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Show Spencer ClawsonjCo Wiiolssale Dry Goods Salt Laka City. - - Utah. . Martin C. Kroll, Mt. PLEASANT BAKERY DnaJar lu rhei.-l, Ca, Ftn, Confeedoi-arv, Can. d,e. .Ims. Ci.i. T'tcci), E'c. JtyrtsM'L.i (if all kines ii Heir into M.lli llrilt, ill. fUaMll. ;;UCKI.KNS ARNICA SALVK. I 1'hi. best s.ilve in WilKl Un Cutj I P.ftl rS. S'lItS. CiCl-IS. Silt R!lUill.j Frvi-i lijics, Tclitr, Ch.'j.peJ Haul L hiU l.ii s, Ci.tiis ai;l .Skm. lh iicn.ons, ami p )iiiv.j!v curwi oi mi pay :e- qu it'll. It is Kiuiaii;eeii to ; ve ptilic satftf.ictiiii, or m-in:y ten. Plicr 25 ants per bo. SjM t y II. V. Lau SON, Agricultural Imple-! ments. GEO. A.LOWE Salt Lake City Utah. j Agencies in ail the principal cities of San IV-te County. Accent for and dealer in all kinds of first class agncttll ureal Implements, Shuttlor Farm and Freight Algous. Utickeye Cicvn mowers Buckeye Binders Planet Horse Hoes & Garden Gar-den city clipper plows. Bradley Brad-ley A Solid comfort. Sulky Plows. Besell chilled Plowe J. I. CASE THRESHERS. A fine assortment of Buggies Bug-gies Ccrriagis & Carts. Ames Steam Engines Lane Saw Mills Leffell Turiube wheels. Black Oil Balsam. Safe, Speedy cfc Reliable Remedy for colic ct Llout. B. K. Bloch& Co. WH0LES1LI LiaUQil CIOiR MlK Salt l ake City Utak. Agati for fabst, Uilwatkca and Export bf. Enterprise House 'MYRA HOLMES CO. 13J Commercial Street, Salt Lake Citj M.' r.vijvni-nt to atUctrtc Cart, R atfitJ .il! f'ce "f a!in.se!jinti. . . Til HVt! .inii it vjMipinatitt ir h , ;,ie"v!-.-"U $ vrh l ii iii:.e.t roomi ml ii t -c: hi) mo heart f tiia uy. SiRii; ;i I'u.ii .).unii af?r untll Toi. f.o.a litl--Arh. ! If si r only Vttnv h.' r.Sily she tou'tt i?ct rr!.f bvj 1 uiny Hali.ird't Suw Liiuniriil, sn ftOulU ble the, dav Ha- read the.-: tt-v lines. !: is a ii.tail li-metlyl tor Head :h and a!! Nciiiallc P.tin. .No pam cms wiiifeunci iuniic inrtuencf . It imiovm ilm lire (r m Burn nrS.ld in oi;q n 'it. llwill (.111 I'.Liinmttoi y I'hetiiTiMt ni n, ti .- itttic;; applied ut thrj 1 hroat and C 'i:cst it ::i e i uTtieth;tte ie!te! ant! inrike iMt-athmg n;ch iasici. f;miif caa be wiiao'it it it tliay once know ks v.-ilaa. '1' it- rrict $0 cei::. Soia by U. p. Latvia. Jiii.'liinfs Stow Liniment Hi ' wontleilul !.inis!rpttis known hum t!ie Atlantic to tilt- IMciftc and from lite Lnkcs - liic tnilf. It i tltcm it pcDctr:tting Liniment in the world. It will cure K Sicumrtti m, Newnt! Sprains, llrtisic, Oit, Woftnds, Old Sort'!, Ifurrr, ' Sciaticti, So:tr ') Itroat, Sort- 'lest and ail itifLunaik n, after all othen l ive fiiu. It will cure Haibri! WiiettHs aiiu heal all wrrw nero proud tlc-h h; et in. It is t-jtially 1 e.flvioiit ff r an.nwils. 1 vy it and wilt not be with-1 with-1 uul tt. Fri-e 50 ten Li. oi( by ll. r. Lat'ton. HHOLLSJXE ' ie RM.TAIL " ' It. iDruggmts I ' Cot r.er Jlc.ia and nd I. St SALT LAvE CITY, UTAH coughs and distemper. Heal: inn all wounds wire fence cuts burns and scalds etc. No flies will trouble any sore where it is used Excells all other simular preparation Sold at all stores & Druggist Manufactures cfc Sole Proprietors Propri-etors c W Nun a Yeteruary Pharr.-rcy 71 Y 1st Soute st Salt Eakc city Utah THE SWT Jh jfcS K it Jl Of Utali. Salt Lake City, Utah. i . I Capital, t500,ooo,fully paid up Ileber J. Grant, President. Wm.'U. Preston, vice-Pres. llcber M. Weils, Cashier . . 1 !Rt:crokS. wscph F.Smith, Cha. S. Bin ion Vm H. Rowe, , Nephi V Clayton. Ahr'in. H. Cannon v Flank Y. Tavloi. Spfiu er Clawsou, P. T. Faatiswortli, K!i.s Morris, Kichaid W.Yotm, Iler.iy VV, Woollev. . Its-location is nt No. 6. Main S: i . It trans ids a General Hankini Bus.