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Show I) l Wm U llll I llll !! 1 cts.tals i 5-- 3 cts, ami cotton also! declines three s. Pork!' products are lower, and coffee about, three eights, while tin, cooper f nlt lead are ad stronger. In g::Kral.; the f.ppro.'.ch of a harvest which is expf,. ted m be must bountiful hu-;- i its natural cttecton price, ar.d trade is U:t lit-l-e u.darrasse 1 by specula tive movements. R. G. DUN, & Co. ij Qj. 11 v . iy 1 .ei teii no.v crit.i alicr the close ot liw lii a I year, it continues to be a matter Mirjir.se ami congratu'a t i ; ; n tii at the ir.oney markets and Ivtve ; so vci! in! s:.'.i'j oi heavy 0 ;oi t ; of '.old. As has i e.ei t.uc:j.u:i. ;!, the exports do not cease. 'J t:oi;r;h the Jhink of j Lm'.aii'l has redticed its rate, indi-- j v.t:ti.; i.'.at no fi".i ti:cr emergency is a, p.e; e:i led there, roid leading fitiautici-- have predicts' I that tht g.-- i 1 i.n; Client vvoul-.- cease, the io.;o this v.tck have already been u'.iout i .1,000,000 ;uid from orders thus far it is expected that $2,000, 0)0 moie ;;o cut Saturday. Tise exports ot products ere indeed iar.ei" 10111a year 2.40, with not much JdiciUiCe ia imports, but the exccs of imports was very lar;.re at this time last year. oo;r.e sales of stocks on foreign account also appear, ami it M hardly to be expected that the oitto of gold will ei.tirel) cease un-til the heavy crop nioveinetit levins. The fear thai the gold out'o would quickly e.vhaust 'lreasiiry reserves is :n.'thy monthly statements which show that, ia spite of exports of $30 000,000 in May, the Treasury cash balance was reduced only ?j, 000,000 though its stock consists more large-ly of silver, and it holds in excess of certificates about S3, 000, 000 less gold than May 1. Secretary Poster has called iu the 4j4 per cent, and in interviews with bankers annouu- - ced the ability of the Treasury to pay oft the whole of them if desired by holdeis. He also made most positive and reassuring statements regarding his power and determina-tion to maintain the parity of gold and silver in use. The New York money market has been easy, rates on call dropping from 33 to 3 per cent., with heavy receipts from the interior. Reports front other cities s!u.v that money is tighter r.t St. Lo ulj, light .t jsashvit.t, firmj at New Orleans and Pittsbur-fh,i- hard-ly adequate supply at Cleveland, not s.ririgetit but uilectjd by distrust on account of city finances at Philadel-phia, firm at Boston, in good demand in Chicago and Milwaukee, but with supply for all legitimate needs, and easy at all other points reporting. Trade is not very active, but al-most everywhere hopeful j Failures at L'ostonhave made shoe manufact-urers cautious, and they buy sparing-ly, but there is a belie: that the worst ts over, and that fall trade will be very active. Hides are easy, dry goods quiet, and wool sales moder ate. '1 he exposures of ofheial and banking misconduct at Philadelphia tend to make business inactive, and 110 life is seen in iron, wool is dull, dunlin some concessions are made by estem holders, worsted yarn ip nun are less busy and in woolen a n the se.. son has Deen unprofitable .vi il; ia carpets n.a.