Show NEW BISHOP FOR MONTANA missionary district abolished and diocese established butt mont fia fi A special to the iliner from anaconda says that bishop L R brewer was elected bishop of the diocese of montana by the episcopal contention yesterday the missionary district was abolished and the established bishop brewer hag been at the head of the missionary district for many years dutte june 21 A helena special ta the miner says that gov toole will not demand of the governor ot missouri the extradition of william miles he year old murderer who a few days ago at kansas city confessed that he had a bp akeman on the mon trina union railroad north of deer lodge in 1885 for which crime a man of the name of waltham la now serving a life sentence at tac penitentiary at deer lodged the governor or says that in addition because of the mental condition of the convict who Is now paying the penalty for what may hamoi been the crime of another be Is disposed to pardon waltham the case Is a most unusual one for the reason that in both instances the men have confessed that they were th slayers vt the bra lieman boss plumbers in kingston kaa have refused to sign abo new scale of wages andino plumbers are again on strike an effort will be mada to bring a bill before the next pennsylvania legislature by which each coal company will be required to pay for each man or boy killed in or about its mines this will provide the decease eds family with funeral expenses and money to meet its urgent needs |