Show its ft to hav a suit tako for a salesman eyou its a mirror pat joji on the back and say did see you anything nt so perfectly look at the way that collar hugs tho neck how e shoulders set etc etc A perhaps but how about tha wear ot the fit depends tho tailor ing what is to bold that collar in placa or to hee pose should ersan so dont go altogether by appearance judge by hat you know ot ane repot atlon ot tho store ever since we have been in the clothing business we have stood and we shall continuo to stand back ot every piece of clothing wo cell to the enil II 11 when the season 13 over you think ou had your boneys worth of wear come back and let us pay you what wo owe you this la sate stora to lie to for clothes FRED M NYE 1 the clo thi e r 2412 washington avenue t 26 stephone St Phone 1 IVES DOLLAR STRAW HATS double special sale this week 1 dont miss the theatre and dancing it fit tonight i better neckwear for 25 cents than ever sold before at the price aves SPECIAL SALE this week AE tor all shoes at r P 1 we make the quality in sum IS m awu bros ogden fi wars abo ne acx framing of all kinds in plaid or ornamental na moul dings fred massa washington ave ELGIN 85 cents each at aves SPECIAL SALE tats week aai ladles and childrens shoes are plated on the bargain counter and are regardless regard lees of forcash 0 P braach son twenty fifth st A 1 Manhattan shirts ah half regulars regu larj A tift cear S alet ahls y week K 1 i f hf granda balli at hermitage t day jun 22 1904 under auspices of lt bowd ot classes i when steu drink drink the best em aielt bros make it ogden yorka phone az physicians recommend emmetts roda water absolutely pure ogdan bottling works phone NAVAL BATTLE ON THE PIKE miniature war one of the test attractions at the worlds fair it is well worth seeing if you visit the worlds fair dont fail to sec this realistic and thrilling show those who visit the worlds fair will fin 3 genuine pleasure at the naval exhibit oh the pike this Is a novelty never batore witnessed in america and it ought to rove the greatest sue veas exposition the show is very realistic the program includes reproductions of the navy battles ot santiago port arthur and other famous sea combats there aro as miniature war vessels ranging in length from 10 to 21 feet and are exact ot tha united states and contending fleets each ship Is run by electricity and Is controller cont rollel by who pita in alde the athla chov waa be attraction at the exposition at Duessel dorr germ any last year and was highly applauds ed by prince henry and other noted german the naval show is given on a lake two blocks in area actual maneuvering of a fleet may be seen blowing up of ships encounter with forts submarine and numerous and thrilling denta 0 real warfare the naval show attracts large crowds dally and every visitor Is well repaid for hla time it is very seldom thap such a superior scientific attraction Is shown at an exposition aa an amuso ment feature the naval exhibit on he alko Is ono of the blab lasa the mini atura boats coat about and the whole exhibit will reach alosa to Is only 25 cents but it Is well worth loo THE difference 1 GLASSES i i A vast difference in glasses taut the essential part la in having he lenses around to noat the requirements of the eye spectacles are ts Eyeglass ca but gome newer styles of onas wallas w la always 1 1 iw fass TO y CO i owa domestic bargains 17 yards L LI sheeting 1 hope bleach yard ac dress prints yard ac fine cambric yard sc elsewhere 13 l ac lonsdale bleach yard ac 12 l ac gingham yard ac outing flannel dark and light yard ac advertised elsewhere 12 l ac 12 l ac percalee percales per cales 36 inches wide worth 12 l ac ac 33 inch french madras gingham quality 32 inch corded madras for ladles shirtwaists shirt waists mens fancy shirts etc 27 inch bresg ginghams ac 37 12 1 2 inch corded percalee percales per cales light and medium shades stripes and figures flannelette and oxford 30 to 36 quality loc 12 l ac duck skirting in navy french blue black and white polka dots etc a yard loc pillow cases ac extra good quality and 12 worth 12 1 ac c sheets worth sala price hemstitcher hemstitched Hem stitched sheets regular sac walto bed spreads extra size regular sale price walto bed spreads extra elzo 2 50 value white bed spreads alzo worth pearl shirt waist sets aquaro and round shapes new childs knit waists made ilka nazareth waist ladies check gingham aprons regular ladles cotton ribbed vests elastic and fit well 0 o form 12 l ac quality ac white toweling worth ac ac