-gin-s are utule-inbl- e na; row. AtJHartforda Utile improvement is teen in hardware and groceries, but none in drygoods. At HttsLurgh rise in iron is prevent d oy reopening of soute Mahoning u.d Shenauing lumsces and prepar-ations if others; window glass i. far.y rc.lva but Hint dull. At Jievehnd iron it. in more demand, u.v.Ie is gov d ia dry goods, hardware ami gtoceries and dull in shots. Some activity is noted at Cincinnati in clothing, and at Detroit trade is up to last year's in volume, though t e last season has made the wool rajvem.'.iit slower than usual. '1 hroUflioct the 'e;t and South, the fine crop prospects give encour ageineat, almost the only complaint now coming from New Orleans, cf Jrcughtiu the adjoining region. In .he Northw est continuous rains have made the prospect unsurpassed. Chicago reports lartrer receipts oi oats, rye, barley, lard, and but one-thir- d as much of cured meats; with fu, I trade in dry goods, and bright prospects generally. St. Louts notes a fair volume of trade, Milwaukee great improvements from rains, and .St. Paul also, while at Minneapolis die lumber trade is unsurpassed. At Omaha and Denver trade is fair, and at Kansas City dull because of too w et weather. At Louisville the outlook is good, but at Nashville a ueavy dry goods failure causes some depression, and there is no improve-ment at Memphis. New Orleans im-ports trade dull, cotton in fair de-mand, sugar active, molasses dull, and rice quiet and lower. At Savan-nah traiie improves and nt larkson- - x j ville is quite steady. In the great industries there i3 a better demand for iron, as yet with out change in prices. Mote orders for structural iron come from the break in the building strikes. Es-pecial caution pppears in the boot and shoe trades, and abuses of credit are being corrected. In dry goods it is ncted that there is no talk of prices, as usual on the eve of a new se;sonin men's wear-goods- , and the business in light weights is not what was expected, but the orders for dress goods are far in excess of any previous season. Sales of some cotton goods are recorded at the lowest prices ever made. Wool moves slowly, but yielding at th West gives a tetter prospect. In bread.stulfs the decline continues, and wheat k :i Ms. lower, corn - REVIEW OF TRADE. ; .Vir." KvJ, 5. ..!?, Jur.i 6, iSpr. While the hesitation in business ha-- ; not ceased,, r.nd activity is hard- - Spencer ClawsonjCo Wiiolssale Dry Goods Salt Laka City. - - Utah. . Martin C. Kroll, Mt. PLEASANT BAKERY DnaJar lu rhei.-l- , Ca, Ftn, Confeedoi-arv- , Can. d,e. .Ims. Ci.i. T'tcci), E'c. JtyrtsM'L.i (if all kines ii Heir into M.lli llrilt, ill. fUaMll. ;;UCKI.KNS ARNICA SALVK. 1'hi. best s.ilve in WilKl Un Cutj P.ftl rS. S'lItS. CiCl-IS- . Silt R!lUill.j Frvi-- lijics, Tclitr, Ch.'j.peJ Haul L hiU l.ii s, Ci.tiis ai;l .Skm. lh iicn.ons, ami p )iiiv.j!v curwi oi mi pay :e- - qu it'll. It is Kiuiaii;eeii to ; ve ptilic satftf.ictiiii, or ten. Plicr 25 ants per bo. SjM t y II. V. Lau SON, Agricultural Imple-- ! ments. GEO. A.LOWE Salt Lake City Utah. j Agencies in ail the principal cities of San IV-t- County. Accent for and dealer in all kinds of first class agncttll ureal Implements, Shuttlor Farm and Freight Algous. Utickeye Cicvn mowers Buckeye Binders Planet Horse Hoes & Gar-den city clipper plows. Brad-ley A Solid comfort. Sulky Plows. Besell chilled Plowe J. I. CASE THRESHERS. A fine assortment of Bug-gies Ccrriagis & Carts. Ames Steam Engines Lane Saw Mills Leffell Turiube wheels. Black Oil Balsam. Safe, Speedy cfc Reliable Remedy for colic ct Llout. B. K. Bloch& Co. WH0LES1LI LiaUQil CIOiR MlK Salt l ake City Utak. Agati for fabst, Uilwatkca and Export bf. Enterprise House 'MYRA HOLMES CO. 13J Commercial Street, Salt Lake Citj M.' r.vijvni-- nt to atUctrtc Cart, R atfitJ .il! f'ce "f a!in.se!jinti. . Til HVt! .inii it vjMipinatitt ir h ;,ie"v!