Show TUB SLOGUM INQUIRY abo inquest in the case of the victims of iho slocum disaster which was scheduled to begin in new joau yesterday marks tho commencement 0 abo closing ot that tragic occurrence while uie department ut commerce and labor haa taken charge of the general investigation and strict ordera davs been issued athe effect that hie inquiry should be direct and sleeping it is hardly probable that more will result from it than the realization that the builders and owners of the excursion steamers in he harbor of new york have been for yeara criminally careless in abo handling of the browda ol 01 people who have sought recreation in tho excursions but lu attaining this result tha investigators hlll the fact that the harbor autho rUlea have been equally fl guilty hr tho carelessness which abey display in inspecting spec ting and passing the craft asod in iho excursion business it IB not probable that any one will be punished tor culpability in the causes which led to the horrifying holocaust but in the end the people ot the country may be aroused to make ofal enforce a demand that caro should be taken in the construction and handling ot excursion steamers such disasters impossible so as to render in the future the safeguards for the future were the only results that were accomplished at the investigation ot the Iro quola disaster in chicago although there were the same indications ot an element of criminality in the cabusca leading up to that tragic event since then however the authorities of all large cities have enforced strict regulations regarding the construction and conduct ot theaters |