heavy all linen buck hemstitcher hemstitched hem stitched towels worth sac extra quality largo size bath dowda cream end white worth ladles and chit drena percale pun bonnet in red and blue A rousing four days sale from wednesday to saturday JUNE 22 23 24 25 in every department bright fresh merchandise of the wanted kinds prices unmatched and unmatchable with a new york office and competent buyers constantly on the alert for bargain offerings purchasing as we do all kinds of merchandise in jobbers quantities at jobbers prices we were never so well able to save you money as we are today this great special offering every buyer because prices quoted are far below our usual cash prices and will be recognized as the greatest bargain offerings in this city today the beauty of it all is the goods are new fresh crisp styles you know the policy of this store why mention the fact that year after year our clearance sales keep this stock clean just as the good housewives semiannual semi annual house gleanings cleanings clean ings render the home free from accumulations of undesirable matter read every description every price therell be a crowd here wednesday morning be in it if you ap predate low prices any ladies tailored suit in the house handsome spring styles SAVING SHOE MONEY oxfords in all sizes and qualities LOO ladles 3 and all sizes and styles on bargain table denb oxfords Ox fords regular fa and 4 values on bargain table mens shoes and on bargain table boys canvas shoes sizes 13 to G worth csc youths shoes sizes 9 to 13 13 1 3 new and up to dato styles mens 3 and shoes vici kid velour calf boys regular shoes sizes 4 to 5 14 1 4 timely savings on fancy work goods and materials 54 inch linen hen stitched with drawn work plain or stamped worth 1 ac worth 11 3 doz linen ph oto frames with mountings worth linen tray cloiss fringed stamped or plain worth and for and so linen tea claths cloths hemstitcher hemstitched hem stitched with one rov of drawn work stamped or plains worth csc 36 damask tea claths cloths worth swiss bioc and cec all now goods regular for ais regular for lc regular soc for battenberg HG PATTERNS cc kinds as hinds ac kinds corsets summer net corsets alzo 18 only alo val worster conseta cor seta black and drab regular value batiste corsets white worth ealo price lawn undershirts underskirts Under skirts walto lawn underskirt draw string lop apor flounce with embroidery aldo and full regular swiss bonnet infants In tants embroidered swiss lonneta reRi ilar sao swiss bonnets full ruche around face regular sa while lawn hats tam o crowns full ruffle quality 2 maitch MaiT Cl washable gloves serviceable beautiful kid usla clovea modes gre and black isomo va hips asci 1 and swiss and coc swiss shams 1 ana pillow tops worth pillow tops wor h pillow tops wo ih ac lithograph pillow tops worth all designs worth stamped celter pieces entire stock none reserved gc kinds lie csc kinds battenberg BRAIDS csc kinds battenberg threads all ac a ball f mercerized zed pillow girdles all colors worth silk finished crochet cotton ac notions ammonia lac ac face as colored braid 3 for so chiffon stock foundations sc ac and ac fancy colored clastic ac cocoanut Coco anut oil boap bar so hold fast skirt supporter worth lac ahall back combs worth luclie leather handle isaga worth coc 1 and black and colored belts in bilk and leather worth and csc lac oxidized belt bucklo seta castile soap warranted pure sri castila soap with baah rag regular loc ac leather belts in green and blue gloves wrighta justify famous premier itlie othora tuh quality att 1 gloves best dollar glota mao sac mexican drawn work dailies doilies doi lies band mada hemstitcher hemstitched hem stitched and alag ed lac worth to sac ac worth to 22 inch center pieces stamp ad lor mount mellick embroidery worth 23 white floss for working per doz children s ready made wash dresses childrens pinac and bauo check bindham asce clounce over shoulder trimmed with embroidery ages to threat csc fancy pique yoke dressea with flounce over trim med auh braid ages one to four years A pretty line ot gingham crosses dr trimmed in fancy pique and braid sizes 4 to 10 yeara at ladies wrappers A nico line of indies percale wrappers good quality blue f and white black nd white and red and white ardea and figures alzea 32 to 44 regular U value iw gloves ac black brown and oxblood ox blood sifea run epsall arid for this reason athla value soc hundreds ot remnants from all departmental at low prices ta ai grade c brol dered ketai WV furj i mk ka fancy |