-.-"- $ vrh l ii iii:.e.t roomi ml ii t c: hi) mo heart f tiia uy. SiRii; ;i I'u.ii .).unii af?r untll Toi. f.o.a litl--Arh- . If si r only Vttnv h.' r.Sily she tou'tt i?ct rr!.f bvj uiny Hali.ird't Suw Liiuniriil, sn ftOulU ble the, dav Ha- read the.-- tt-- lines. !: is a ii.tail tor Head :h and a!! Nciiiallc P.tin. .No pam cms wiiifeunci iuniic inrtuencf It imiovm ilm lire (r m Burn nrS.ld in oi;q n 'it. llwill (.111 I'.Liinmttoi y I'hetiiTiMt ni n, ti - itttic;; applied ut thrj hroat and C'i:cst it ::i e i uTtieth;tte ie!te! ant! inrike n;ch iasici. f;miif caa be wiiao'it it it tliay once know ks '1' it- rrict $0 cei::. Soia by U. p. Latvia. Jiii.'liinfs Stow Liniment Hi ' wontleilul !.inis!rpttis known hum t!ie Atlantic to tilt- IMciftc and from lite Lnkcs liic tnilf. It i tltcm it pcDctr:tting Liniment in the world. It will cure K Sicumrtti m, Newnt! Sprains, llrtisic, Oit, Woftnds, Old Sort'!, Ifurrr, ' Sciaticti, So:tr ') Itroat, Sort- 'lest and ail itifLunaik n, after all othen l ive fiiu. It will cure Haibri! WiiettHs aiiu heal all wrrw nero proud tlc-- h; et in. It is 1 e.flvioiit ff r an.nwils. 1 vy it and wilt not be with-- uul tt. Fri-- 50 ten Li. oi( by ll. r. Lat'ton. HHOLLSJXE ' ie RM.TAIL It. iDruggmts I ' Cot r.er Jlc.ia and nd I. St SALT LAvE CITY, UTAH coughs and distemper. Heal: inn all wounds wire fence cuts burns and scalds etc. No flies will trouble any sore where it is used Excells all other simular preparation Sold at all stores & Druggist Manufactures cfc Sole Propri-etors c W Nun a Yeteruary Pharr.-rc- y 71 Y 1st Soute st Salt Eakc city Utah THE SWT Jh jfcS K it Jl Of Utali. Salt Lake City, Utah. i . Capital, t500,ooo,fully paid up Ileber J. Grant, President. Wm.'U. Preston, vice-Pre- s. llcber M. Weils, Cashier . 1 !Rt:crokS. wscph F.Smith, Cha. S. Bin ion Vm H. Rowe, Nephi V Clayton. Ahr'in. H. Cannon v Flank Y. Tavloi. Spfiu er Clawsou, P. T. Faatiswortli, K!i.s Morris, Kichaid W.Yotm, Iler.iy VV, Woollev. . is nt No. 6. Main S: i It trans ids a General Hankini Bus.- IEFI1' AYIUGS BANS AND TEUST Capttal ?jc,ooo S'.trp'.tu ?4,ooo Geo. C. N'l;ilmote,Prct-- . V. I. Ijrovrn, Vice-Pres- . Jonas H. Frickson, James L Clinton, Director James F. I srshee, L. S. Hills, Jas. H. Peterson,- J Alma lIague,Cashier. GensrM Pankinz B.nirua. I.itr paid 011 Svingi I)poait4i. uoiy oaa ob esuta P.O. thru C, B i'ai tMtitl the C0NKL1N SAMPLING WORKS. Wai pppoiil m. r. K'. 'i iept t. cTiPce Oatin Hous Kiock ire' ScitHrr. ( "rcn-'n- rfully R.imp!d mid .eld M h.ahi Wah; Ut price, Returns made on ij of aale. Cc ainier,l .Iici:cd. AdrifS IHECo;HN SA.unJNG WORKS, P.0.3j.xj Sdt Lake City C.'?-- ' ' - - VALLEY HOUSE Restaurant iMcals at all Hours9 : '.In. A. ?owll. