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Show WASHINGTON LET! ICR. From our rej ilar C-irrespoiidcii. Wasniii.toii, Jane 15, iSgt. Representative Hayes, of Iowa, who is a wide-a wake deiiioci.il. slopped l.i'i enough to leave some good nes t 1 llis p. my friends. He says ih it I va can confidentially lie counted in liie tlemocratic column for Of the thud parly, he said; "They could have rl. ne sometime; if they h. id shown :n ut judgment, but thev met there in Cmcin nati and tried lo make a party th.it could stand on eveiys m of crank theory that was proposed. They meicly ki;,sed each other and let the cranks run the convention. 1 do not believ -j they can orijauize now so as to have any influence influ-ence on the elections in I wa;eit!ier Uiis fall or in "yj" Beini; asked wlio the republicans re-publicans would nominate for President All. Hayes replied "Hatrison." 1 think he is the only man mentioned who think there is enough, in the nomination to make it worth fighting lor.and the party has got to take him. if lilaine wanted the iioiiMiiation all that Harrison or anybody any-body else could do would not prevent his liettint: it, but Blaine understands the present condition of the republican party so well that he doesn't want the u.'ininatioi'. "Ttifte jro'tis; to he some in;;Jr', lively dem.-crai:.: music rU w ii st," said 'a close bkmd of Senator lior.n-oi to d ly. "1! a ce; t.iiu I.r 3 oi men u:w ilte ttyllii; to Clu'Otle the li' Ni c oh:;.; . ol the (ieiil. Ci.iliC paii, a. ij v. no nev.-i V hed tl SU.ll.o,! d ;:n.:i.1lic ticket m their l.ves, do rot let cp in i.iefr n.idvr ll.UldcJ llHld-iiiloWll..; t .'iii.l ll l.a-.'l- man. His mends nave stood ,1 aii as loiijj as tney intend t.., and as t.icv know wheie it all conn s li iui tney w.ii know wheie and how to nit back " The lixainmeis 111 the i'utei.t Oliice, who have made a practice ol ujecuti nianv apphcasious loi patents that snuiild have been gt.mted, 111 order to liiee i . tlie inventors lor an attorneys' lee a liltie later uu, when they shall hav : ac cumulated a suilicieut number i t tiitse unjustly lejected cases to juslily Ihcui in resiiiiin and goiin into business as latent attorneys, and liie Kx-kxam tiers who aie made up aim be'it.ieiy 1.1 tne iuventoiswh .se application luey iia i justly reiected when Examiners, are in a state ol mind over a inline d Hon. C'.ias I' Mitchell, Commissioner of i' cents which piolu'ohs the appeaiance bcl.ue hat oih.ee of i i ex-employe as anoint" tor agent in any case upon winch ue had passed while an employ, ineir bit e game, wnich had gruu tuimt in uiiuroih abuse, is ended, and the inventors i,l the country now have leasoii to hope lhat their applications will in the lirsi place be honestly dealt wiin. as they will be if Idr. Mitchell's new and excellent rule shall he as stiicily enforced by hii suc-ee suc-ee sors as by him. Kepieseutaiwe Mills will remain in Washington the tfiealer portion ..I. the summer, eiuaed in liieraiy wink He is not doiim any talking for publication of political subject,', and lliuiks mat the numerous lake interview's wuli him that have leceutly appeared in piomuieut newspapets, are a pal t of a plan to 111-juie 111-juie his prosnecis 01 tieni elecied Speaker Speak-er of tne House by making him ap,;eir ridiculous, lie wisnes his liiends to know tliat any iuteiview purporting to give his opinions oil the fitness of any candidate, either for the Speakersh'p m for the Presidency is eniiiely spun.ju.as lie hag expressed no such opinions, Col. vV. W Dudley says lhatanti Har-lison Har-lison republicans niadu fools ol Ihemsel ves by holding their recent conference nt Indianapolis, . nd lhat the conference ; amounted to nottiiut; axcept an atieni,jl ol Greslnm's liiemls to brum ' 0111 as a candidate. This is taken here to mean that Col Dudley w.ll support Harrnu.us had been rumored a short time a;;o, Senator Quay, who wa bete a lew days ago toid Ins frieudslhat he would not lemain at U1.1 head the icpu'd can committee during the comin,; cam-1 paign, but whether he really iuleudi lo , retire or is bluftiu-j is a mutter of doubt. Much u.;ly talk connecting various members ot the admin- trat on with coin pl.city in tire crooked Philadelphia l.ai k failu es, h. s been indulged in here during dur-ing the last few days, bin the oniy timi definite is that AssiS'aut Secietaivol tne Treas.uv Nittletoii acknowledges 1n.1t be is endorser upon some n hes, auiojot not stated, held by one ol inese banks. It looks Ai tlioujjli lixaniuier Dre.v was to be made the scape-goat. The following is the peisonnal of the private land chums conn: Chief Justice, j. M. Reed, of Iowa Associate Jusmes, W H Stone of Coloiad.; H C Sluss, 01 Kansas; T C Fuller" of North Carolina, and W W Murray, tf Tennessee. Two id tliese are democrats. |