall have thereon the words word bonds I 1 yes and those opposed 0 thereto shall have thereon the words bonds no to only qualified resident taxpayers of said high school district possessing the following qualification will be allowed to vote on said question pt at said election and no others vim r evory every chizen of the united states of the age of twenty one years or over w who 0 has been a resident of the state of I utah for ohe one year of f the count county y 4 months ha arill an d of the school nol district 60 daya dabs both immedi ate proceeding proceed it g the daymen which the meeting is held to vote fofi upon upon sald said question quest ion of levying a special taxi tax or issuing bonds for any school district or high school district of ci selecting a school house site or who has bas paid a property pros erty tax in said district during tile the year next prece proceeding eding shall be entitled to vote at any such meeting by order of the board of education of tho the panguitch high school district no 1 of garfield county state of utah made at a lawfully called and duly held field meeting of said bond boad in the city of panguitch garfield county state of utah in said high school district this the ath day of oct A D 1914 board of education of panguitch high school district no 1 of garfield county state of utah F G gardinor gardiner president david L I 1 wilson vice president J B showalter treasurer J J jr clerk lost mrs rhoene houston lost a watch pin at the fair with her name on it finder finde r please return to her A apply sloans freely for lumbago your at tacks attacks of lumbago are nearly so hopeless as aa they seem beem you can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of sloans liniment on ari the back and loins lumbago is a form of rheumatism and yields perfect ly to sloans which penetrates quickly all jn in through the sore tender limbers Ilin bers up the back and makes it fine get a bottle of sloans liniment for 25 cents canta of any drug druggist giRt and have it in the house against colds sore and swollen joints neuralgia sciatica and liko like all ailments ments your money back if not satisfied but it does doe a give almost instant relief fine carrots beets agers I 1 ind onions for sale by william uffer next house to tithing office for or sale cheap before pitted UP toned up whole system chamberlains tab ets have done more for me than I 1 ever dared hope for writes mrs esther mae baker spencerport erport N Y 1 I used alveral bothlen of these tablets a few months ago they not only cured me of bilious attacks sick headaches and that tired out feeling but toned up my whole system for sale by all deal era advertisement 1 7 ami 11 II 1 la 11 I 1 teachers institute notice in accordance with the laws law of the Sta teof of utah a teachers institute for the teachers of garfield and puite counties will be held field nt at circleville Cir cleville utah on friday and saturday october an and 1914 there will be present the state school superintendent and three instructors from salt lake city it is imperative that all school teachers of garfield county should be present it is desirable and important that every member of every school board in garfield county be present as far as far as aa possible F G garfield school superintendent singer sewing machines dr james T daly sr has on hand a big lot of new singer sewing machines and all kinds of extras extra lie he is ia agent for panguitch Pan gultch vicinity see him or write to him at pan duitch 8 17 notice for publication department Depart of tha interior U S land office at spit lake lak City Utah october 9 1914 notice node it Is hereby given bl that willi william 3 n P i of Pang nitch utah who on july 20 1910 haade desert de artland land entry serial xo NO amro of nwe section 31 town tn T n 34 3 south ranges west satt salt lake meridian bal bai notice of intention to make rinat desert land proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk clark of Dist district riot courtat IAru itch utah on the ath day dair of november 1911 Clair claimant ames as ai wanel witness wh nel est robert 11 Shake shakespeare spears kill smith john S prince john W Itt ilay all of utah 9 D K R thompson register Keg liter lee ice froze in panguitch one third of afan an inch thick wednesday night why not publish it when you want a fact to come gea gicie e rally known the right way is ia to publish it t mrs miro joseph kallans 0 peru ands was troubled with belching bele hing sotir stomach and frequent headaches she writes 1 I feel it nay ant duty to tell other what chamberlains tablets have done for me they have helped my digest no and regulated my bowels bovre ls isnec qi nee been entirely well for sale ale by all dealers advertisement what would you do there are many times when one man questions others an actions arid and motives men act different under different circumstances cum curn stances the question stion is what would you do right row now if you had a severe cold 7 could yau do better than to take chamberlains cough fremed remedy y is highly recommended by people who have used it for years and know its ita value mrs 0 ei sargent peru ind says chamberlains cough remedy is worth woith its we weight ight in gold and I 1 take