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. In the Uuildiny. formerly the Palac Tlotelt Opposite and oq door north .of Co-op- s Stora, .uncles for Tartits arxi Baaqaeta a Specialty. Cabinet Photos $i;50 Per B6zsn at Nawcomb & Co. 162 Main St, Salt Eake city Satisfaction Guaranteed Ufpesitt Temple- and TateniRcla Salt Lake City. Xext Deer to the Hot Spring 'Mineral Bathllousa. Rates: $i.j5 to i.ots per (tj. Special Rates to Large Parties. fhs Electric 'Cars pn.sa th Door- - ::;;St. Elmo 'Hotels FURNISHED ROOMS- - By the day and or w k at rsason- - ablf li'.ni, A's. 271 la 7) ;Viii Slreel, I SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH , F. Et.MENDor.JT k Co. iTfox 967 frof rittoi ' FIRST NATIONAL BAKK OF NEPHI, UTAH I'ald up Capital $5'Vo Surpuliia J5."t In All Its Eranches Dtn as sijcht i!if;s on th prir.clp C.tis ol the Uniid Statos; !! d f I 111 th chlfcit! of Eun pt: dia la xc!im: and teirl aacuritUs, Collnotlon Pra.aptty Alkaaial Account of merchants, manufatur4, nines and Individuals a liittxl. Directors. j . C. U'hltmoia, Jon H. ErlsWan. L.S Hills, Jms H lynalrs. Ja'.iifa ll. Cliutoa. 4 Officers. ;o. C. Whitm.)i, l'rsiidant, ior.es H. Kiickaon, Vic-rl(1- - Alma Hiu, CMoiila ntss- - ' Il pays 5 per cent' Sav'nj Dspcsi'.s. It cempourds mteitst II fo'icits ihn business of the psop's oi Ui.ih ,v7,--?- vt i m h i 'I ' EP33EAIH HOUSE Mrs. JCittn Dorius, Pr.. Go I and Sampl Room. AfdinZititi - Ehraim ' Oppos't Pi st Cfiioa. t ;vE.."TB3i.;. Mary Knighton's New House-- ' Good Accomodation, Sanipl Rooms, Etc. Martin Qchmidt. galina, - - UtSab Iwchmidt, per chant jailor, ifler chant j ail or, Progress Buldino, Uain Street i SaH Lake City, Utk T O Bo 0. L Eliason, SS . Xtita ft, S.UUIiii4 - - - . F. lXUORTSR AND DEALER I WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY gilverv;ar3 MUSICAL BOXES-OPTICA- GOOD SET Ait cod warroatud rpprewcrcii. aaiai al antioa given to Sae watch npacnn;. !i BOl.K AGENT KOS i i.ONDS PATENT 5 I CLOC KS- - errosrrs rasx-Tic- s A ' at Lombard Investment COMPANY. Room t, r.vt Uih N':it'i!il Bank, . lid Fim Soutk and ilsin tt. o I Salt Lak City : o-- Money to Loan On ImproTd Farms Id th San Pat Valley. Call upon or writ us for particulars. W. H. Daub, Manager M. JENSEN'S Photograpii Gallery. Card t Jx.oo par Aot Victori . i jo Cabinst - .oo First Cttia Woi. Ajfcns for Dr. rewa Mcdlciucs. ktiriko r.i) Uttiiu da coed wheie the Btst medicines an Doctors fail to cute. Main Street,Ephii Ol5 . .'S3. WEST, Dentist. Oidica with Dr. Yf. II Oliten Kphraim City, Utah' Gold Filling; a Cptclalty. All work warrentad. CS.LL Nr;i Git P.tf .t - tf-r-- , v, 1,. ., . s- - .; ! : .O. ... , f io wf '1 s '.- -.: ., ... .. . ' ? c's p' I t 'i ; V t r'-- - '' 1 rr5-- " Vj ; .;- V. '. Ill J ;' ? ' '. ' '' .K Oaieots, anJ T, e:'rt. Uti r. tr.t tir,?Lii 1. .j':..l rcr "..a. 0';r !t "l;n::' ii. J.!-!:- !' "S.'v T.c ri.r. o:.Lrt p.'.t ll, lr. Iit.; i.;;vn r Sr-- W;.ii:iri.i'iii. ftiou n'.oc";1. j.hrto., w!. u. Hon. Wtis.ivicc. ;f j ttiiiial.t ur v.01. ti r' hrt. ' Or.r tvi rot Sri iMtem ! irl '. A. .itrsh'jt, 'lic 10 trt.uht 1'f.l-aii- ,'1 '.! nm f e.!!iu t Mir fiu:. ti!8iy.o q Sown, cit fr. tidrn; rr. i's ....... ''' a r i .: r fv.'si-lsii- 1 at V. ..r;!.., 's.il'cte Co., J to 'O- i- J O: ;'1 ' i .. s:- -t- ' aVaaC. J 8t Mm.. ... :!-- m la (italics, .;.!.. ' JJ - Ife: tared at the i'o.r ( mire at f'ph- - j uia. Utah, t second ra 4, iSyo. Rutin i r: Co. Pubi, .u a i.araim, Utah, - 2 r ; i; ;t;;.;r.) ; . jos. f. 1 i R, CUwson, Peter Sen value, Tr.as. D. 1'. Ma;lno:i, Oie Larson. ' " . M:. - ii.' ..,-- , ... e i. i . ni'i a ' t m i ..e !,':: ;. d. j, Ch.;;. - arc ! .ok';: g ;:o.t ;.ll ti:r, - il t coa ty a:i-- t. pt t. f'O' a 1...-.- ci iiii.-- very '.- 'it ami Cor,, ii..;iotis plied five work ; for the ph. of julv ci played l,y the Tuckctt Candy ...o. The s m i'ro;. Store, The rt'.rt.ititry tM , I .';;:!... ; r.;ii other j.i,t i.Ui-jn- urv Iviiil" n J;iM,ii 1 !:,css. j The work of rc::.;-,.kii:!