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Show :.') '. ;c;: '.if '.nteiitii il lo ni. '.e a ipiica'a-JU for eiiiio to c-n ii.iiber up. ni the public i li.T,, il Lii.d;. liiiOisi" act ol .-.i.iicii ins 3' ,t. J To 'u''Ka it miv c ii.ctru noiica 19 1 iiet, ny :ve;i liiat imuifdiativ alltr tlie puDhc.tO'.h bi-ia ,l i-.r iiiifn vvfrks n ic-ij'-iiud r.y sai 1 iict.tn. unciriS'Ki.td will make applic libn lo I I.e Hon. Secraloiv ol tne mteiior t lVashlii)(tu I) C f ir u pet aiit to cut and imu-ve pn.e Li S. limber ln-ni : dact of tiie pubi c niilieial lands if H e United S.a e s.'.uated ah at'. F.;bt ndUs La.l nf 1-b'i-view Sanpa c C iiety Utidi leniioiy and bein i;i Tp.i.j. 3.6 ii of S.L.mci rdianles criiicd as loll a. to wit lii4ini::2 at arcck montimani joo yaids E from a ctilaiu Saw null owned bySaid applicant and located in Ihe N folk of Boulgei cauyon thence 4 roth S.thctu e So i..isV. ihai.fc 40 tods N thtnee Hv rc-.'.t linn in uur.. of lVsj:r.h'.;r Coi- i". .'. -. ' ": .' p-:j i ' 1 ' u |