Show tho united states sold 1 I worth ot abroad last an IncE easo of over tho best previous year the straight and narrow rath Is assuredly not the pike at the from all accounts st fouls exposition ot the place there i on ho of tho and alla gardena are to be maintained hereafter lor purposes of botan and tor the and of rare plants ana bow that filhe etts contention conTent lon nt P roaro acas conduced condu ded tha prova jan quller complains because there acro lotmore not more to their city the via ditore wbk did attend howe ter have but of praise for provo and lb people who entertained them he lack of bli fish edories et ories so far ichla teasha is explained by tho fact that faast of the men who have told taiau ally are engaged in writing various nominating speeches in which they uso their ability to enlarge on the great qualities ol 01 their respective candidates tt Is a certainty that william J ahry n will not be on the committee from the st loula convention tp notify the Democrat lo presidential n of tha action 0 the contention it that nominee be parater or accidentally CleT dand he probably hirer a all and them of some other facts though according to the various press dispatches yesterday secretary long has men in mind who are bis per s onal candidates tor tho alce nomination at chicago it hl memory holda out he will be able to k every republican of political prominence in the united ana now bobbed tip with the humorous humo roua remark that hon jamea moyle will be the demo cratic crat lc tor governor tala fall but that arter all may be possible on thought the always noted lor bringing tor issue |