- the in-- ! iericr of h ; ( 'oiei St re i j .very ncjrl" rr):i:plctcl, wliich will be epprceia'.e ! by the clerks r.::lj customers . :!r. V.YH.y th- :h;;.t. of the R. C V. rj K;hr .ini yes'er-'':!)'- ,. wa-- !'.e .'.(! to leiue.ik that the CMopatiy t- put ;. wile e";ie t:!rc'tt.:!i S.a IV te itt aboat a liionth fro!:i now. i.osr. A parcel containing two childrens coats between Moroni and Lphraim the finder will please leave it at this office or at J. 1'. Olson, E Oktf Olson. this day we sell meat from 5 to i! cts per pound, steak and toast free from bones in one, tvo or three pounds will be 9 to 10 cts. per pound C. Jcnson, Main St. Kphraim. air. Christensen was here in the interest of his Organ, Piano and se'.vinc; machine business uul claim he can do fully as well by people needing such commodities as any other man can. J'l-'e- ! '!'ii!';on r:v:; Pr ecmine !i-- r.:y I .nlin.'.fd wu . n ; Ti ,.i :'. ) ln.l.iv prose cutin;', pr.d Hon. W. R. iheid va here i!efn.!i!:i', in trie case of the people versus iiomas Stevensen. Mr. Frederick Claitenson of Fair view called at the Kw.isilr offic yestonlay and reports every thing favorably in that city excepting two families who are quarantined on ac-count of Dipthcria, As Cverj body knows there are liffcrent kinds of fun Some people enjoy themselves in such a way that uhcr people fail to see any fun in it it all. An example of this kind we had here in Fphraim this past week ,ast Friday evening there was a soci d dance in Peterson's Hall. Peop-,.)l-went there to have a good time md no doubt some got wat they paid for. and more, while' others uight not consider it that way. It seems that while the dar.ee wa: in progress some young fellows feci iiig their oatj and like as not a good iuply of tangle foot go! it into their respective heads that they wai.tefl some fun their own way and in ac-cordance with this determination o)diiU.:ed in such little pleasantries calling one anoth.r names, slapping, :til.ii!(, kkkin.'., ami r.ih-i'- one a.iothcr, ail of which no loulit is real liijo) i,u ot for those rho prefer it that way. Pe.it now wtiHS toe afar m it h iu t'.e shape of ; complai.'-.t- aa arrest, a two dayh-prJin.i.- r a bound over to await t e ution ( f the gran ! j try on a charge of being gttil.y of rnayhe;;i fcr the mo party, a d::.f:-.;ure- ace and a Doctor f ill f ,r the ether party and .n all probability a cost in court ex-pe-st s on the people id the Tcrri-or- y probably not much iess than a ecuple of hundred dollars now that s fun sure enottgh, but don't kl us :ave too much of it. County Locals. Call at J. P. Fraa'aen'i for your Groceries. Tuckett Candy Co., Headquarters ht Fireworks. Call at John Dorius Jr. for your summer supplies, etc. It is mid that the R. G. W. Ry. tat nearly reached Silina. ' John Dorius, Jr.. carries the finest Ut f shoes in the city. There will ba a great many races In Salina on the end. 3rd. and 4th. of July. The greatest vartet. of Five works a the Territory al the Tucket t Candy Company. On account cf sickness Faiiview was prevented from taking part in the Mt. Tleasant Jubilee. Mr. James Clawncn the 1c: e'er he Ephraim band has jv.st r cc;e(' 'an E flat cornet pi ice JTr. j- -. , ... ... Base BallisLa. The Iiao Il;tl I p!a;, ( rs of Ma u Fete & taSuab Vo. Sleet allut.ilesis:it. A Con-test for ChaiMiionshIi Politic Exeitisiff in