pleasure in recommending it for sale by all dealers for sale the best 50 acre farm in junction also other valuable town property inquire of john morrill junction utah 10 8 notice for publication department of the th laior rater lor U S land office at salt SaIt lake city utah september 18 1810 1914 notice Is IB hereby riven that joserh joaeph V robinson off mores utah who on n october 25 1909 mafle made homestead entry serial no for sa ai of NE nea and wi N of shya SE section sooth range 8 3 wt west salt lake meridian has battled filed notice of la in to make maka final alve tear proof to es taullah claim to the land above abate described deer bd before ake th clerk of the district court kt at Parow Paro waa aut uth utah ua on the day of october octo r 1914 1014 claimant aam camets a as wit nessell i alma robinson Kobli noB harmel harm robinson Kobl porter hatton george W wade all of cilmore nil r more are utah E U 0 RT ethompson hompson lRe glater fc n N notice otlea for department OF THE INTERIOR 1 U a S land ace at t salt sai lake city july uy 27 nou notice Is I 1 hereby given that william it II twitchell of hnderson henderson alb who on august 4 i 1910 made entry no for 8 of SZ and S ol of SW section 3 3 south range ranee 1 J west salt lake meridians meridian has filed notice of to make nuat dual three year proof to establish claird claim to the land abot described before quince ic klor ball U S at winder utah on oa the day of october 1814 1914 claimant natues name as vill nesses arther Open how william brown parry PA y shirt laretta iii all of He aderon utah K t D V ak K thompson heritter 14 N 3 the ideal ladles Laili cs colorin samples are arc seen nt at myers stored store at any time mons mens suits of all kinds r from rom the national wollen mills oyer over all wool samples samples from 1060 to 2500 25 00 all slashed blashek to 1450 no price higher hay and grain rain TEN acres of fiene pasture apply fo r fidure fi Kure s at john joa E myers store 6 notice e for Pub publication licati on department of the interiors interior U S lind land at salt lake city utah september lit 18 IN pmj J notice in hereby that william J keltai of 1111 more ulah who oa a october 25 1009 hindu Ilow estead 14 serial no of ansu anu anduha oi sw section 24 township To 33 32 south range fawett west I 1 salt lake meridian has ba oled notice of 0 in make final anal five fie yar proof to claim to the laud land above described dex bedfor before ahe clerk of tbt tb estrict crit court git at Paro waa utah on thoth the soth day 01 ol oo 00 be rt parow loll 1011 claimant names aam as a alma robinson lo bloon harm robinson Kobl naon porter hatton rt orif W wade all of fillmore Fill moi utah E Z 0 R Thomp sou Kr arlier lier notice for publication department of the interior U S land offiel at silt salt lake city utah 18 1911 1014 notice Is I 1 hereby given that J alfrod alfred Rob of fillmore utah ahoon V ION 1009 made bistry serial xo no MOW f or 8 of SZIA section 13 N ayt 4 N nka it 4 and ewt NW section at 33 32 range 8 west salt sall lake lie lass filed flord notice of to tf malce make flav fenall five OT your year proof to enta establish blIsh claim to the h land above described before the lie clock clerk of bf the DIA tritt court at faro utah on the 2611 dv laff october UH 1914 claimant names AX ar bitnes 60 I 1 alma Kob lanon carml aofter geurge W wade wad alt all of vit utah K X K R Thom pion register for publication department OF THIC THE INTERIOR U 8 salt luke lake city utah september notice ti brab given thai justin 0 0 oak eau iley tr 0 of f 8 spry utah who OH july 31 mi 1011 ard do sad entry 6 caal NO for sec lt CT 33 8 K R 6 5 W N 1 SW A tl cwg NW sei SE 14 section 0 6 range 4 west gait alt lake 1 has filed died notice 0 of f to kanal its ehret year proof to leillah lt illah claim to III land awve abote described before the clerk cleric of district court rt rang utah on oa the ht day of october au 1914 claimant kamesas name a witnesses 11 W phillip J V veater J J wit wah colv cox dushani all of spry utah arsi K 0 K thorn atoa register Ieli tr notice for publication DUPART department MENT OK 01 TIM THE INTERIOR U S TAND LAND orrice at salt Sait lake city utah september a 1911 in 1 hereby ettea that jenal talbot of ofa comoto choen who n ray 26 1013 made ery NO fo for NEYA NEof SW 14 N ot of SE see sec so 30 and NW 4 SW section sctt 20 1 30 10 wante 2 salt lake Nerl alac has lia fit flefil P d n notice 0 tice of Inte intention to makk mak fin finai commil commutation A i flon proof to tep esia establish blish claim to the lie land abode deac before the clerk 1st ast coart nt at function utah ott oa the day of at No xo rember 1014 claimant names an wit stases j thomas F lancford darld bhare DH Durt alre are alma satar clydla while all of coyo utah i i E Z D R compson romp son A nofio notice C ea time andT and place lace for regi registration of voters not notice ice is ia hereby riven given that the time tind place for registration of the qualified electors rectors in election district no 0 one ne 0 1 ch precinct garfield Garfi eid county utah prior 0 to o the beneral general re election to be held on day of november 1614 1014 for the county of garfield Garfi eid tate of utah will be between the boure ours |