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Show ' ' " . . M:. : i- ii.' ..,-, ... . e . i. 1 i . ni'i a ' t m i , i ..e 1 !,':: ;. d. j, Ch.;;. - arc ! -.ok';: g ;:o.t ;.ll ti:r, -- ; il t coa ty a:i-l t. pt :-e t. f'O' a 1...-.. ;-:a:it.'.y ci iiii.-; very '.- 'it ami Cor,, ii..;iotis plied five work ; for the -ph. of julv ci played l,y the Tuckctt Candy ...o. The .'i-ls m i'ro;. Store, The rt'.rt.ititry tM i'..!i-'..:tCiU, I .';;:!... ; ii-.-p r.;ii other j.i,t i.Ui-jns urv Iviiil" n J;iM,ii 1 !:,css. j The work of rc::.;-,.kii:!g the in-! iericr of h ; l-'airvio'.v ( 'oiei St re i ; j .very ncjrl" rr):i:plctcl, wliich will ! be epprceia'.e ! by the clerks r.::lj customers ai-i.e. :!r. V.YH.y th- :h;;.t. of the R. C V. vv'.-.t-n v;-ithrj K;hr .ini yes'er-'':!)',. yes'er-'':!)',. wa-i !'.e .'.(! to leiue.ik that the CMopatiy p.-opo.u:.l t- put ;. wile e";ie t:!rc'tt.:!i S.a IV te itt aboat a liionth fro!:i now. i.osr. A parcel containing two childrens coats between Moroni and Lphraim the finder will please leave it at this office or at J. 1'. Olson, E h-raim, h-raim, Oktf Olson. l-'ron'. this day we sell meat from 5 to i! cts per pound, steak and toast free from bones in one, tvo or three pounds will be 9 to 10 cts. per pound C. Jcnson, Main St. Kphraim. air. Christensen was here in the interest of his Organ, Piano and se'.vinc; machine business uul claim he can do fully as well by people needing such commodities as any other man can. J'l-'ee ! '!'ii!';on r:v:; Pr ecmine !i-r r.:y I .nlin.'.fd i-liichson wu . n ; o-.'a Ti ,.i rs-lay :'. ) ln.l.iv prose cutin;', pr.d Hon. W. R. iheid va here i!efn.!i!:i', in trie case of the people versus 1 iiomas Stevensen. Mr. Frederick Claitenson of Fair view called at the Kw.isilr offic yestonlay and reports every thing favorably in that city excepting two families who are quarantined on account ac-count of Dipthcria, As Cverj body knows there are liffcrent kinds of fun Some people enjoy themselves in such a way that uhcr people fail to see any fun in it it all. An example of this kind we had here in Fphraim this past week ,ast Friday evening there was a soci d dance in Peterson's Hall. Peop-,.)le Peop-,.)le went there to have a good time md no doubt some got wat they paid for. and more, while' others uight not consider it that way. It seems that while the dar.ee wa: in progress some young fellows feci iiig their oatj and like as not a good iuply of tangle foot go! it into their respective heads that they wai.tefl some fun their own way and in accordance ac-cordance with this determination o)diiU.:ed in such little pleasantries calling one anoth.r names, slapping, :til.ii!(, kkkin.'., L-cratchiiig ami r.ih-i', one a.iothcr, ail of which no loulit is real liijo) i,u ot for those rho prefer it that way. Pe.it now wtiHS toe afar m it h iu t'.e shape of ; complai.'-.t. aa arrest, a two dayh-prJin.i.v dayh-prJin.i.v r a bound over to await t e ution ( f the gran ! j try on a charge of being gttil.y of rnayhe;;i fcr the mo party, a d::.f:-.;ured ace and a Doctor f ill f ,r the ether party and .n all probability a cost in court ex-per. ex-per. st s on the people id the Tcrri-ory Tcrri-ory probably not much iess than a ecuple of hundred dollars now that s fun sure enottgh, but don't kl us :ave too much of it. County Locals. Call at J. P. Fraa'aen'i for your Groceries. Tuckett Candy Co., Headquarters ht Fireworks. Call at John Dorius Jr. for your summer supplies, etc. It is mid that the R. G. W. Ry. tat nearly reached Silina. ' John Dorius, Jr.. carries the finest Ut f shoes in the city. There will ba a great many races In Salina on the end. 3rd. and 4th. of July. The greatest vartet. of Five works a the Territory al the Tucket t Candy Company. On account cf sickness Faiiview was prevented from taking part in the Mt. Tleasant Jubilee. Mr. James Clawncn the 1c: e'er he Ephraim band has jv.st r cc;e(' 'an E flat cornet pi ice JTr. j-. , ... ... .. |