XorthenU of the County. Manti's Laursls of short duration five games of ball for the Champion-ship. On the 17th. inst. Mt. Pleas-ant Resolutes met the Manti nine with a determination to down them but were heroically def;ated in their purpose, the results of the ,amc iliowtil iS to 5 in favor of Manti. At o o'clock on the iSth. hundred-th e cf pcopl had flocked to the bat tie ground Manti audNephi were the contestants. The Nepht 9 having shown tliem selves a little better tluoi any ottw club of San Pete,- our boys cor.rpire to (Iowa them. A picked 'doe 3 ot the Manti club 3 of Fairvicw and 3 of the resolutesof Mt. Pleasant locked horns with the Nephi nine and leach them thai San Pete Athletes are in vulnerable when they pu. their heads together. Another game this afternoon (the 19th) will conclude th sports, mak ing in all 6 games of ball and two dances, the best of feelincr, prevail, butdispite Manti's imUmited hope and indomitable will this- time she had to give up the laurels. Ncphi was too plucky, a game of 7 innings showed 8 to 5 in favor of Nephi. , The next game Fairvicw was' matched acainst Mt Pleasant the game was one of the most interest ;ng played but Falrview was defeated again, the result showed 5 to 12 in favor of ut. Pleasant and one in nitig due the latter. The Union club of ut. Pleasant was then match edwith Fairvicw, but a st:'rm came up and prevented the playing. A ROUTING TIME. Prof. T. H. Paul, S. A. Kenner. Of Salt Lake and . K. c Manti made the Dcmocr-ii- cf litis place glad on the evening of the n th. inst. J. IL Paul showed the incom-.ist-anc-of a farmer believciv'S in Re-publicanism, lie treated mainly on the tariff and proved ail his as sertions from statistical rcpoits. S. A. Kenner on toe polst ical situation of Utah in his tumorous style. W. K. Reid gave an enthusiastic spefch after which a committee ot permanent organization was fleeter-consistin-of 5 vi.: C. W. Sortn-o- Amasa Aldrich, Abtam Johnson Ceo Christensen and M. O. Rolph. The splendid music of the band gave zest to the occasion. Some are beginning to remark, "I Liberalism Republicanism? it not Why don't they (the Republicans') give us some of their doctrine. A great many would like to hear both ides of the question before sdlying themselves with either. This way Ye Republican stumpers! A RUNAWAY. A serious jtinaway happened o- -: Monday morr.trg last. As James Harlow was hitching up his team to ,'0 to tec f .:ni, one of the horses ot the bridle bit out cf hit mouth, when something staitcd the team to tun, and as the bit was cut of the horses mouth, he could net be stoo red. P.ro. liatiaw held on to the lines for nearly a block, when lie wa: obliged to let go of them. Soon afterwards the tongue fell and the point stuck into the ground, raising the front wheels up in the air, a' 0 die team became loose and instead of going to the farm as was suppos-ed they would, they ran down into town at breaK neck speed, and when they reached the residence of XV. G. ilaker, they ran against a cart oc-cupied by J. Ostlund, of Illsinore, throwing Pro. Ostland out onto the ground and in falling broke his left leg just above the ankle. The un-fortunate man was taken into Pro. Baker's residence. Dr. George Ogilvie was sent for who en me ami ' et the broken - limb, leaving Pro. Ostlunii as comfortable as pesdble. Laitu We understand Pro. OsV lu Lid was taken home to Flsiaore, D. Ogilvie accompany ing him. |