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Show l Wm U I llll I I I I II llll I I !! 1 cts.tals i 5-3 cts, ami cotton also! declines three si.x-teenths. Pork!' products are lower, and coffee about, three eights, while tin, cooper f nlt lead are ad stronger. In g::Kral.; the f.ppro.'.ch of a harvest which is expf,. ted m be must bountiful hu-;i its natural cttecton price, ar.d trade is U:t lit-le u.darrasse 1 by specula tive movements. . R. G. DUN, & Co. ij Qj. 111 11 . v iy 1 .ei teii no.v crit.i alicr the close ' ot liw lii a I year, it continues to be i a matter Mirjir.se ami congratu'a t i ; ; n tii at the ir.oney markets and ' t.-aiie Ivtve b'-vi; so vci! su-jtained in! s:.'.i'j oi heavy 0 ;oi t ; of '.old. As has i e.ei t.uc:j.u:i. ;!, the exports do ! not cease. 'J t:oi;r;h the Jhink of j Lm'.aii'l has redticed its rate, indi-j v.t:ti.; i.'.at no fi".i ti:cr emergency is 1 a, p.e; -e:i led there, roid leading fitiautici-i have predicts' I that tht g.-i 1 i.n; Client vvoul-.l cease, the io.;o this v.tck have already been u'.iout i .1,000,000 ;uid from orders thus far it is expected that $2,000, 0)0 moie ;;o cut Saturday. Tise exports ot products ere indeed iar.ei" 10111a year 2.40, with not much JdiciUiCe ia imports, but the exccs of imports was very lar;.re at this time last year. oo;r.e sales of stocks on foreign account also appear, ami it M hardly to be expected that the oitto of gold will ei.tirel) cease until un-til the heavy crop nioveinetit levins. The fear thai the gold out'o would quickly e.vhaust 'lreasiiry reserves is :n.'thy monthly statements which show that, ia spite of exports of $30 000,000 in May, the Treasury cash balance was reduced only ?j, 000,000 though its stock consists more largely large-ly of silver, and it holds in excess of certificates about S3, 000, 000 less gold than May 1. Secretary Poster has called iu the 4j4 per cent, and in interviews with bankers annouu- ced the ability of the Treasury to pay oft the whole of them if desired by holdeis. He also made most positive and reassuring statements regarding his power and determination determina-tion to maintain the parity of gold and silver in use. The New York money market has been easy, rates on call dropping from 33 to 3 per cent., with heavy receipts from the interior. Reports front other cities s!u.v that money is tighter r.t St. Lo ulj, light .t jsashvit.t, firmj at New Orleans and Pittsbur-fh,in hardly hard-ly adequate supply at Cleveland, not s.ririgetit but uilectjd by distrust on account of city finances at Philadelphia, Philadel-phia, firm at Boston, in good demand in Chicago and Milwaukee, but with supply for all legitimate needs, and easy at all other points reporting. Trade is not very active, but almost al-most everywhere hopeful j Failures at L'ostonhave made shoe manufacturers manufact-urers cautious, and they buy sparingly, sparing-ly, but there is a belie: that the worst ts over, and that fall trade will be very active. Hides are easy, dry goods quiet, and wool sales moder ate. '1 he exposures of ofheial and banking misconduct at Philadelphia tend to make business inactive, and 110 life is seen in iron, wool is dull, dunlin some concessions are -made by estem holders, worsted yarn ip nun are less busy and in woolen a n the se.. son has Deen unprofitable .vi il; ia carpets n.a.-gins are utule-inble utule-inble na; row. AtJHartforda Utile improvement is teen in hardware and groceries, but none in drygoods. At HttsLurgh rise in iron is prevent d oy reopening of soute Mahoning u.d Shenauing lumsces and preparations prepar-ations if others; window glass i. far.y rc.lva but Hint dull. At Jievehnd iron it. in more demand, u.v.Ie is gov d ia dry goods, hardware ami gtoceries and dull in shots. Some activity is noted at Cincinnati in clothing, and at Detroit trade is up to last year's in volume, though t e last season has made the wool rajvem.'.iit slower than usual. '1 hroUflioct the 'e;t and South, the fine crop prospects give encour ageineat, almost the only complaint now coming from New Orleans, cf Jrcughtiu the adjoining region. In .he Northw est continuous rains have made the prospect unsurpassed. Chicago reports lartrer receipts oi oats, rye, barley, lard, and but one-third one-third as much of cured meats; with fu, I trade in dry goods, and bright prospects generally. St. Louts notes a fair volume of trade, Milwaukee great improvements from rains, and .St. Paul also, while at Minneapolis die lumber trade is unsurpassed. At Omaha and Denver trade is fair, and at Kansas City dull because of too w et weather. At Louisville the outlook is good, but at Nashville a ueavy dry goods failure causes some depression, and there is no improvement improve-ment at Memphis. New Orleans imports im-ports trade dull, cotton in fair demand, de-mand, sugar active, molasses dull, and rice quiet and lower. At Savannah Savan-nah traiie improves and nt larkson- x j ville is quite steady. In the great industries there i3 a better demand for iron, as yet with out change in prices. Mote orders for structural iron come from the break in the building strikes. Especial Es-pecial caution pppears in the boot and shoe trades, and abuses of credit are being corrected. In dry goods it is ncted that there is no talk of prices, as usual on the eve of a new se;sonin men's wear-goods, and the business in light weights is not what was expected, but the orders for dress goods are far in excess of any previous season. Sales of some cotton goods are recorded at the lowest prices ever made. Wool moves slowly, but yielding at th West gives a tetter prospect. In bread.stulfs the decline continues, and wheat k :i Ms. lower, corn - REVIEW OF TRADE. ; .Vir." KvJ, 5. ..!?, Jur.i 6, iSpr. While the hesitation in business ha-; not ceased,, r.nd activity is hard- |