- IEFI1' AYIUGS BANS AND TEUST Capttal ?jc,ooo 1 S'.trp'.tu ?4,ooo Geo. C. N'l;ilmote,Prct-. V. I. Ijrovrn, Vice-Pres. Jonas H. Frickson, James L Clinton, Director James F. I srshee, -L. S. Hills, 1 Jas. H. Peterson,- J Alma lIague,Cashier. GensrM Pankinz B.nirua. I.itr paid 011 Svingi I)poait4i. uoiy oaa ob esuta P.O. thru . C, B i'ai tMtitl the C0NKL1N SAMPLING WORKS. Wai pppoiil m. r. K'. 'i iept t. cTiPce Oatin Hous Kiock ire' ScitHrr. ( "rcn-'ni rfully R.imp!d mid .eld M h.ahi Wah; Ut price, Returns made on ij of aale. Cc ainier,l .Iici:cd. AdrifS IHECo;HN SA.unJNG WORKS, P.0.3j.xj Sdt Lake City C.'?-' ' ' - - VALLEY HOUSE Restaurant iMcals at all Hours9 : '.In. A. ?owll. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. In the Uuildiny. formerly the Palac Tlotelt Opposite and oq door north .of Co-ops Stora, .uncles for Tartits arxi Baaqaeta a Specialty. Cabinet Photos $i;50 Per B6zsn at Nawcomb & Co. 162 Main St, Salt Eake city Satisfaction Guaranteed Ufpesitt Temple- and TateniRcla Salt Lake City. Xext Deer to the Hot Spring 'Mineral Bathllousa. Rates: $i.j5 to i.ots per (tj. Special Rates to Large Parties. fhs Electric 'Cars pn.sa th Door- ::;;St. Elmo 'Hotels FURNISHED ROOMS- By the day and or w k at rsason- ablf li'.ni, A's. 271 la 7) ;Viii Slreel, I SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH , F. Et.MENDor.JT k Co. iTfox 967 frof rittoi ' FIRST NATIONAL BAKK OF NEPHI, UTAH I'ald up Capital $5'Vo Surpuliia J5."t In All Its E ranches Dtn as sijcht i!if;s on th prir.clp C.tis ol the Uniid Statos; !! d 1 f I 111 th chlfcit! of Eun pt: dia la -xc!im: and teirl aacuritUs, Collnotlon Pra.aptty Alkaaial Account of merchants, manufatur4, nines and Individuals a liittxl. Directors. j . C. U'hltmoia, Jon H. ErlsWan. L.S Hills, Jms H lynalrs. . Ja'.iifa ll. Cliutoa. 4 Officers. ;o. C. Whitm.)i, l'rsiidant, ior.es H. Kiickaon, Vic-rl(1oi - Alma Hiu, CMoiila ntss- ' Il pays 5 per cent' Sav'nj -Dspcsi'.s. It cempourds mteitst q-.ia:tti!y. II fo'icits ihn business of the psop's oi Ui.ih . v-viii ,v7,--?, vt i m h i 'I ' EP33EAIH HOUSE Mrs. JCittn Dorius, Pr.. Go I i-commodit;ons and Sampl Room. AfdinZititi - Ehraim ' Oppos't Pi st Cfiioa. t ;vE.."TB3i.;. Mary Knighton's New House- ' Good Accomodation, Sanipl Rooms, Etc. galina, - - UtSab Martin Qchmidt. artin Iwchmidt, per chant jailor, ifler chant j ail or, Progress Buldino, Uain Street i SaH Lake City, Utk T O Bo 0. L Eliason, SS . Xtita ft, S.UUIiii4 - - - -. -F. lXUORTSR AND DEALER I WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY gilverv;ar3 MUSICAL BOXES-OPTICAL GOOD SET Ait cod warroatud rpprewcrcii. aaiai al antioa given to Sae watch npacnn;. !i BOl.K AGENT KOS i i.ONDS PATENT 5 ELF-WINDIN I CLOC KS- 1 1 errosrrs rasx-Tics A ' -at Lombard Investment COMPANY. Room t, r.vt Uih N':it'i!il Bank, . lid Fim Soutk and ilsin tt. o I Salt Lak City : o- Money to Loan On ImproTd Farms Id th San Pat Valley. Call upon or writ us for particulars. W. H. Daub, Manager M. JENSEN'S Photograpii Gallery. Card -t Jx.oo par Aot Victori . i jo Cabinst - .oo First Cttia Woi. Ajfcns for Dr. rewa Mcdlciucs. ktiriko Ole-Oiii.MRif-Vijjcri r.i) Uttiiu da coed wheie the Btst medicines an Doctors fail to cute. Main Street,Ephii Ol5 . .'S3. WEST, Dentist. Oidica with Dr. Yf. II Oliten Kphraim City, Utah' Gold Filling; a Cptclalty. All work warrentad. CS.LL Nr;i Git P.tf .t - tf-r-A, , --r7 j--, v, 1,. - ., , , . s- .; ! : .O. ... , I f io wf '1 s '.-.: ., ... .. . i ' ? c's p' I t 'i ; V t r'-h - '' 1 rr5-" Vj " ; .;- V. '. : Ill J I-'. ;' . 1 ? ' '. 1-. ' . - - '' .K Oaieots, anJ T, .'i-vrw, e:'rt. Uti r. tr.t tir,?Lii 1. .j':..l rcr S-c'c,.. "..a. 0';r 0-,.!-a !t "l;n::' ii. J.!-!:!' "S.'v T.c ri.r. o:.Lrt p.'.t ll, lr. Iit.; i.;;vn l.:-.a. r m-;? Sr-m W;.ii:iri.i'iii. ftiou n'.oc";1. .-vlujf j.hrto., w!. ''i-.-.,';. u. Hon. Wtis.ivicc. ;f j ttiiiial.t ur v.01. ti r' hrt. ' -Or.r tvi rot Sri iMtem ! irl '. A. .itrsh'jt, 'lic 10 trt.uht 1'f.l-aii,'1 '.! nm f jc-f.tal e.!!iu t Mir fiu:. ti!8iy.o q Sown, cit fr. tidrn |